Randomize Stringlist Question [SOLVED]

I know there is a specific way to do this without creating a mile-long "if-script". Does anyone have the time to walk me through it a little?


Or something like that?

Thanks in advance,

You want a list of strings to be shuffled?

sl = Split("3.0;3.2;3.4;3.6", ";")
shuffled = NewStringList()
while (not ListCount(sl) = 0) {
  s = PickOneString (s1)
  list add (shuffled, s)
  list remove (sl, s)

I just need to Randomize my Heights between races. Since I'm just about finished redoing my new Character Creator ^_^ I just need 1 Stringlist randomized, don't need them shuffled, just randomly picked between a set of numbers. Am I making sense xD?

For example...
human (5.0;5.2;5.4)
gnome (3.0;3.2;3.4) etc.



Something like this? (Maybe not the entire script)

humans = NewStringList()
min = 5.0
max = 6.4
while (min<max) {
  list add (humans, ToString(min))
  min = min + .1
//msg (humans)
num = 0
HumanRacers = NewStringList()
while (not num = 3){
  num = num + 1
  n = PickOneString (humans)
  list add (HumanRacers, n)
  list remove (humans, n)

Or do you want to randomly select one height from each group?

human = Split("5.0,5.2,5.4", ",")
yourHeight = PickOneString(human)
msg ("You are "+yourHeight+" units tall.")

More the second one. I don't want it chosen by the player, I just want it randomly chosen by the game. ^_^ But yes, I just want the game (based on a race choice by the player) to choose a height for the player.




Do you need more of a range in the second one?

humans = NewStringList()
min = 5.0
max = 6.4
while (min<max) {
  list add (humans, ToString(min))
  min = min + .1
yourHeight = PickOneString(humans)
msg ("You are "+yourHeight+" units tall.")
player.height = yourHeight
//player.height = ToInt(yourHeight)

If I give it more of a range between min and max, it starts adding .099999 instead of point one for some reason...

How about just a simple random number???

min = 5.0
height=GetRandomInt(0,14)/10 +min
This give you 5.0 to 6.4
or for even values:
height=GetRandomInt(0,7)/5 +min
as a function, pass 3 values (min, range, increment )
height=GetRandomInt(0,range)/increment +min

Is there a more simple way? Like...


^ something like that?



I didn't know about that one, DL, but it seems to be much more efficient. 😅

height.Split("3.0;3.2;3.4;3.6", ";") // list of heights, 4 options
sel= GetRandomInt(1,4) // Select one from list.
player.height=stringListItem (height, sel)

And if you add more heights, I think there is a "count item" command so all you would need to do is add to the list, and the program will know how many items are in your list.

height = 3 + "."+GetRandomInt(2,6)
msg ("You are "+height+" units tall.")
// I just added this next line on to set the attribute as a double integer, if need be:
game.pov.height = ToDouble(height)

You are 3.3 units tall.


I just now understand what you're wanting to do. (All my fault. You phrased it clearly.)

You want to create a string list, comprised of three double integers, and you want each string to be pretty much random.

humans = NewList()
count = 3
while (count>0) {
  count = count - 1
  whole = GetRandomInt(4, 6)
  tenths = GetRandomInt(2, 6)
  height = whole + "."+tenths
  height = ToDouble(height)
  list add (humans, height)
msg ("Humans: " + humans)

Humans: List: 6.5; 4.3; 4.4;

height.Split("3.0;3.2;3.4;3.6", ";") // list of heights, 4 options
sel= GetRandomInt(1,4) // Select one from list.
player.height=stringListItem (height, sel)

Error running script: Function not found: 'height.Split'

Getting this error. :/

The height is on my player.Object as a string "unknown".

Here's an example of what I'm going for...
Player selects "Human"

    if (player.gender="female") {
      height.Split ("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";")
      sel = GetRandomInt(1,6)
      player.height = stringListItem (height, sel)
      Get Height
    else {
      height.Split ("5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0;6.2", ";")
      sel = GetRandomInt(1,6)
      player.height = stringListItem (height, sel)
      Get Height



Edited: I inserted your numbers.

game.pov.height = Split("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";")[GetRandomInt(0,5)]
msg ("You are "+game.pov.height+" units tall.")


Check this out.

It's what I was doing mixed with what DL was suggesting:

<!--Saved by Quest 5.7.6404.15496-->
<asl version="550">
  <include ref="English.aslx" />
  <include ref="Core.aslx" />
  <game name="Heights">
  <object name="room">
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <enter type="script">
      heightsFunction ("human")
      heightsFunction ("gnome")
    <object name="player">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="editor_player" />
  <function name="heightsFunction " parameters="race">
    switch (race) {
      case ("human") {
        heights = Split("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";")
      case ("gnome") {
        heights = Split("3.0;3.4;3.8", ";")
      default {
        msg ("Something messed up.")
    game.pov.height = heights[GetRandomInt(1,ListCount(heights)-1)]
    msg ("You, "+race+", are "+game.pov.height+" units tall.")

You, human, are 5.2 units tall.
You, gnome, are 3.8 units tall.


       [GetRandomInt (0, 5) {

^ shows up like this in code view, which is destroying my script xD

So far I have this.

    if (player.gender="female") {
      game.pov.height = Split ("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";")
    else {
      game.pov.height = Split ("5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0;6.2", ";")



Did you move things around?

What did you paste in before Quest changed it?

What I'm really doing there is:

list = Split("1;2;3", ";")
random_integer = GetRandomInt(0,5)
attribute = list[random_integer]

So, if the random_integer is 1, it would pull the first string from the list:


Same thing as ListItem(list, 1)


game.pov.height = ListItem(Split("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";"), GetRandomInt(0,5))
msg ("You are "+game.pov.height+" units tall.")

Here's a more complicated, fancy way to feed it 2 parameters:

<!--Saved by Quest 5.7.6404.15496-->
<asl version="550">
  <include ref="English.aslx" />
  <include ref="Core.aslx" />
  <game name="Heights">
  <object name="room">
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <enter type="script">
      heightsFunction ("human", game.pov)
      heightsFunction ("gnome", gnome)
    <object name="player">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="editor_player" />
    <object name="gnome">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <look><![CDATA[The gnome is {gnome.height} units tall.<br/>]]></look>
  <function name="heightsFunction" parameters="race, obj">
    switch (race) {
      case ("human") {
        heights = Split("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";")
      case ("gnome") {
        heights = Split("3.0;3.4;3.8", ";")
      default {
        msg ("Something messed up.")
    obj.height = heights[GetRandomInt(1,ListCount(heights)-1)]
    msg (CapFirst(GetDisplayAlias(obj))+", race: "+race+", height: "+obj.height+" units tall.")
  <function name="newHeightFunction">
    game.pov.height = Split("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";")[GetRandomInt(0,5)]
    msg ("You are "+game.pov.height+" units tall.")

I put it like this

game.pov.height = Split("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";")

^ that's all I did. Are they supposed to be on the same line?


if (player.gender="female") {
  game.pov.height = ListItem(Split ("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";"), GetRandomInt(0,5))
else {
  game.pov.height = ListItem(Split ("5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0;6.2", ";"), GetRandomInt(0,5))
msg ("You are "+game.pov.height+" units tall.")


if (player.gender="female") {
  game.pov.height = Split("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";")[GetRandomInt(0,5)]
else {
  game.pov.height = Split ("5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0;6.2", ";")[GetRandomInt(0,5)]
msg ("You are "+game.pov.height+" units tall.")


female = Split("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";")
male = Split ("5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0;6.2", ";")
if (player.gender="female") {
  game.pov.height = female[GetRandomInt(0,5)]
else {
  game.pov.height = male[GetRandomInt(0,5)]
msg ("You are "+game.pov.height+" units tall.")


female = Split("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";")
male = Split ("5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0;6.2", ";")
int = GetRandomInt(0,5)
if (player.gender="female") {
  game.pov.height = female[int]
else {
  game.pov.height = male[int]
msg ("You are "+game.pov.height+" units tall.")


female = Split("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";")
male = Split ("5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0;6.2", ";")
int = GetRandomInt(0,5)
if (player.gender="female") {
  game.pov.height = ListItem(female, int)
else {
  game.pov.height = ListItem(male,int)
msg ("You are "+game.pov.height+" units tall.")

The part in the [] telling Quest the index number of the string we want. It being on another line is what got you.

It's the same thing as the int index number in ListItem (the second parameter).

ListItem (list, int index)

Error running script: Error compiling expression 'Split ("5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0;6.2", ";"), GetRandomInt(0,5))': SyntaxError: Unexpected token ","; expected one of <EOF>Line: 1, Column: 39
game.pov.height = Split ("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";"), GetRandomInt(0,5))

^ is what I have.

Isn't it player.pov?



Syntax got you. Should be:

game.pov.height = Split ("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0", ";")[GetRandomInt(0,5)]

Yet another way to do it:

Check this one out. It's less typing:

heights = Split("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0;6.2", ";")
if (player.gender="female") {
  game.pov.height = heights[GetRandomInt(0,5)]
else {
  game.pov.height = heights[GetRandomInt(1,6)]
msg ("You are "+game.pov.height+" units tall.")

NOTE: Every method I've posted has worked for me. (I promise I'm testing them before posting them.)

Testing stuff; one moment :D Thank you for all your help so far! I can't check to see if it's working until other errors get resolved along the way, usually minor. It is a gigantic character creator so...it won't be too long. one more moment!


Yeah, something wonky is happening. I probably need Pixie @_@ Nothing is getting set for some reason.


Happy to help!

Take your time.

Resolve those errors.

Your problems are not insurmountable.

Shop smart. Shop S-Mart!

Make Quest kneel before you!!!


(Sorry... I'm watching Evil Dead while trying to ignore a 'How to be a Successful Businessperson' CD, which I can't help but hear as it blares from an adjacent room. (I've gone a little crazy crazier, too, it seems.))

LOL Love that movie. I KICKASS FOR THE LORD! xD ! I haven't seen it in forever. And yeah, I know the problems aren't insurmountable, but I need this Creator to be working by the 3rd, so I'm freaking out now! Hahah! I've been working really hard on it for the past week or two.



Wasn't there some reason to not use game.pov in your game one time, Anonynn?

It seems like you had to use player one time...

Was that you?

Am I dreaming up stuff?

Or is that what made you ask:

Isn't it player.pov?



heights = Split("5.0;5.2;5.4;5.6;5.8;6.0;6.2", ";")
if (player.gender="female") {
  player.height = heights[GetRandomInt(0,5)]
else {
  player.height = heights[GetRandomInt(1,6)]
msg ("You are "+player.height+" units tall.")




I just watched that before Evil Dead!

That's Dead Alive (or Braindead) by Peter Jackson, and it's freaking SWEET!

I think I was messing you up with the game.pov instead of player.

If that doesn't fix it, I'm willing to check out the code, if you'd like.

I believe I have to use player.pov---I'll try switching the scripts. I believe I fixed all the other errors happening except that height one now. ^_^ I'll let you know in a moment.

I can't tell you how many "Out of Memory" errors I get with the size of these scripts xD I think I have 21 to 42 if-scripts in some of them, which by the way is the absolute max that Quest can handle before crashing.



If player.pov.height doesn't work, try player.height.

I can't tell you how many "Out of Memory" errors I get...

Word up?

(Note to self: I'm not pushing Quest hard enough.)


I just whippped this up for anyone who wishes to have a little fun while learning about lists:


I'll be adding the random stuff tomorrow, along with a few odds and ends I left out (like different ways to manipulate the lists).

I believe I have to use player.pov

No. player is the default name of the player object; game.pov is the attribute Quest uses internally to keep track of which object is the player. If you allow the player to control different characters, game.pov will always be the current player.

game.pov and player are equivalent (unless you change the name of the player object); there is no player.pov unless you created it.

The only reason not to use game.pov all the time is because there's a couple of places that don't like too many dots; like in the text parser.


Is there a Quest function that will round a double integer up to the nearest hundredth?

Like converting 3.86666666666667 to 3.87?

I'm using JS and an ASLEvent in this little example I made, but Anonynn would prefer avoiding the JS, if possible, I'm sure.


roundUp = function(dbl){
  dbl = Math.round(100*dbl)/100;
  addText("<br/>dbl: "+dbl+"<br/>");
  ASLEvent("setRoundedHeight", dbl);
    <beforefirstenter type="script">
      player.health_as_int = 3.86666666666667
      x = player.health_as_int
      msg (x)
      JS.roundUp (x)

  <function name="setRoundedHeight" parameters="height">
    player.height = height
    msg ("player.height: "+player.height)
    player.height_as_int = ToDouble(height)
    msg ("player.height_as_int: "+player.height_as_int)



dbl: 3.87
You are in a room.
player.height: 3.87
player.height_as_int: 3.87

Anonynn has all sorts of scripts tying to her height_as_int attribute.

This example uses the height I was assigned during a play-through.



Never mind that last question.

EDIT: I put health when it should have been height.

player.height = 3.86666666666667
x = player.height_as_int
msg (x)
if (LengthOf(ToString(x))>4) {
  x = round(100*x)/100
  msg ("Rounded: "+x)

player.health_as_int = 3.86666666666667

I think that's a double, not an int.

Also, if it's for display, you could use
msg ("Rounded: "+Left(ToString(x), 4))

If I was using rounded versions a lot, I'd probably use a script something like:

player.changedhealth_as_double => {
  healths = Split(ToString(this.health_as_double)+".00", ".")
  this.health_as_string = healths[0] + "." + Left (healths[1]+"00", 2)
  this.health_to_2dp = round (this.health_as_double*100)/100
  this.health_as_int = ToInt(healths[0])


I think that's a double, not an int.

Exactly, and it's messing some scripts up.

I think it was and integer in the beginning, but that's just a wild theory.

This is what throws out the long doubles (and incorrect figures; i.e., when player.height is 6.0, this puts out 4'11"):

height_in_inches = player.height_as_int * 2 + 36
height_in_cm = 254 * height_in_inches / 100
s = (height_in_inches / 12) + "' " + (height_in_inches % 12) + "\" (" + (height_in_cm / 100.0) + " m)"


Okay, I think I fixed it (and I'm hoping it doesn't negatively effect some other script somewhere):

        height_in_inches = player.height_as_int * 12
	feet = height_in_inches/12
	inches = height_in_inches % 12
	a = floor(feet)*30.48
	b = floor(inches)*2.54
        s = floor(feet) + "' " + floor(inches) + "\" (" + round(a+b)/100 + " m)"

mrangel (and any other mathematically inclined forum members who may be interested, bored, or what have you),

Do you see any discrepancies (or shortcuts I could have taken)?

(player.height looks like it can range from 3.0 to 7.0.)

It appears to work out correctly each time with a random value.

Hello! Sorry I've been in class all day @_@

Yes, the heights range from 3.0 to 7.0 and go by two's, for example, 3.0, 3.2, 3.4 etc.

As for the //height_as_int// I believe a majority of the time I use that as a text processor command.
For instance...
{if player.height_as_int>=5: Anything over the 4th Stringlist number will enable the script.}

At least, that's how it's used for other attributes in the game, like weight and so on.

I appreciate everyone weighing in on this so far! ^_^


(filler for getting edited post, updated/posted)

game.height_minimum_double_attribute = 3.0

game.height_maximum_double_attribute = 7.0

game.height_increment_double_attribute = 0.2

// ------------------------------------------------

height_double_variable = game.height_minimum_double_attribute
// initial: height_double_variable = 3.0
// this is our 'counter' VARIABLE for the 'while', and also it's the (full range/amount of) height values being added to our height list

upper_out_of_bounds_double_variable = game.height_maximum_double_attribute + game.height_increment_double_attribute
// upper_out_of_bounds_double_variable = 7.0 + 0.2 = 7.2
// this is just so I can remove the equals operation from the while, so instead of doing '<= (less than or equal to)', I am just doing '< (less than)', thus greatly reducing the number of operations
// (the larger the list, the greater the number of operations being reduced), for example (reducing operations by half):
// 10 (items in list) / 2 (pretend modifier of operations being removed) = 5 operations removed
// vs
// 1,000,000,000 (items in a list) / 2 (pretend modifier of operations being removed) = 500,000,000 operations removed
// big difference when you're removing 500 million operations
// small difference when you're removing only 5 operations
// the '/ 2' (pretend modifier of operations being reduced) represents: 2 operations (lesser than and equal to) / 2 (removing the 'equals' operation out) = 1 operation (lesser than) FOR EACH ITEM IN THE LIST, instead of doing 2 operations FOR EACH ITEM IN THE LIST. The number of operations (2) are being reduced by half, thus doing only 1 (2 / 2 = 1) operation PER EACH ITEM IN THE LIST

height_stringlist_variable = NewStringList ()

while (height_double_variable < upper_out_of_bounds_double_variable) {
  list add (height_stringlist_variable, height_double_variable)
  height_double_variable = height_double_variable + game.height_increment_double_attribute

list_count_integer_variable = ListCount (height_stringlist_variable)

last_index_number_integer_variable = list_count_integer_variable - 1

random_index_number_integer_variable = GetRandomInt (0, last_index_number_integer_variable)

random_height_string_variable = StringListItem (height_stringlist_variable, random_index_number_integer_variable)

player.height_double_attribute = ToDouble (random_height_string_variable)

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