testing postMessage and DevMode.

I am experimenting with postMessage, and it requires a

Receiving iframe.
    window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
      alert(`Received ${event.data} from ${event.origin}`);

just javasript
window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
  if (event.origin != 'http://javascript.info') {
    // something from an unknown domain, let's ignore it

  alert( "received: " + event.data );

I understand what the code is doing, I just can't see anything about how it is being compiled. I don't know what the compiler is throwing out as an error and doesn't like about the code.

any info on how to get this to work?

I tried DevMode just to see what it provides:.
DevMode: Active

Verbs assigned.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetFileData("DevMode/tabulator.css")': The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.


This explanation makes it seem like it is just a tool I can setup to check that I have created everything inside Quest, but won't pass me any errors in the javascript.

This is going to be an interesting process. If I could see error messages relating to what I writing, then I could learn why they don't work and make necessary changes by researching the errors that were thrown.

Any ideas about how I can overcome that obstacle?

Finally found out how to use the debug console built into Chrome to see what is going on inside the web server's code compiler.

Now I can cook with some gas and you guys won't have to babysit me through this process.

Thanks again. I will have more specific questions now that I am not blind anymore



When updating Quest on the server to Quest 5.8 we ran into problems and the only solution was to break DevMode (it was trying to load files from a location that looked like it should exist, but could not use for some reason, and working fine during beta-testing). I am hoping SoonGames, who created DevMode, will be able to fix it one day, but he has not had a chance to look so far. I think it is only the debugging windows that is affected. That may or may not be the source of your issue.

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