Hosting my own quest games playable via browser on my website

I want to be able to host quest text adventures playable via browser on my own website, just like they're playable on this here creator's website. Is it possible? I'll install anything it requires.
Or is this option exclusive to

You can't really 'host' them on your own website, but the next best thing is to host them here, then launch the game and grab the URL to use as a link on your own website. When the player clicks the 'PLAY' link, it will launch the game in the browser and no one will really notice it's not being launched from your own website.

This is what I do here on my blog.

Pertex is currently looking into hosting games from personal websites. But he'll need more time.


Pertex is currently looking into hosting games from personal websites. But he'll need more time.

That's not completely correct. I am hoping to get a tuorial from Alex how to do it.

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