Delay between text


I'm using the web version of Quest, and would like to make a sequence where an action will result in a set exchange of dialogue between the player and a character. For sake of argument, let's imagine it will be something like:

Player: "Hi"
Character: "Hi"
Player: "How are you?"
Character: "I'm fine"


Instead of the whole thing being printed as a block when the sequence is triggered, is there a way to put a few seconds delay between each printed output?


Providing this is all automated and isn't actually inputed by the player, then:

Set the room to Run script then Add new script. Towards the bottom of the list of scripts that pop up you'll find one that says Run script after a number of seconds.

Just put one of these with the desired delay between each printed message.

or, if you don't need/want specific timed seconds, you can just use the 'wait' (GUI/Editor's 'add new script' script options: 'wait for key press' Script) Function/Script, which requires the person playing to hit a keyboard key or click the mouse button on the blue 'continue' hyperlink, before continuing on, which allows you to break up the text, and giving control to the person playing the game on how long before the actions (or next text block/segment) continue/happens.

example in code:

msg ("blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah")
wait { // pauses action, requires a keyboard key press or mouse click on the blue 'continue' hyperlink, to continue (you do NOT see the 'blah2s' until you press a keyboard key or click the mouse button on the blue 'continue' hyperlink)
  msg ("blah2 blah2 blah2 blah2 blah2 blah2 blah2 blah2 blah2")
  wait { // pauses action, requires a keyboard key press or mouse click on the blue 'continue' hyperlink, to continue (you do NOT see the 'blah3s' until you press a keyboard key or click the mouse button on the blue 'continue' hyperlink)
    msg ("blah3 blah3 blah3 blah3 blah3 blah3 blah3 blah3 blah3")

Thanks guys!

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