Tracking time differently

I want to make a time system where there will be 4 times in a day (Morning, Afternoon, Night, Midnight) and want to track which day it is too (Don't want to track month). I don't want to have time progress automatically, I want the time and/or day to progress if either the player sleeps, or if they encounter an event that changes the time and/or accordingly. I did try to make one using 2 attributes, one tracking the time of day while the other tracks the day as a whole, but I didn't know how to link both of them together. I have seen the clock library, but don't know how to use it or don't really want to use it.

I have been asking a lot of questions here, I'm just getting hooked onto quest that's all.

I'd suggest having an attribute game.time that tracks the current time as a single number. 0 could be morning day 1, 1 would be afternoon day 1, 3 would be midnight, and 4 would be the morning of day 2. Then any command or event that involves time passing can do game.time = game.time + 1 or similar.

You can access the separate parts using a changescript. For example, create a script attribute game.changedtime (this will run automatically whenever a script changes game.time). You could have it do something like: = game.time / 4 + 1
game.timeofday = ListItem (Split ("morning;afternoon;night;midnight"), game.time % 4)

This means that game.timeofday and will change automatically when game.time is changed; so you can look at those whenever a script needs to know what time it is.

Oh, if you want day of week, you could add:

game.weekday = ListItem (Split ("mon;tue;wed;thur;fri;sat;sun"), % 7)

How would I display this time?

Same way you display any attribute. You can include it in messages, or add day, weekday and/or timeofday to the game's statusattributes.

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