0be5c6ce-c7a0-43fb-836c-6ce248a2ef4d 1.0 0 if (GetBoolean(philippa, "following")) { philippa.parent = player.parent msg ("Philippa follows you.") } Conversation Testing Room Talk to Philippa. Some topics disappear after you use them, some do not. When you go to the other room, a topic specific to that room will be available to her. Her topics about the key and lock depend on what you have done so far. Whatever topic you pick first, you will get a greeting added to it.") msg ("") ]]> do (break_teapot, "script") msg ("'Hi,' you say to Philippa.") msg ("'Hi yourself.'") Where's the key 'Sure, you need to look in the bedroom.']]> philippa_key_again Key false 'Have you tried looking in the bedroom yet?']]> Lock false msg ("'Hi again,' you say to Philippa, 'I've got that key. Now I just need to find the lock.'") msg ("'Good luck with that!'") Broken teapot msg ("'You better clear up that mess.'") Follow me msg ("'Follow me!'") msg ("'Well... okay then.'") philippa.following = true Go out with me false msg ("'Will you go out with me?'") msg ("'No!'") do (philippa_key, "hide") do (philippa_key_again, "hide") do (philippa_got_key, "show") break teapot break break "You can't break " + object.article + "." Nice room msg ("'This is a nice room,' you say to Philippa.") msg ("'It's just like the other one!'")