[SOLVED] Exits appearing after player death.

I'm using the off-line editor.

I have a room which kills the player character, ending the game.

However, it still tells you "You can go east" (although clicking on 'east' doesn't do anything).

How do I stop this?

Can you post the code of that particular room (like all the scripts)? You have to make sure that the "finishgame" is last just in case it isn't. :)


It could be how the built-in stuff works (what is the 'order of operations' / priority of scripts), so we may need to wait for Pixie or whoever knowledgeable on how the built-in stuff works.

(or, it could be his/her mistake too in coding / game making, of course --- and as you already mentioned, we'd need to see his/her relevant code)

If the room is not meant to ever be exited (you die as soon as you enter no matter what), then you could have the exit into it be one-way. That way there won't be an exit leading back out. To do that, open up the room "folder" in the tree on the left and delete the exit inside it. The one leading into the room will still exist in the other room.


ah, so the issue was just having the exit going back which was the source of the displayed stuff that ageoffable didn't want. Jay is one of those knowledgeable people, laughs.

how would the displayment be prevented/handled if removing the exit going back, wasn't an option?

If you did actually want the return exit, then that means sometimes you die and sometimes you don't (or perhaps you could die after being in the the room a while, but I think that's even more a different case). If you always die, then there is no need to even have an exit, especially if you don't want the player to know it exists, which was the thrust of my answer.

I suppose the code that determines death could hide the exit in the death case, if it was actually needed in some cases.

Or you could just have 2 rooms, identical descriptions, one with an exit, one without - and a random chance of which one you go to when you do something that lands you in one.

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