Step by Step for Web Player.

I wish to be able to host a single game so that it can be accessed online without going through The reason behind this is that for mature games, you are REQUIRED to sign up, which causes bounces when people come to look at your game... humans laziness being the major culprit.

I have not been able to find any step by step documentation, coding isn't my forte and I would like to be able to host the game I make.

Does anybody would be able to provide a guide of some sort?

Alex could you perhaps explain how we can get it running on a server or provide a pre-compiled executable?

It is also worrying that the site might get shutdown in not too long and I would like to not lose the game I make. So this would be a way to provide everybody with a method of continuing to use the software without relying on just the website for hosting online.


I think this is probably the biggest hold-back for Quest. I've heard it's theoretically possible, as stated in the guides, but I've not found anyone that's actually managed to do it. I'd be willing to spend cash on making a site to boot. Hopefully if there is anyone experienced out there that can comment, I'd be super thrilled to find out too.

Just search it up on the forums here. Someone made a thread like this recently.

I know one guy who made a multi-online text adventure. I don't know anything about it and I don't know what program he used, but he did it.
I suppose everything is in the realm of possibility.

This is what the QuestKit (the next version of quest before Alex moved on) was for (a full conversion to JS so that any website can host it), but Alex wasn't able to finish it before he needed to move on, and the new team took over. Unfortunately, there's a lot of different coding languages/software and networking aspects involved, and the new team is trying to learn what Alex knew and/or what software/coding-languages used in the creation/development/operation of quest, and so right now, the QuestKit project is probably dead, unless someone comes along and/or the new team learns, to use everything that is needed with/for the QuestKit development.

It certainly can be done, but requires someone with all of the technical/programming know-how to finish it up to completion/use

I think this is probably the biggest hold-back for Quest. I've heard it's theoretically possible, as stated in the guides, but I've not found anyone that's actually managed to do it. I'd be willing to spend cash on making a site to boot. Hopefully if there is anyone experienced out there that can comment, I'd be super thrilled to find out too.

This is exactly my sentiment too.

@The Pixie, didn't you get it working?

I think I remember seeing a guide from you, sadly I've encountered errors. Like, apparently I am missing some .dll in one of the directories, something about Editor.dll.

@hegemonkhan It's currently possible with the web player, that's what I want to learn how to do. I wished Alex would have left some documentation. I wonder if he can still be reached.

No. I got instructions from Alex about getting Quest running from the source code, which does include a web runner in Visual Studio, but not for getting it working on line.

For what it is worth, this is what I did:

If anyone here has experience with web servers, that might be enough to get them going, especially if they know .NET and/or Azure. It does seem geared towards Azure, which is a Microsoft platform that I think would require a yearly fee.

@The Pixie That is unfortunate, this is the guide I was trying to use. I mean, anything that can be run on localhost can be run online, you just need port redirection. Yet, at the same time... I suppose that it might be dangerous to do so.

Then I suppose our only hope is QuestKit, if it can be grabbed once again. This is unfortunate, Quest could be so much more powerful if it didn't rely just on this website.

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