Looking for example Quest adventures to study

Is there a source on the internet for Quest adventures (even example adventures)so that I can load an adventure into quest and study it.

Not sure how helpful it would be in your case but, Quest Tutorials and Templates (a “game”) is downloadable and playable on this website. It’s not super user friendly but it shows and describes solutions for many of the quest obstacles I’ve run into. Let me know and ask if you have questions.


Also, any game is downloaded and openable with Quest on your desktop. You can see the guts behind the games that way.

Thanks XanMag.

Looks like I can only download the .quest and not the .axsl version of game at that sight.
I wanted an example game that I could study, showing me the code and what boxes are ticked to get results.

the 'XXX.quest' publishing file is just the bundled/zipped file for the online/web quest servers, holding your 'XXX.aslx' game file and any other possible 'XXX.aslx' library files you might be using or have, and any possible music/art/etc files for your game.

all, you got to do is, unzip your downloaded 'XXX.quest' publishing file, to get at the 'XXX.aslx' game file (and etc files) within it

PS, here's some links of resources/guides for helping you: http://textadventures.co.uk/forum/general/topic/ljjm32av4e2t9ot49k478g/help#710be61e-eae1-4af1-8363-520cc718ba1c

ask if you got any questions


The game.aslx file found within a .quest file isn't suitable for opening in the editor. It contains all the game's code and the core libraries, but doesn't distinguish between them, which would make it hard to navigate. It also omits the CoreEditor.aslx and Languages/EditorEnglish.aslx libraries, which are essential for the editor.

This file is usable for debugging a game using a text editor if you know your way around the Quest libraries already; but probably isn't suitable as a learning tool.

The Cloak of Darkness is one example where the .aslx file is available.

I have a variation of it that allows game panes, hyperlinks and the map to be used dynamically, which I'm very happy to provide to anyone interested. It also highlights a few features of Quest that I found difficult to use.

I had a look at clock of darkness but could not find any .aslx files.

What I'm looking for is the file that you save when you have written an adventure (the file you load when working on an adventure). If I was working on an adventure with another person could I send him the .aslx file so he could contunue to work on the adventure is for some reason is this not possible?
I thought there might be example asxl files that I could study as I know others would not be keen on sharing an adventure that they had written in exposing the code.

I can email you my .aslx file for “templates” if you think it will help. Feel free to pm me.

The link to the .asxl file for Cloak of Darkness is in the tutorial accompanying the game. It's exact location is:

Thanks DavyB.
I now have code to study.

I sent you the .aslx file via email. Once you respond here, I will delete your email address from this thread if you wish. Let me know.

I have received your file by email thanks XanMag.

I can let you see some of mine, but be warned, I come from a BASIC background and code that way.
I do things that are a little "different" from the "norm" around here...

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