Custom Exit Alias and Object Categories.

Hey all, thanks for taking the time.

  1. Using the offline client. I am struggling to set a custom exit alias, it says in the basic help page it is possible but I seem unable to do so without the alias I type in the box reverting to being blank the moment I leave the exit tab. Pressing enter when you type it or not pressing enter doesn't seem to have an effect. I see no option to add in custom alias's so I am stumped.

I need an alias where players type begin to enter a game room from the intro page I have them starting on. Something really simple if possible.

  1. How do I add a basic category to contain things neat and tidy?

When I try to setup an object as a category, say 'house category' and another category for example 'factory category', to contain all the rooms for those areas neat and tidy, if the player starts in for example living room, inside the house object, when I run the game they start inside the house category object instead. For some reason they start inside the wrapper or folder object i've setup to contain all the rooms, not the sub room inside of it. I don't want people seeing the house object, I just want that as a category to keep all the rooms tidy in the editor. I've read a couple of threads on this but I am not sure they directly relate, turning it invisible etc doesn't seem to help.




I'll have to re-read 2 to understand what you're trying to do. (I'm not all the way awake yet...)

If I'm understanding:

  • You have the player object inside the house object in the code
  • The player is started off in a room that is not the house object?

With regards the second question, make sure the 'player' object is in the 'living room' as per your example, and not in the 'house' object category.


With regards the second question, make sure the 'player' object is in the 'living room' as per your example, and not in the 'house' object category.

Wise words.


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