Separating Large Blocks of Text

I'm making a game and I'm still pretty new to Quest, and I'm looking for the easiest way to separate a very large wall of text into multiple chunks - something like the first chunk appears, and then a continue button can be pressed to post the next chunk, continued until the whole scene is finished. It's a bit jarring to have a huuuuuuge chunk of stuff to read through at once, but sometimes exposition is needed, and I'd like it to be a bit like turning through pages in a book.

I've seen some other games do it, so I know it's possible, but I couldn't find any easy ways to do it in the editor without getting really extravagantly involved with if statements and verbs. Is there a really obvious way to do this that I'm overlooking? I couldn't find any tips in the tutorials.

in code scripting, it looks like this:

msg ("blah blah blah")
wait {
  msg ("blah blah blah")
  wait {
    msg ("blah blah blah")

the 'msg' Script/Function is your 'add new script -> output -> print a message script' in the GUI/Editor

and I think in the GUI/Editor, they do have the 'wait' Function/Script, I think also within the 'output' section/category:

add new script -> output -> 'wait for key press' or something like this... (might not be under/within the 'output' section/category though)

you can also create an empty line like so:

msg ("blah blah blah")
msg ("")
msg ("blah blah blah")

// output:

blah blah blah

blah blah blah

also, within the 'msg' Scripts/Functions, you can use the:


html tag, to break up your messages, as well. I think one 'br' goes to a new line, so if you want an empty line, then you'll need to do two brs:

msg ("blah blah blah<br>blah blah blah")

// output:

blah blah blah
blah blah blah

// --------------------------------

msg ("blah blah blah<br><br>blah blah blah")

// output:

blah blah blah

blah blah blah

I don't use the html hardly ever...

so it might be this:


instead of this:


so try one, and if it doesn't work, then try the other

see if this helps you, if you can figure out it out, and if not, let me/us know... and we'll help you get it down...

Ah, perfect! 'Wait for key press' was exactly what I was looking for. I knew there must have been something simple I was just missing. Thanks for the help.

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