0 10 Look at Drop Fill Drink from Empty if (this.full = this.capacity) { msg ("It is already full.") } else if (not GetBoolean(game.pov.parent, "watersource")) { msg ("Nothing to fill it with here.") } else { if (this.full > 0 and not this.liquidtype = game.pov.parent.liquidtype) { MixLiquid(this, game.pov.parent.liquidtype) } else { msg ("You fill it with " + game.pov.parent.liquidtype + ".") this.liquidtype = game.pov.parent.liquidtype } this.full = this.capacity } if (this.full = 0) { msg ("It is already empty.") } else if (HasScript(game.pov.parent, "handle_emptying")) { game.pov.parent.emptiedliquidtype = this.liquidtype this.full = 0 do(game.pov.parent, "handle_emptying") } else { msg ("You empty it.") this.full = 0 } do (this, "drinkfrom") if (this.full = 0) { msg ("It is empty.") } else { DrinkLiquid(this.liquidtype) this.full = this.full - 1 } msg ("You fill it with " + game.pov.parent.liquidtype + ".") container.liquidtype = liquidtype msg ("You take a drink from it.") fill fill "You can't fill " + object.article + "." empty empty "You can't empty " + object.article + "." drinkfrom drink from "You can't drink from " + object.article + "." _ObjectEditor Liquids dropdowntypes Type *=None; liquidcontainer=Container 150 editor_object number Maximum capacity capacity 100 liquidcontainer 0 number Starting volume full 100 liquidcontainer 0 textbox Name of starting liquid liquidtype liquidcontainer checkbox Source of liquid here watersource editor_room textbox Name of liquid liquidtype editor_room script Run this script when a container is emptied (the "emptiedliquidtype" attribute of the room will be set) handle_emptying editor_room