Circular rooms?

I am using the map in my adventure and I want to make a circular room but there doesn’t seem to be a option for that. Any help?

Do you want the map function to draw circular rooms???

To the masters that want to check this out...
Line # 331

    <display>Draw custom layer grid square</display>
    <create>Grid_DrawSquare ("", 0, 0, 1, 1, "", "White")</create>

If this draws the room box, could this be copied and edited to draw other shapes?

Or could this be done easer by drawing the room map, manually, using SVG???

OK, you'd need a bit of extra javascript.
I'm writing this after skimming over grid.js; I'm not sure if these functions can be added later, or if grid.js is loaded within a specific frame.

First, an actual circle-drawing function. Heavily based on drawBox

gridApi.drawCircle = function(x, y, z, r, border, borderWidth, fill) {
  // if this is the first room drawn, centre it.
  if (firstBox) {
    var offsetX = - x;
    var offsetY = - y;
    updateOffset(new Point(offsetX, offsetY));
    firstBox = false;

  var path = new Path.Circle(gridPoint(x, y), r);
  path.closed = true;
  if (borderWidth > 0) {
    path.strokeColor = border;
    path.strokeWidth = borderWidth;
  path.fillColor = fill;

Then to act as a buffer between Quest and Paper:

function Grid_DrawCircle(x, y, z, r, border, borderWidth, fill) {
  if (!_canvasSupported) return;
  gridApi.drawCircle(parseFloat(x), parseFloat(y), parseInt(z), parseFloat(r), border, parseInt(borderWidth), fill);

Then on the Quest side, a function that will work out the coordinates of a circular room (as we've got the coords of the top left corner and a width and height; we need a centre and a radius.

For now I'll post a basic function so there's a first attempt here. If this works, then there are a few modifications that could be added later; like drawing ellipses if the width and length of the room aren't the same, and moving the endpoints of diagonal exits in by (1-1/√2) units so that they actually meet the circle.

<function name="Grid_DrawCircleRoom" parameters="x, y, z, width, length, border, borderWidth, fill">
  // half the average of the width and length; best estimate for now
  radius = (width + length)/4.0
  x = x + width/2.0
  y = y + length/2.0
  JS.Grid_DrawCircle (x, y, z, radius, border, borderWidth, fill)

Then to call this instead of just drawing a box, we'll need to add some lines to one of the core functions:

  <function name="Grid_DrawRoom" parameters="room, redraw, playerobject">
    if (room.grid_render) {
      if (redraw or not Grid_GetRoomBooleanForPlayer(playerobject, room, "grid_isdrawn")) {

        if (not room.parent = null) {
          Grid_DrawRoom (room.parent, redraw, playerobject)

        if (not HasString (room, "grid_shape")) {
          room.grid_shape = "box"
        switch (room.gird_shape) {
          case ("box") {            JS.Grid_DrawBox(Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, room, "x"), Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, room, "y"), Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, room, "z"), room.grid_width, room.grid_length, room.grid_border, room.grid_borderwidth, room.grid_fill, room.grid_bordersides)          }
          case ("circle") {
            Grid_DrawCircleRoom (Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, room, "x"), Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, room, "y"), Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, room, "z"), room.grid_width, room.grid_length, room.grid_border, room.grid_borderwidth, room.grid_fill)
          case ("label") {
            // allow rooms where only the label is drawn
          default {
            error ("Unknown grid shape "+room.grid_shape+" for room "
        if (LengthOf(room.grid_label) > 0) {
          label_x = Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, room, "x") + room.grid_width/2.0
          label_y = (Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, room, "y") + room.grid_length/2.0) - 0.5
          JS.Grid_DrawLabel(label_x, label_y, Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, room, "z"), room.grid_label, room.grid_label_colour)

        foreach (exit, AllExits()) {
          if (exit.grid_render and exit.parent = room and exit.grid_length > 0) {
            Grid_DrawLine (Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "x"), Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "y"), Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "end_x"), Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "end_y"), game.mapexitcolour, game.mapexitwidth)

        Grid_SetRoomBooleanForPlayer(playerobject, room, "grid_isdrawn", true)

OK… here's a quick attempt at a function to fix exit coords:

<function name="Grid_FixCircleExits" parameters="room">
  x1 = Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, room, "x")
  x2 = x1 + room.grid_width/2.0
  y1 = Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, room, "y")
  y2 = y1 + room.grid_height/2.0
  r = (room.grid_width + room.grid_height)/4.0
  x_offset = room.grid_width/2.0 - r/Sqrt(2)
  y_offset = room.grid_length/2.0 - r/Sqrt(2)
  ortho_offset = room.grid_width/2.0 - r

  foreach (exit, AllExits()) {
    if (exit.grid_render) {
      if (exit.parent = room) {
        exit_x = Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "x")
        exit_y = Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "y")
        if (DoesInherit (exit, "northeastdirection") or DoesInherit (exit, "southeastdirection")) {
          if (exit_x = x2) {
            Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "x", exit_x - x_offset)
        else if (DoesInherit (exit, "northwestdirection") or DoesInherit (exit, "southwestdirection")) {
          if (exit_x = x1) {
            Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "x", exit_x + x_offset)
        else if (ortho_offset <> 0) {
          if (DoesInherit (exit, "westdirection")) {
            if (exit_x = x1) {
              Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "x", exit_x + ortho_offset)
          else if (DoesInherit (exit, "eastdirection")) {
            if (exit_x = x2) {
              Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "x", exit_x - ortho_offset)
        if (DoesInherit (exit, "southwestdirection") or DoesInherit (exit, "southeastdirection")) {
          if (exit_y = y2) {
            Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "y", exit_y - y_offset)
        else if (DoesInherit (exit, "northwestdirection") or DoesInherit (exit, "northeastdirection")) {
          if (exit_y = y1) {
            Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "y", exit_y + y_offset)
        else if (ortho_offset <> 0) {
          if (DoesInherit (exit, "southdirection")) {
            if (exit_y = y2) {
              Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "y", exit_y + ortho_offset)
          else if (DoesInherit (exit, "northdirection")) {
            if (exit_y = y1) {
              Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "y", exit_y - ortho_offset)
      else if ( = room) {
        exit_x = Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "end_x")
        exit_y = Grid_GetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "end_y")
        changed = false
        if (DoesInherit (exit, "southwestdirection") or DoesInherit (exit, "northwestdirection")) {
          if (exit_x = x2) {
            Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "end_x", exit_x - x_offset)
            changed = true
        else if (DoesInherit (exit, "southeastdirection") or DoesInherit (exit, "northeastdirection")) {
          if (exit_x = x1) {
            Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "end_x", exit_x + x_offset)
            changed = true
        else if (ortho_offset <> 0) {
          if (DoesInherit (exit, "eastdirection")) {
            if (exit_x = x1) {
              Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "end_x", exit_x + ortho_offset)
              changed = true
          else if (DoesInherit (exit, "westdirection")) {
            if (exit_x = x2) {
              Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "end_x", exit_x - ortho_offset)
              changed = true

        if (DoesInherit (exit, "northeastdirection") or DoesInherit (exit, "northwestdirection")) {
          if (exit_y = y2) {
            Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "end_y", exit_y - y_offset)
            changed = true
        else if (DoesInherit (exit, "southeastdirection") or DoesInherit (exit, "southwestdirection")) {
          if (exit_y = y1) {
            Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "end_y", exit_y + y_offset)
            changed = true
        else if (ortho_offset <> 0) {
          if (DoesInherit (exit, "northdirection")) {
            if (exit_y = y2) {
              Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "end_y", exit_y + ortho_offset)
              changed = true
          else if (DoesInherit (exit, "southdirection")) {
            if (exit_y = y1) {
              Grid_SetGridCoordinateForPlayer(game.pov, exit, "end_y", exit_y - ortho_offset)
              changed = true

        // If we change the *end* of an exit, there's a chance it's already been drawn
        //   in this case, we setup a flag to redraw the map at the end of the turn, so we're not redrawing repeatedly
        //   on games which pre-draw the map, or when loading a saved game
        if (changed and Grid_GetRoomBooleanForPlayer(playerobject, exit.parent, "grid_isdrawn") {

<function name="Grid_RedrawAtEndOfTurn">
  if (GetObject ("gridredraw_turnscript") = null) {
    create turnscript ("gridredraw_turnscript")
    gridredraw_turnscript.script => {
      destroy (
  gridredraw_turnscript.enabled = true

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