Harvesting based upon season

I'd like to create an accurate pandemic IF that deals with the tremendous amount of realistic chores, diplomacy with neighbors afterwards, stragglers from the city, etc.

Now I know this is a huge departure from the typical action packed albeit unrealistic story.

I'm curious how to seasonally harvest ground and tree crops. These would be harvested in their season. Then these would be dehydrated, pickled, or canned.

Likewise domesticated animals would be fed, tended, harvested, and processed by similar methods and smoking. An apiary would be on the homestead. So obviously rabbits chickens, and goats would reproduce and provide a bounty.

Both trapping and hunting are also planned. This mean building traps of diverse kinds for trapping and fishing, but also bowhunting.



There's a library called ClockLib, if you have Windows.


Thanks for the rapid reply. So that gets me 25% of the way there. I guess you can make events then show particular vegetable/fruit/herb/tree crop ripening.

Certain crops produce over a time period but critters will take their tithe.

There has to be a way of enhancing the crops through fertilizers like diluted urine. So that has to a task.

Then infestation or a blight will lower yields. So treating the crops with insecticides as a task.

I'll bet some folks are saying, "Oh no...It's season 2 of The Walking Dead."

The point is show how extremely difficult it would be to survive without a working homestead and an array of skills that the settlers had.

I bookmarked that site because it answers many new questions.


There are numerous ways to handle the objects, but ClockLib has the functions that can trigger your scripts to make things happen in a "timely" manner. (Forgive me for that.)

The crops:

You can change the attributes of the crops in the script you create for fertilizing them. (You could also swap out unfertilized crop objects for fertilized crop objects.)

mrangel has written up some nice functions for dealing with vegetation (growing, being picked, respawning after time).

It isn't as detailed as what you're talking about (I don't think), but it's darn close to it. It should get you there.


Thanks again. It will take me a couple of days to process that link.



You asked for it...

Seriously, you'll get it going on, I bet.


Plus, someone else should be chiming in on this thread in 5...




I know; I know. Between having the time, gumption, coding, and writing skills, I'll wager one in a thousand ends up being published.

Sounds like a survival game...
Maybe looking into those kinds of stats...
I would start with a 365 "day" year.
(with a command for "next day")
Base the year on where you live....
Day 1 is Jan. 1...
day 365 is Dec. 31...
What day is "last freeze +/- 10 days...
When is first freeze?
How many days do you get rain?
Will you need to water the plants or will rain be enough?
Collect rain water?
grow time for each crop...
what is average food output for each plant?
When do you get first fruit? Last fruit?
And now you need to save some seeds for next year.
How many actions can you do per day?
A simple gardening book should provide most of the answers...
If you want it "real life", plant a garden, record what you do, and when, and how long it took...
Model your "game" off that.
What size fruit do you get?
Can you live on what you grew?
Would you have enough to last through the winter?
To REALLY, REALLY do this right, should take about 6 months.

Sounds like a lot of work, but if you want it realistic, then that is what it will take...
If you do this, and I hope you do, and I'm sure you can get a lot of assistance here...
The "game" does not need to be big and complex... but you will have a lot of tables and data that the program will need to make this work well.

I bet, once it is done, a lot of people will find out that when the world falls apart and it is down to basic survival, 98% of the people will not make it through the first year...
And another 50% will not make it to year 2...
And another 30% will not make it to year 3...
After that, the remaining survivors will "survive"...
(OK, maybe 85-90% will die the first year...)
That said... There should be a challenge to see who will survive the 5 years...
And... for the start, the player will get a random amount of starting money to buy starting supplies...
Different supplies will determine if you live or die...



What DL said.

Also, will there be NPCs with special skills?

Like a doctor, a gardener, a teacher, a judge...

Stuff like that?

Your actions (and interactions) determine what NPCs are on 'your team', which determines your fate, as well as the greater good...

(DL had so many good ideas, I thought I'd throw in a bad one.)

The first version will include a family with just about every skill, and then they accept some who are family and friends, and some deficits or supplies fill in the gaps. Obviously the initial homesteaders have calculated food requirements but generosity, compassion, charity ends up greatly reducing what they though was adequate.

Then it becomes a morality play of "What is right to do right now?"

Yeah, they will have a deep well, a shallowpoint for gardening and livestock, but a cistern to collect rainwater. Then they will have a biosand filter to purify their water. They'll make their charcoal for improving the taste and blacksmithing.

I reckon most people will be dumbfounded by how short the actual harvest is in spring, summer, and fall. Bolting, missed squashes grow enormous but are woody, inadequate rainfall, temperature swings, thievery by critters and insects...and people.

One total idiot made the claim he'd just shoot cows.

Yeah for references I'll be using gardening, wild edibles plants, trapping, livestock, hunting, tree identification, etc.

For skills I have books on the pioneers and how they made iodine from black walnut tincture...then dyed their clothes black with the husks.

Because the canning lids are reusable, but frankly I seriously doubt that is honestly true over the long haul, they mostly they will can meat in order to save the precious fat. It is calorie rich. And seriously, how irritable would you be eating pemmican for any length of time.

Mostly they have to dehydrate with an outdoor solar dryer...but that is contingent adequate internal temperature and ironing out mold issues.

In a global pandemic, since the average person lacks basic ancestral skills, then lack of clean water can kill you in three days...and lack of clean water and food can kill you in ten days.

That is the main issue...not zombies...not your bugout bag....not honestly trapping/hunting/fishing enough. This is why human beings switched to agriculture.

Once the system is created, then honestly it isn't difficult...just time consuming to have a similar book in other US states. They all have problems to overcome.

I would never presume to write about surviving in other countries. Their population density is so high that they seem doomed.

Sounds a very interesting survival game. You talk about dying clothes, bio-sand filters, and solar dryers. Are you basing the time-setting of the game in the past; a biblical epic, approaching flood, or conquering new world type, The Mayflower. Or some future post-apocalyptic survival struggle.

Here is a thought, I wanted to do a game like this, may still do it, "stealing" some of the ideas here...
You are colonists sent to a new planet with all the needed supplies...
(remember Earth 2???)
There is a malfunction and the ship crash landed...
The sleep pods are self contained and only a few failed... and a few opened...
You are one of the opened pods which starts your survival...
Unfortunanally... most of the supplies for the colony were scattered across the continent and will require tracking down...

Can you survive?
Can you build up your camp so you can support new people as you open the pods?
Too many at once and everyone starves...
Not enough and you don't have the workforce to keep everything running...
(AND, you can only wake people, the pods cannot put anyone back under.)

You can't copyright ideas. By all means if others want to use them, they should.

This first IF isn't my first time writing a story, but rather a delightful experiment into interactive fiction.

It makes perfect sense to create a global pandemic event into present day. Consider the following.

  1. Unlike the Great Depression, the average ancestral skill levels are largely forgotten. When they do exist, they are typically theoretical...not practical. One may know how to dig a well in the Baptist method (largely used in Third World nations and in rural villages), but does the character have the tools? Can they complete the task safely ie injury-free? Can they do the labor themselves or are physical limitations and age considerable factors? Do they have the materials to build a treadle pump? Is the water potable?

Biosand filtration sounds futuristic, but it actual old proven tech and always implemented when a well goes in just to ensure contamination isn't a problem. Unscented bleach will work but is rapidly used up. Pool shock is much more powerful but eventually is used up too. The SOLDIS method largely works with adequate intense sunlight to disinfect but only in proper containers.

  1. Someone, say a biology school teacher may vaguely know various tree species from leaves, but what if it's winter. Can they identify the tree by the bark? Do they know the uses of the tree based upon season or value as medicinals? How about dosages based upon body mass, age? How about the mutagenic effects of some of these on potentially pregnant characters?

  2. Some may raise animals, but do they buy feed or raise crops for their animals? Large corporate farming would result in the needless waste of resources. Animals would keel over and die resulting in new contagious release possibly spread by insects, birds, or rodents.

  3. How will they preserve these potential caches from spoilage? Maybe you harvest the carcass, but then how do you transport it back safely and without spoiling?

  4. Just-In-Time was adopted by Japan first, but then was admired and replicated in the USA. Inventories of goods and materials are deliberately kept low such that corporate funds are not tied up in warehouses and distribution centers.

There's a scary link explaining how fragile the transportation network is. Just do a search for "when the trucks stop running" as I don't know the limitations on adding in links. And trucks move a fraction of freight as compared to rail and barges on blue and brown water move significantly more than trucks but less than rail.

  1. Lots of RNs and physicians (DOs and MDs) know how to treat patients with medical equipment, sterile supplies, and pharmaceuticals. What happens when these aren't available?

  2. How quickly can an amateur carpenter build without access to supplies and electrical power?

  3. What happens to highways that become log jammed as people flee, run out of gas, blow tires, overheat, belts break, etc ? Under pandemic conditions, governors have considered state quarantines to stop the spread of contagion.

Humanity is entirely dependent upon technology and the institutions/systems (small/few/scarce providers of that technology onto the rest of the mass of humanity) built-up over time/centuries... 99% of humanity will be wiped out, with the absence of technology and the collapse of our institutions/systems. Just removing the 'grocery store' from society will cause mass famine.

Dependency on technology and institutions/systems is quite suicidal, as these will fail at some point, and then humanity goes to extinction or near extinction if lucky. Maybe animals are quite wise, understanding this truth, and thus staying as animals, without developing technology and institutions intentionally, and not because of a luck of ability to do so. Animal populations and their survival is quite stable, despite the harshness of their existence/life/survival/world, even if some of them have small populations compared to humanity. Whereas, humanity's population/dominance in the world is (relatively in terms of population) is large, it's completely fragile, due to its dependency upon the continuance of the technology and its institutions/systems.

There are pros and cons. Without that technology, we would not have the medicines and medical procedures that keep us a live (a few years ago I had my appendix out, something we can take for granted, but would have been fatal century or so ago). Modern farming allows the planet to support a huge population that would not be possible without technology, and modern communications allows the produce to get to the consumers, and refrigeration, canning and other techniques keeps it fresh and bacteria-free. Even clean water piped to the house, and sewage removed and treated have a huge impact on our lives, but were unkown just a few centures ago. I agree it is fragile, but it does work, and it does make our lives better and longer.

Animal populations survive despite the harshness of their existence, but individual animals in the wild routinely suffer and die young. Most mammals have to have numerous young to ensure at least a couple survive to the next generation (and not so long ago mankind did too).

And animals are not wise and do not understand this truth!

It comes down to carrying capacity and the earliest glimmers of feudalism.

A species in general cannot exceed the carrying capacity of the land and preyed upon plants and animal through predation. Eat too much of them, and the predators even the apex predators then decline. Prey and predators escape and relocate to regions of safety and abundance...then equilibrium...then the same issues again.

Civilization in which specialization evolved beyond tribes resulted in stealing people from the rural regions who displayed strength, education, craft, or cleverness. They either succeeded in the capital through multiple series of tests...or failed.

This allowed physicians, tutors, priests, knights, artisans, scribes, craftsmen, and merchants. All empowered a monarch figure...but truly an oligarchy in reality.

But it also disempowered the rural serfs who kept the system going. And technological advances by refining petroleum into fuel and fertilizers then fails when JIT fails. Suddenly the carrying capacity is seriously out of balance due to an inability to get farm machinery going and no food imports.

Under serious collapse scenarios like my Pandemic project, the point is to illustrate how these aspects make the urban areas implode.

The overcrowding of urbanization, civil unrest, cessation of services, no rule of law, then results in a flight from the urban areas and into perceived safe zones. It doesn't matter whatever they "think" or nostalgic feelings, the locals cannot be innundated or the phenomena persists just like carrying capacity and migration.

Some of these specialists who arrive based upon timed events with have desirable abilities...but will they use them to exploit the locals to create new baronies or plunder or help or become community npcs?


It's a bit strange to assume urban areas automatically would implode. I mean they might, and clearly that is the plot of your story... but urban areas could have advantages in terms of old resources that could be repuposed. They would also have a wealth of medicine, canned goods and supplies to help last the first few years while transitioning into a more self sustaining society. Most cities have massive water reservoirs that could be used temporarily, and it's not like urban farming isn't a thing. Or that urban areas couldn't trade or have partnerships with farms. I mean yes realistically in a global disaster most people would die, and in high populated areas disease could spread more quickly but I'm confused why the automatic assumption would be that rural areas would be better off?

In a game like this it would be nice to have the option to scavenge or trade for old resources.

I live in a small town in Indiana. It would take a few weeks-6 months for there to be enough crops planted to feed everyone, depending on the season (spring - summer - fall - winter), and assuming the government does not help.


Yes, but in a city, if rationed correctly there is enough food supplies for everyone to eat for two/three years. If there was strong leadership all of the parks could be converted into farms, and parking lots could be used as raised beds or built into chicken coops. There would also be multiple hospitals full of medical supplies, and a mass supply of condoms, so women wouldn't be constantly dying in childbirth. It also seems like cities could do pretty well trading with rural areas because they would have access to so many resources that could no longer be produced. Or maybe that's just my imagination running wild, ha. Well, sign me up for wanting to beta test this game.


Do you understand Just In Time inventory controls? There isn't a huge surplus in cities of critical supplies but instead they come in as air freight, by ship, by rail, by barge, by truck, etc.

During recent hurricane stranded citizens were shocked that FEMA doesn't have supplies to pull from but issues an order which is competitively bid upon, that transport must be arranged, etc.

Meanwhile panicking citizens are looting, creating chaos and disarray, mayhem, or worse. Gangs could easily control sections of urban regions with LEOs realistically trying to flee with their families.

If a pandemic was bad enough, it the Rnaught is high (how many get infectedsuccessively), and the incubation time is long before the onset of symptoms becomes recognized, then based upon fomites in contact with others or breath droplets, then you have people infecting everyone.

Yeah, it's more complicated.

Winter was starving time while food stores ran out, trapping impossible, often creating a defecit of calories in terms of expended ones far outweighing what calories were contained in harvested material.

Sure they largely had harvested acorns, but they are full of bitter tannins. Frequently river washings of buried caches would slowly leach freshly harvested ones, while older leached ones couldbe eaten, possibly were a vector for parasites, plus that method ruins a protein. The Koreans used a different method so they could produce a tofu like curd.

Otherwise a major intense activity of numerous boilings requiring firewood and monitoring.

So then you have regular nuts, certain larger varieties of pine nuts.

Autumn harvests of some fruit that needs a frost like perssimmon.

Later as the sap rises, then collecting the maple and birch syrup, and reducing this vastly heating.

There are very few wild edibles until early spring of scant caloric value like samaras from maple trees. Then leaf lettuces and baby field greens and often sickly game animals who survived the winter....just barely.

A lot of folks would have scurvy as once plagued many. Guys and nonchildbearing females can drink pine needle tea but that can cause miscarriages otherwise.

If you had covered and predug the soil then peas could go in my area...especially using a cloche to make a minigreenhouse. They would offer significant calories when they finally mature.

Everything takes time to mature, and meanwhile the beans, corn, and squash takes time as summer starts. Corn and beans would be the most important for amino acid profiles being complete. When you finally harvest them, without nixtamalization then your neighbors would get pelagra.

There are more wild edibles but taking them in higher amounts creates a problem for game animals and likely is counterproductive since the risk of stealing from your garden is more attractive versus starving.

Now you are harvesting. Pumpkins quite a bit later. If you were smart you did some sucession planting to balance the workload. You were planting in the three seasons, possible extending somewhat valuable cabbage plants in cold frames.

And what about fleeing strangers who decide to come in? And what about the farmers who realize that money has no value? Are they altruistic and feed everyone or expect trade, labor, and services?

Look up the Argentine Economic Collapse in which basically they created barter clubs otherwise the entire economy shuts down.

And should the stragglers harm the farmers' produce or livestock...or even the farmers, then all is lost.

Read Forschen's One Second After where in a year of an EMP disaster...90% of the citizens die to war, mayhem, starvation, suicide, lack of medical care, infections, lack of surgery, etc.

Reallocating milk would be a huge chore. What is likely is people eating platefuls of some field greens that are high in nutrients and essential calcium, but then a huge uptick in kidney stones as that is a means of oxalates.

Look up the After Armageddon docudrama on youtube. Lots of it is acurate except the insane drinking water from a radiator they come across as it would contain antifreeze (the desert gets cold at night seasonally) and that would kill you.

Equally eye opening is Ever Since the World Ended which was uploaded to youtube as it's a tiny production film.

Or especially BBC's Survivors dealing with the same in the UK.

With all this doom and gloom talk....
I sure hope this information is for a game and not being collect for real life survival!!!
(Unless you know something that the rest of us don't know about!!!)
And, JJ, About food and supplies in big cities...
You get maybe a day, at most 3 before the main supply runs out, then you are left with what is in your house...
(Unless you resort to eating your neighbor, then you may be able to go the 2 or 3 years before the remaining people can create a sustaining supply...)


I was completely wrong. In a real emergencies grocery stores can be emptied in days. I guess in a fantasy survival world where everyone goes back to living of the land it just seems as likely to me that everyone would pool their resources in the cities, grow urban farms and start eating rat meat as it does that everyone in the rural areas would come together and have thriving Amish style communities. But that sounds Like what this game is about, how difficult it actually would be to survive. Just reading these posts make me think I would legitimately be dead in like three days if there really was an apocalypse. Ha.

Well, if it goes well, then naturally since the coding work is done then merely writing a new story depicting a post-collapse pandemic in Chicago or LA.

The Atlantic Seaboard is doomed by trying to migrate out ie bug out as that military term was meant to leave an unstable hostile zone, get to a safe zone for extraction not actually live off the land.

California migration and crossing the dessert with limited chances for fuel and water would be just as daunting.

Trying to stay in the arid SW would be nigh impossible.

This scenario is the easiest "level" to finish but lengthy as most could live for three years on supplies alone as long as they didn't share them. But to make it five years means that if agricultural yields are low, skills are not mastered, then death is inevitable.

So that's a long game of fighting not just feral dogs and a few wannabee marauders, but then organized baronies with probes and sabotage and theft and slavery.

Humanity would revert to the madness of criminal sociopaths using fear to impose feudalism.

Some people may be prepared, having gotten ready beforehand... stock-piling/growing food, weapons, water, shelter, learning to be and becoming self-sustaining, etc... They would have the best chance, as they'd be most prepared to deal with everything that comes with the collapsed of the modern world.

HK would definitely be dead with no fast food, laughs. HK doesn't know how to garden, doesn't know what's edible/safe vs poisonous/deadly (gathering/eating), doesn't know how to prepare food (what's safe to eat and what's not within a kill/organism/food), and even worse, I don't even have the stomach for it anyways, HK vomits uncontrollably if he doesn't change the tv channel hyper-speed when the survival-educational shows on tv show the insides of food/organisms / preparation of food ... HK knows that creating fire is not easy as it seems, so HK can't make fire either (heck, like I'd even be able to find/recognize flint/iron rocks/etc for producing a spark, lol) ... ya, HK is f'ed... without his fast food and all the rest of the institutions (butcheries/cooking/preparing/etc of food) involved with providing food to us/me, lol.

Here is how nearly all people in Western Civilization started a fire once a day, often children, using flint and steel. Only rich people could afford charcloth. Cloth is so difficult to make, every scrap was saved and reused, and finally as rags for cleaning. Possibly only then would they make char cloth.

So now that is so distorted that flint and steel with charcloth is today considered "manly". Ha ha.

A bow drill requires so much practical skill that it's absolutely essential ancestral knowledge.

But it's difficult if it's very humid and your tinder is remotely damp.

Smart pioneer children would burn dried cow manure as it saved gathering firewood and saved you the enormous chore of felling a tree, allowing it to season, hauling it back home, splitting various sizes, stacking it, and then bringing it in.

Today there are villagers who gather dried combustible material from their property, say from their gardening, mix it up with cow dung, and store that as a known burnable unit (time and intensity). And there is less ash too.

Here is a cow dung cake as the might use in Northern India.

In a collapse if everyone tried to suddenly burn trees out of desperation as all deadwood had been gathered, then the BTU amount could be a third of normal burning because of moisture content and thus a huge waste.

It would exacerbate deforestation. Immediately you get soil erosion, retreating game animals, plus you lose a valuable tree that was acting as a michoniche supporting countless species from bacteria on up through mammals and reptiles and birds and humans.

Whatever medicinal, utilitarian, food source, and finally lumber would go up in smoke. What a waste.

And then you lost a windbreak and shade. So now the wind will tear across your property, eroding more soil, less water is being drawn up since the tree isn't drawing from the water table, and you might fundamentally harm the meadowland or woodland and ultimate ruining a thousand years of a natural process of successive species change that had been spectacularly unfolded.

Extreme deforestation can cause air borne topsoil and ruins the subsoil and can even cause a desert to form.

chuckles... you don't need to go into all this stuff... I already am aware of it (HK is science nerd/geek, watch tons of science/educational and survival shows):

fire ingredients:

  1. spark
  2. oxygen
  3. fuel (technically oxygen is fuel, but you need both oxygen and some other material for the spark to burn, have "fire/flame", so oxygen is separated out from fuel): wood, dung (poop/feces), 'moss/plant/whatever like stuff', oil, etc etc etc

HK is unlikely to be able to find something that can produce a spark... HK can't recognize 'flint' rock and wouldn't know where to find it (if it could even be found within range before you die off from starvation/infection/whatever).

Now, with cities everywhere, there's lots of metal and surely you can find metal that produces a spark... (or if lucky a battery/electrical current machine still working --- though I don't really know how to work with such machines, lol, or best of all, some spark making device, ie a 'lighter')

oxygen is never a problem, lol, unless you're on a really high mountain/elevation, lol

fuel is another huge problem, due to that fuel requires the material to be dry, if you're in a rainy place, it's near impossible to find dry fuel (not to mention dying from hyperthermia from the cold temperatures, being wet, and/or wind chill). Lots of materials are fuel, while some are better than others, you should be able to find something that will work for fuel, but again... it's not finding the fuel material, it's finding dry fuel material.

even if you got all of the ingredients for fire, do you and can you actually create the fire successfully (using whatever methods available to you, bow-drill, drill, lighter, flint/metal, etc etc etc, and/or within your knowledge/ability levels)? Do you know the steps of creating a successful fire? (first protective 'egg' material for the spark's embers to ignite, blowing oxygen, within your technically CO2 blowing, while shielding it from the wind, then once you got it going, placing it in a larger 'egg/normal/fire-pit', for the actual fire (with hopefully the best material), knowing to place more material around the fire, to dry it off, for plenishing the used up/burnt material, and being able to stay awake, and keep the fire from burning out (or wiped out by wind/rain), and not burning yourself alive as you sleep... don't want your fire catching your shelter and surrounding area on fire, burning you alive as you sleep, lol.

ya, starting a fire seems easy... but it's actually not. Fire truly was a huge technological discovery, so many applications, especially that of cooking (making food less dangerous), as well as everything else (light during darkness/night, protection/weapon, etc)

fire, agriculture, and writing are godly technological advances, even the industrial age and the computer/information-age/internet/communication-age, doesn't even come close to these 3 technological advances.

How about 50 years of practical bushcraft?

Human beings switched from being hunter-gatherers around 10,000 BC. They practiced ancestral skills as a corpus from that era to about @ 1920 AD. From that point on two things happened.

  1. Public education became mandatory and to create placid robots.
  2. Factories started employing Henry Ford's specialized division of labor.

The warping of humans into specialists (rather that generalists) under feudalism came right back to make educated idiots who couldn't start their own fires without matches.

If you think about that versus the freedom of pioneers who had to be generalists, then maybe you can see what serfs human beings are today.

  1. Some might also note that the bizarre invention of "teenagers" began around 1920 as well.

Young people were expected to display a high level of practical ancestral skills and married early, and then responsibility, wholesomeness, love, and practical skills merited calling them "adults".

Nearly a hundreds years later, today's American 18 year old boy has the equivalent grip strength of his female counterpart. He's not better educated. He is not more free. He is not prepared in any practical way. He is not quite frankly a man.

There is a hysterically amusing epic fail of an anthropologist discussing bow drill principles. But then when making one, it is all katywampus, just a really goofy misshapen worthless device and she can't figure out what she is doing wrong.

That's intelligence versus wisdom.

you may be interested in this article, as you seem to understand what civilization (or at least specifically, modern civilization) has done to us:

(remove the dot/period from the 'ht.tp' in the links below for them to work pasted in the url)


main page of site: ht.tp://www.coldsiberia.org (scroll down to see all of the links/pages, this site has pretty much everything there is known about the mongols, as unfortunately they weren't a civilization with tons of writen records for us to learn about them)

I'm a history buff too (total science nerd/geek, interested in practically every field, history, news/politics, etc), and I love the mongols (and vikings), the most (two most) powerful forces that humanity has ever known.

and also, if you're interested in war/conflict/human-nature, there's Heero Yuy's epic class speech in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:

ht.tp://gwepisode50.tumblr.com/post/121506858735/heeros-brutally-honest-speech (the actually speech is a bit down in the text)

really epic... indeed "brutally honest" as the site quotes about it, hehe. If you're interested in this type of stuff, watch the entire ~50 episodes, as it delves into this most advanced/difficult question/subject, really smart stuff...

and then there's also the 'mercenary speech' in the beginning of Hellsing Ultimate episode 7 (or maybe it's episode 6, meh):


epic as well. hehe.


Well, if you guys and gals need any pointers on survival after the world ends, just find me.

I'll be the guy with lots of books (mostly non-fiction, but some fun stuff, too), warm clothes, salt, tackle (fishing equipment), hammers, nails, saws, sharpening stones, machetes, hatchets, axes, shovels, swords, knives, bows, arrows, hemp, guitars, harmonicas, and such. (I left some stuff out, but I'm lazy.)

The people I'm wandering the Earth with will have some things I didn't think of, of course.

We're all going to meet up at the library, some of us on horseback (with a cart here and there). From there, we're headed to the local museum to acquire some of the swords, shields, armor, and such, along with anything else we can carry with us that came from before the Industrial Revolution.

A few of us will bring some guns, of course. And those will come in handy until we run out of ammunition...

We'll end up in a location where the Native Americans once thrived, in an underground house.

Our well water might not be the clearest water you've ever seen, but it will be drinkable.

There will be gamebooks.

They'll be etched in stone, and you'll have to do some heavy lifting to make choices, but they'll be operational!

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