Changing Map "Hallway" Colors [SOLVED]

I'm using the desktop editor and making a TA.

I have the map feature on. Connecting the various rooms, there are "hallways", i.e., black lines connecting one room with another. The problem is that my background color is also black, so you can't see the black "hallways" lines.

Is there a way to change the color and width of these connecting "hallway" lines? Changing the room border colors doesn't do it. Thanks.

You need to override the Grid_DrawRoom function. See here for how to do that.

About two thirds of the way down the script is a "Draw line from X1" command, and at the end of that is a colour option and a thickness option, currently black and 1 respectively. Change those values.

I am now wondering if these should be options that can be set for the game object.

Worked like a charm! Thank you!

Only minor glitch is that when I copied the Grid_DrawRoom function (tried this twice), I got some kind of Quest internal error. I just ignored it and everything seemed to work out OK.

Same here!

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