Error Running Script: Function not found: 'StringListItem'

I started a new game, I had to download the Opera web browser to create a new game, there is no create game link in the ChromeOS version of the Chrome Browser When I started the new game, essentially no options were checked, I had to turn on advanced scripts in the game object, and it seemed like something was off when creating the game from the Opera Browser.

I am taking a video playlist and removing the first item, and placing the rest into a string that will be used in mrangel's code formatting function to populate the YouTube player playlist player var.

youtubeArrayString function

count = ListCount(game.videoArray)
i = 1
arrayString = ""
while (i < count) {
  arrayString = arrayString +
  StringListItem (game.videoArray, i)
  if (i < count -1) {
    arrayString = arrayString + ","
  i = i+1
return (arrayString)

mrangelFunction excerpt with the StringListItem() code

aString = youtubeArrayString()
jstring = Replace(jstring, "replace id", StringListItem(game.videoArray, 0))
if (count > 1) {
  jstring = Replace(jstring, "replace list", aString)

I don't see any glaring errors in the code.

Is there something else causing this problem?

No errors on game init, only after running the test command that loads a youtube player and some buttons.

Do you want to see all the code? It is a new testing environment to just get a player to load.

There was an extra space between the + and StringListItem().
when I deleted the space, the error went away.

but There is still no create button in Chrome on Chromebook ChromeOS

I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.

Geometry Dash

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