Time travel games

NecroDeath… Did you get anywhere with your question last year?
(WOW!!! a year? Really???)
Any way, I watching James Cameron Science Fiction, #8 talks about time travel in movies...
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure...
Could follow that line for time looping...
Ground Hog Day...
Keep looping a day until you get every thing right, otherwise you need to do everything over again...
(Altho, it could be more annoying than fun...)
Or Dr. Who, Pandoraca Opens, Part 2 was the better half...
You hop back and forth between 2 time lines (periods) to set everything in the right order...
(But then again, there is that copyright thread that's also running here...)

(But then again, there is that copyright thread that's also running here...)

But you can copy ideas as long as they are not patented (and to patent something you need to spend a shedload of money and prove it works, so you are safe there). As long as you do not call it "Dr Who" or "Ground Hog Day" you are fine.

I suggested an idea a while back where you get to repeat a day over and over, but you can choose to play a different character each time through :p At points where there's a choice, the NPCs will remember what they did last time. So if you play as Mary and spend the whole day sitting in your room typing "wait", then you play through again as Bob, you can be sure Mary will be sitting in her room waiting when you go to see her. Unless you talk to someone first who goes up there and disturbs her.

H.G. Wells first wrote 'The Time Machine' way back in 1895, so you could argue that each of those time traveling programmes/films where a machine is involved is ripping his idea off. Incidentally, didn't the very excellent and most bodacious Bill S. Preston esq. and 'Ted' Theodore Logan, travel around in a box, although not quite a police box... but i'll let you decide on that one.
Or..."You built a time machine out of a DeLorean?" "If you're going to build a time machine, why not do it with some style and imagination?"

mrangel, also came up with this idea pasted below, although he's probably forgotten all about it. In between getting my own adventure going, I am looking into how it could be achieved.

Fan stories are wriiten all the time, be it Dr Who, or Star Trek, Star Wars. So, I think provided there was no financial gain/profit, you might be ok.

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