"You put " + object.article + " on." "You can't wear " + object.article + "." "You are already wearing " + object.article + "." "You cannot wear that over " + object.display + "." "You cannot wear that while wearing " + object.display + "." "You take " + object.article + " off." "You can't remove " + object.article + "." "You can't remove that while wearing "+object.display+"." wear put on remove take off return (ScopeInventory()) return (ScopeInventory()) false true 2 [Wear];[Remove] _ObjectEditor Wearable editor_room; defaultplayer title Wearable dropdowntypes Can be worn? *=Cannot be worn; wearable=Can be worn 150 wearable checkbox removeable Removeable? wearable number Wear Layer wear_layer wearable Wear Slot list wear_slots Please enter the name for the wear location wearable label If two objects have the same wear location, they will not be able to be worn at a same time. Any number items without wear locations can be worn. wearable textbox wearmsg Message to print when wearing (leave blank for default) wearable textbox removemsg Message to print when removing or trying to remove (leave blank for default) wearable title After Wearing wearable After wearing the object multi onafterwear null=None; string=Text; script=Run script string=textbox wearable title After Removing wearable After removing the object multi onafterremove null=None; string=Text; script=Run script string=textbox