Big Error

So I can click around in my room just fine, but when I leave and try to return to this particular room and no other, this happens:

Error running script: Error evaluating expression '(not GetBoolean(game.pov.parent, "visited")) and HasScript(game.pov.parent, "beforefirstenter")': GetBoolean function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetBoolean(game.pov.parent, "dark")': GetBoolean function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': GetAllChildObjects function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': GetAllChildObjects function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetBoolean(room, "transparent")': GetBoolean function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(newParent)': GetAllChildObjects function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': GetAllChildObjects function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': GetAllChildObjects function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetBoolean(room, "transparent")': GetBoolean function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(newParent)': GetAllChildObjects function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': GetAllChildObjects function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': GetAllChildObjects function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetBoolean(room, "transparent")': GetBoolean function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(newParent)': GetAllChildObjects function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'

This is what I have in the room

   <object name="Virology Lab">
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <usedefaultprefix />
    <prefix>to the</prefix>
    <description>You can see one wall of fume hoods and sinks, one section with completely sealed fume hoods with glove access, several refridgerated glass lockers, shelving units down the middle containing glass wear, electronic balances, incubators, more cold storage, measuring instruments, and pipettes.  Shredded of gowns, gloves and goggles hang off hooks on the wall.  It looks like someone took a very sharp implement to them.  One of the fume hoods also seems quite damaged.</description>
    <dark type="boolean">false</dark>
    <enter type="script">
    <onexit type="script"><![CDATA[
      msg ("<br/>The inner doors hiss shut and the light over both doors turns yellow.  The vents hiss as the air is recirculated to ensure sterilisation of any contaminated airborne particles.  This will take awhile.")
      wait {
        msg ("<br/>The hissing starts to reduce in volume as the air is moved up through the ceiling vents and fresh air circulated into the chamber.")
        wait {
          msg ("<br/>The outer doors hiss open.  You can now leave.<br/>")
    <beforeenter type="script"><![CDATA[
      msg ("You pass through an air curtain (blast of air that is directed down in order to separate the air in one room from the outside area).  You have to stop a moment in a small room section.  The outer doors hiss shut and the light over both doors turns yellow.  The vents hiss as the air is recirculated to ensure sterilisation of any contaminated airborne particles.  This will take awhile.<br/>")
      wait {
        msg ("The hissing starts to reduce in volume as the air is moved up through the ceiling vents and fresh air circulated into the chamber.")
        wait {
          msg ("<br/>Moments later, the light over the inner door turns green, allowing you to enter.<br/>")
    <object name="ceiling8">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <scenery />
      <look>The ceiling is a nice creamy colour.</look>
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
    <object name="floor7">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <look>The floor here is shiny and clean.</look>
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
      <scenery />
    <object name="walls6">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <look>The walls are a light blue.</look>
      <alt type="stringlist">
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
      <scenery />
    <exit alias="east" to="B1 Left Corridor">
      <inherit name="westdirection" />
    <object name="fume hoods">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <visible />
      <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
      <look>These fume hoods are a type of glass cabinet with vents set into the top of them.  Two of them are entirely enclosed and have gloves set into the glass walls.  One of the enclosed glass hoods is badly cracked and slightly bloodied, as though something hard and ... organic ... was slammed against it.  Hopefully there was nothing inside the fume hood that could contaminate the air and cause you problems.</look>
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
    <object name="sinks1">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="surface" />
      <look>Hopefully the pipes in these sinks goes somewhere that will sterilise and filter the water.  Let's just hope the pipes don't just let out upstream of a place like New Yuvon....</look>
      <scenery />
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
      <feature_container />
      <contentsprefix>beneath which there is</contentsprefix>
      <hidechildren />
      <listchildren />
      <listchildrenprefix>You can see something slid partially into the gap beneath the sink nearest the broken fume hood: </listchildrenprefix>
      <object name="broken comppad">
        <inherit name="editor_object" />
        <take />
        <look>You could repair the broken comppad if you give it to an Engineer who expends three scrap on the device.</look>
        <alt type="stringlist">
        <alias>broken comp-pad</alias>
        <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
        <takemsg>You could repair the broken comppad if you give it to an Engineer who expends three scrap on the device.  Please take #01 mobile phone from the collection and the #1 USB device.  DON'T take the sticker off the USB device.  You can only use that USB device once you have repaired the comp-pad enough to safely remove the memory card.  Only then can you access the USB device.</takemsg>
    <object name="refridgerated glass lockers">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="container_lockable" />
      <inherit name="container_closed" />
      <look><![CDATA[There are a lot of <b>blood vials</b> in some of these refridgerated glass lockers, divided by set with a series of letters and numbers.  There's also a variety of other chemicals in here.  A few of them could be useful.<br/>]]></look>
      <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
      <alt type="stringlist">
        <value>cold storage</value>
        <value>glass lockers</value>
        <value>blood storage</value>
      <attr name="feature_switchable" type="boolean">false</attr>
      <feature_container />
      <hidechildren />
      <transparent />
      <nokeymessage>You need to use the Locksmith skill.</nokeymessage>
      <keycount type="int">1</keycount>
      <listchildren />
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
      <key type="object">Not In Use Keys</key>
      <lockpick type="script"><![CDATA[
        if (refridgerated glass lockers.locked) {
          Ask ("Do you have the Locksmith skill and do you want to spend the faith to pick this lock?<br/>") {
            if (result) {
              msg ("You carefully pick the lock.")
              refridgerated glass lockers.locked = False
            else {
              msg ("Nevermind then!")
        else {
          msg ("It's already unlocked.")
      <object name="BV 1 Vial">
        <inherit name="editor_object" />
        <alt type="stringlist">
          <value>BV1 Vial</value>
        <take type="script">
          msg ("You take one of the BV 1 Vials.  Please Note: Due to the limited number of phys-reps, please only take one of each kind.")
          CloneObject (BV 1 Vial)
          AddToInventory (BV 1 Vial)
      <object name="BV 2 Vial">
        <inherit name="editor_object" />
        <alt type="stringlist">
          <value>BV2 Vial</value>
        <take type="script">
          msg ("You take one of the BV 2 Vials.  Please Note: Due to the limited number of phys-reps, please only take one of each kind.")
          CloneObject (BV 2 Vial)
          AddToInventory (BV 2 Vial)
      <object name="BV 3 Vial">
        <inherit name="editor_object" />
        <alt type="stringlist">
          <value>BV3 Vial</value>
        <take type="script">
          msg ("You take one of the BV 3 Vials.  Please Note: Due to the limited number of phys-reps, please only take one of each kind.")
          CloneObject (BV 3 Vial)
          AddToInventory (BV 3 Vial)
      <object name="IBV 1 Vial">
        <inherit name="editor_object" />
        <alt type="stringlist">
          <value>IBV1 Vial</value>
        <take type="script">
          msg ("You take one of the IBV 1 Vials.  Please Note: Due to the limited number of phys-reps, please only take one of each kind.")
          CloneObject (IBV 1  Vial)
          AddToInventory (IBV 1 Vial)
      <object name="IBV 2 Vial">
        <inherit name="editor_object" />
        <alt type="stringlist">
          <value>IBV2 Vial</value>
        <take type="script">
          msg ("You take one of the IBV 2 Vials.  Please Note: Due to the limited number of phys-reps, please only take one of each kind.")
          CloneObject (IBV 2  Vial)
          AddToInventory (IBV 2 Vial)
      <object name="IBV 3 Vial">
        <inherit name="editor_object" />
        <alt type="stringlist">
          <value>IBV3 Vial</value>
        <take type="script">
          msg ("You take one of the IBV 3 Vials.  Please Note: Due to the limited number of phys-reps, please only take one of each kind.")
          CloneObject (IBV 3  Vial)
          AddToInventory (IBV 3 Vial)
    <object name="shelving units">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="container_lockable" />
      <inherit name="container_closed" />
      <look><![CDATA[These shelving units have plasteel bases that ensure they're quite robust.  They're even bolted to the floor.  They contain glass wear, electronic balances, incubators, more cold storage, measuring instruments, pipettes.<br/>]]></look>
      <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
      <feature_container />
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
      <listchildren />
      <nokeymessage>You need to use the Locksmith skill.</nokeymessage>
      <transparent type="boolean">false</transparent>
      <hidechildren />
      <keycount type="int">1</keycount>
      <alt type="stringlist">
      <key type="object">Not In Use Keys</key>
      <lockpick type="script"><![CDATA[
        if (shelving units.locked) {
          Ask ("Do you have the Locksmith skill and do you want to spend the faith to pick this lock?<br/>") {
            if (result) {
              msg ("You carefully pick the lock.")
              shelving units.locked = False
            else {
              msg ("Nevermind then!")
        else {
          msg ("It's already unlocked.")
    <object name="glass wear">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <alt type="stringlist">
        <value>measuring instruments</value>
      <inroomdescription type="string"></inroomdescription>
      <look>There's a wide variety of different shapes and sizes.  None seem particularly useful at the moment.</look>
      <scenery />
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
    <object name="safety clothing">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <scenery />
      <look>The shredded remains hang off hooks on the wall.  It looks like someone took a very sharp implement to them.  Perhaps some kind of long scalpel?  It went through plastic as readily as fabric.  There must have been a lot of strength behind it as well.  But why destroy these?</look>
      <alt type="stringlist">
        <value>safety glasses</value>
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
    <object name="machines">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <alt type="stringlist">
        <value>gene sequencer</value>
        <value>PCR machine</value>
        <value>electronic balances</value>
      <look>These machines would be reasonably valuable, but they're too bulky to bother taking up and down the mountain.  Best leave them here for now.</look>
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
    <object name="player">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <statusattributes type="stringdictionary" />
      <counter type="int">0</counter>
      <attr name="feature_wearable" type="boolean">false</attr>
      <money type="int">10</money>
    <object name="biology1">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <know><![CDATA[This room has its own gene sequencer, incubation equipment, and PCR machine.  There are a variety of machines available to design and manufacture viral vectors and olionucleotides (short RNA / DNA strings which are used as flags when looking for specific mutations).<br/><br/>You can see that there is a tissue printer that you can USE.  You need to provide a DNA sample (3mls of blood will do), 10 white chems, 12 red chems and 3 red chems to build a new wastelander code.  If you do so, in 30 in-game minutes you can return and take a fresh gland from the gland box.  Please note that if the gland has been infected by a Zed-Synth strain that unless you cleanse the blood sample of nanites, it will be infected once more.  See the in-game laboratory out in the medical tent for how to cleanse blood.  ]]></know>
      <scenery />
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
    <object name="tissue printer">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="switchable" />
      <look>Only someone with the biology specialisation can identify which one is the tissue printer, let alone how to use it.</look>
      <feature_usegive />
      <attr name="feature_switchable" type="boolean">false</attr>
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
      <printing type="boolean">false</printing>
      <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
        <value>Switch on</value>
        <value>Switch off</value>
      <use type="script"><![CDATA[
        if (tissue printer.printing) {
          msg ("Presuming you have the biological expertise necessary to know your way around these machines, you can expend the required chems (Know Biology to see the list) and a blood sample to create a fresh wastelander gland.  Please put used chems and the blood sample into the appropriate OOC containers.")
        else {
          msg ("Presuming you have the biological expertise necessary to know your way around these machines, you can expend the required chems (Know Biology to see the list) and a blood sample to create a fresh wastelander gland.  Please put used chems and the blood sample into the appropriate OOC containers.<br/>")
          Ask ("Do you have the blood sample and required chems (type Know Biology to check chem requirements presuming you have that form of expertise)?.<br/>") {
            if (result) {
              msg ("Hopefully this gland will be suitable for your needs.  It will take 30 minutes for the item to be produced.  Once it has been built, you will find it inside the 3D printer.")
              EnableTimer (printing gland)
              microwave.printing = true
              HelperCloseObject (microwave)
            else {
              msg ("Nevermind then!")
      <onswitchon type="script">
    <turnscript name="Infection Script">
      <enabled />
        SetTurnTimeout (5) {
          firsttime {
            msg ("<br/><b>Please take a collection of D16 blood vials.</b>  Give anyone who comes into the room a D16 blood vial to keep <b>in addition</b> to their regular blood vial.  Never use the D16 blood vials when someone wants to test you for Zed-Synth infection<br/>")
        DisableTurnScript (Infection Script)
    <object name="broken fume hood">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="container_closed" />
      <displayverbs type="stringlist">
        <value>Look at</value>
      <look>The broken fume hood did have something under the hood.  Unfortunately this is also one of those hoods that have protective gloves on the inside.  The glass wouldn't have cracked easily, too.  It would have needed to be hit several times by someone, or something, quite strong.  The bits of skin, blood and hair caught in the cracks isn't a good sign either.  It looks like they were in the middle of dissecting a mouse, too.  Who knows what they could have been doing?</look>
      <scenery />
      <alt type="stringlist">
        <value>cracked glass</value>
        <value>damaged fume hood</value>
        <value>cracked fume hood</value>
      <feature_container />
      <transparent />
      <hidechildren />
      <listchildren />
      <listchildrenprefix><![CDATA[<br/>You can see something lying on its side in the fume hood:]]></listchildrenprefix>
      <object name="dead mouse">
        <inherit name="editor_object" />
        <alt type="stringlist">
          <value>dissected mouse</value>
          <value>dissected animal</value>
        <attr name="feature_container" type="boolean">false</attr>
        <take />
        <takemsg><![CDATA[You take the dead mouse and the sheet beneath it.  <b>Please take a collection of D16 blood vials.</b>  Give anyone who comes within six feet of the mouse a D16 blood vial to keep <b>in addition</b> to their regular blood vial.  Never use the D16 blood vials when someone wants to test you for Zed-Synth infection.]]></takemsg>
        <look>This dead mouse clearly suffered before it died.  It seems to be covered in a lot of angry welts.  It's also been dissected, it's tiny organs splayed out around it on a sheet.</look>
    <object name="incineration chute">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="openable" />
      <feature_usegive />
      <look>It's just a cupboard in the wall that, when opened, reveals a chute.  There's a suitably ominous warning on the wall about how it's capable of destroying most things.  Best not to drop anything down there that you don't want irrevocably destroyed.</look>
      <feature_container />
      <use type="script">
        msg ("You push the button and the chute slides open.  You can drop small objects down here, but that would just destroy them.")
      <useanything type="script">
      <openscript type="script">
        msg ("You open the chute door.")
      <closescript type="script">
        msg ("You close the chute door.")
      <useon type="scriptdictionary">
        <item key="dead mouse">
          msg ("That's probably for the best.  Although....")
          RemoveObject (dead mouse)

My best guess (EDITED)

I loaded this into a new game. it will not load due to error(element not found: B1 Left Corridor)
You have

<exit alias="east" to="B1 Left Corridor">
      <inherit name="westdirection" />

should start exit name

<exit name="west" alias="west" to="B1 Left Corridor">
      <inherit name="westdirection" />

I assume you want to go west not east. Else change west to east:

<exit name="east" alias="east" to="B1 Left Corridor">
      <inherit name="eastdirection" />

Exit issue of course! For some reason the exit I had created was no longer there, but it wasn't saying there was nothing there. Thanks!

Not In Use Keys object is not found either

Okay, I have a smaller issue with my Know Geology script. I wanted to make it a question so people could spend some of their time looking around at the place. When I type Know Geology, I get the question but when I make a selection I get this answer:

Error running script: Error compiling expression 'Strange coordinates': Unknown object or variable 'Strange coordinates'

The script is something I used earlier (under Use rather than Know) and I had no problems. I checked to make sure it's the same set of words, but yeah, not fixing it.

options = Split("Strange coordinates;Fish tank soil of one mineral;Black soil in fish tank;Soil sample in fume hood", ";")
ShowMenu ("As a geologist, you naturally gravitate over toward the soil samples.  Clearly these are being stored here because of their mycological uses -- whatever they might be -- but the rocks themselves are interesting.   What would your geology specialist like to look at?", options, true) {
  switch (result) {
    case (Strange coordinates) {
      msg ("There's a string of five numbers that includes longitude and latitude alongside three other numbers that clearly delineate position interdimensionally.  These are soil samples not only from other worlds, but other realms!  Why are they here?")
    case (Fish tank soil of one mineral) {
      msg ("One of the saltwater fish tanks contains a layer of pure carbon, whose reference matches a soil sample that is also pure carbon.  In fact, there are about twenty different pure carbon rocks and soil samples with very little else that were taken from the same location.  Odd....  There also seems to be another strange macromolecule present though it is deteriorating over time.  That's more of a job for the chemists, though, if they thought to \"Know Carbon Sample.\"")
    case (Black soil in fish tank) {
      msg ("One of the fish tanks has a few obvious meteorites within them that still have a black ash-like fusion crust that has been chipped away to reveal the underlying rock beneath.")
    case (Soil sample in fume hood) {
      msg ("There's a soil sample in the fume hood under a powerful microscope that also has a chemical readout to one side.  The readings are similar to lunar rock where you can find certain trapped gases from the solar wind passing them at the time of formation.  The colour and mineral levels are about right, too, but the rock was formed on a world with tectonic activity.  Since the moon has no active tectonic plate motions, these can't have come from the moon.  The gases present doesn't match Last Hope either.")

case stastements need quotes

case (Strange coordinates) 

Should be 9 and other three simila4)

case ("Strange coordinates") 

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