Can't get battle attributes right

I use the online web version.
I can't get these attributes right. I've tried making it specific to the object. I've tried typing it as "player.something," but the game mistakes it as an object.

That is not how verbs are designed to be used (they are a short hand for commands), however, it is certainly one way to add scripts to an object in the web version. Be aware that any player typing the name of a verb, followed by the object name will trigger the script.

As to your question, it looks like "health 3" is done right. You need to use "Set variable", and the variable you set must be typed in as the name of the object, followed by a dot, followed by the attribute name ("Chikorita1.csethealth").

Alternatively you can set the object attribute as you are almost doing in attack 5, however, the object needs to be "Chikorita1", not "damage". I do not use the graphic interface; I am not sure if the attribute name needs quotes or not.

Looking at "attack 3", you are setting "damage", a local variable not attached to any object, which is lost when the script ends.

By the way, I suggest checking if health is zero or less to see if the player or monster is dead.

You might find this useful too:

here's a guide on Attributes and the 'if' Script usage:

or if the above doesn't work, then try this:

and if you want to take a look at some combat code (although it is old and is very bad/poor code and has some mistakes in it as well, as this was when I was learning to code for my first time, laughs): (key/legend: I've learned to never ever do abrevs ever again, lol)

or if the above doesn't work, then try this: (key/legend: I've learned to never ever do abrevs ever again, lol)

@The Pixie, maybe others
I don't know what you mean by the verbs comment. I was just told that the only way to do attributes in the web version was through verbs. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I don't know how to type "zero or less" in script.

if (<1) {
msg("Sorry, but you just died...")
// or your end game sequence...

for the 'set a variable or attribute' Script, it puts in the assignment (=) operator/operation for you:

(the Assignment operator/operation is different from the 'equal' conditional operator/operation, even though quest uses the same symbol for user friendliness)


and since 'if' uses conditionals, it has the '[EXPRESSION]' script option for the 'if' Script, letting you put in the needed conditional operators:




equals: =
not equals A: <>
greater than: >
lesser than: <
greater than or equal to: >= // (try to remember that the '=' is on the right side)
lesser than or equal to: <= // (try to remember that the '=' is on the right side)

if you're doing this directly in code (non-GUI/Editor usage), than you need to encase your scripting in the 'CDATA' tag:

the 'CDATA' tag tells quest that the '<' and '>' symbols within the 'CDATA' tag are to be seen as conditional operators and not as code tags, else you'll get errors as your code isn't read/parsed correctly by quest, with it thinking your code syntax is wrong

<object name="NAME_OF_OBJECT">
  <attr name="NAME_OF_SCRIPT_ATTRIBUTE/NAME_OF_VERB" type="script">
      // scripting
      // example:
      // if ( <= 0) {
      //   msg ("You were killed or you've died.")
      //   msg ("GAME OVER")
      //   finish
      // }

The point of verbs is to make it easy to do commands like ATTACK GOBLIN. On the goblin object, you create an "attack" verb, and in the background Quest creates a verb object called "attack" (which you cannot see if the web version) and also adds a script called "attack".

If you add a "health 3" verb to a goblin, then the goblin will have a script called "health 3" (or maybe "health3"), which is what you want. But Quest will have also created that verb object, so the player can type HEALTH 3 GOBLIN, and that will make the script run when you probably do not want it to.

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