Ask/Tell command not working in Q5.8

Hi, I'm new and I started using TAQ just recently.

I'm using the Build 5.8.6836.13995 and I'm using ES(espanol.aslx) library as language.

I've set On the option of Ask/Tell on the game settings, but still the commands ask("preguntar a"; etc) and tell ("decir a"; etc) aren't working, sending back an "UnrecognisedCommand" error.

Any ideas?

What's the exact command you are typing? If you're getting "Unrecognised Command", it could be that there's something wrong with the pattern.

From the language file, it looks like the 'ask' command should be any one of:

  • pregunta aname of an objectsobreany text
  • pregunta aname of an objectporany text
  • pregunta aname of an objectacerca deany text
  • pregunte aname of an objectsobreany text
  • pregunte aname of an objectporany text
  • pregunte aname of an objectacerca deany text
  • preguntar aname of an objectsobreany text
  • preguntar aname of an objectporany text
  • preguntar aname of an objectacerca deany text
  • preguntarle aname of an objectsobreany text
  • preguntarle aname of an objectporany text
  • preguntarle aname of an objectsobreany text
  • preguntale aname of an objectporany text
  • preguntale aname of an objectacerca deany text
  • preguntale aname of an objectacerca deany text
  • pregúntale aname of an objectsobreany text
  • pregúntale aname of an objectporany text
  • pregúntale aname of an objectacerca deany text

While the 'tell' command would be one of:

  • hablaobject namesobre text
  • hableobject namesobre text
  • hablaleobject namesobre text
  • hableleobject namesobre text

Thank you.

I noticed that in the code of the language template file were missing some "|" to separate the commands.

I won't mind to upload an alternative lang_es.aslx for a more neutral spanish with the code fixed, but those are the only errors I found at the moment. I guess the staff will solve it or that anyone with the same problems will be able to fix those errors by looking at the code.

[double post, sorry]

I completely missed that.

It would probably be easier to read if that pattern were ^(pregunta|pregunte|preguntar|preguntarle|preguntale|pregúntale) a (?<object>.*?) (sobre|por|acerca de) (?<text>.*)$, to avoid repeating the parts that are the same in all of them.

Or maybe ^preg[uú]nt(a|e|ar|arle|ale) a (?<object>.*?) (sobre|por|acerca de) (?<text>.*)$ (though that matches a few more variations that might not be real words)

or even ^preg[uú]nt[arle]* a (?<object>.*?) (sobre|por|acerca de) (?<text>.*)$ (which will match a whole bunch of non-words too; but I think players are unlikely to notice unless they type those

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