Avoid both See and Go To

See screenshot below, after the code example.
How can I avoid having both a 'You can see' ('Du kan se') and 'You can go to' ('Du kan gå imod')?
What you see here are rooms within a room, with exits.
The player enters a room, D1 D. In that room, a hallway, are four apartments. I have created these as rooms within the D1 D room, and then I have placed NPC's in each room/apartment. The player can enter any of the four apartments and talk to the NPC there.

Why does it show both 'You can see' and 'You can go to'. It's enough to just show 'You can go to' and then the four links to the four rooms. You can see to the right, under Places and Objects, that it's double there too.
How do I make sure it only shows the 'You can go to...'

    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <alias>D1 D Musikernes kvarter: Milena, Michael, Lev, Galina</alias>
    <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
    <object name="Dirigent Milenas lejlighed">
      <inherit name="editor_room" />
      <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
      <object name="Milena">
        <inherit name="editor_object" />
        <inherit name="namedfemale" />
        <inherit name="talkingchar" />
        <look>Milena sidder ved et bord og bladrer i en bog med noder.</look>
        <exchange>Goddag, hvad kan jeg gøre for jer?</exchange>
        <activeconversations />
        <forcedconversations />
        <object name="mission 1 samtale milena">
          <inherit name="editor_object" />
          <inherit name="startingtopic" />
          <alias>kristne i orkestret</alias>
          <exchange><![CDATA["Milena, du er orkestrets dirigent."<br/>]]></exchange>
      <exit alias="entreen" to="D1 D">
        <inherit name="eastdirection" />
    <object name="Trommeslager Michaels lejlighed">
      <inherit name="editor_room" />
      <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
      <exit alias="syd" to="D1 D">
        <inherit name="southdirection" />
      <object name="Michael">
        <inherit name="editor_object" />
        <inherit name="namedmale" />
        <inherit name="talkingchar" />
    <object name="Bassist Levs lejlighed">
      <inherit name="editor_room" />
      <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
      <exit alias="sydvest" to="D1 D">
        <inherit name="southwestdirection" />
      <object name="Lev">
        <inherit name="editor_object" />
        <inherit name="namedmale" />
        <inherit name="talkingchar" />
    <object name="Harpespiller Galinas lejlighed">
      <inherit name="editor_room" />
      <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
      <exit alias="vest" to="D1 D">
        <inherit name="westdirection" />
      <object name="Galina">
        <inherit name="editor_object" />
        <inherit name="namedfemale" />
        <inherit name="talkingchar" />
    <exit alias="Milenas lejlighed" to="Dirigent Milenas lejlighed">
      <inherit name="westdirection" />
      <visible />
      <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
    <exit alias="Michaels lejlighed" to="Trommeslager Michaels lejlighed">
      <inherit name="northdirection" />
    <exit alias="Levs lejlighed" to="Bassist Levs lejlighed">
      <inherit name="northeastdirection" />
    <exit alias="Galinas lejlighed" to="Harpespiller Galinas lejlighed">
      <inherit name="eastdirection" />

Alt text

The "You can see" list shows objects in the current room. Rooms count as objects.

The "You can go" list shows exits from the current room.

If you don't want them to appear in the lists, you can set them to "scenery", in which case the player can still access them by typing in the names, but they're hidden from the object lists.

Or you could make the rooms not "visible", in which case the player can't interact with it at all until they enter it.

I think the usual answer would be not to put rooms inside each other; but I assume you're doing that for the sake of organisation, and there's no real reason to avoid it as long as your inner rooms aren't visible.

Thank you. I would suggest making it possible to have rooms within rooms and make it possible to not see them as objects but as, well, apartments in a building.
I have 137 rooms in my game and both for the sake of organisation but also for the sake of having "apartments in a building" it would be great to have that feature.

How would apartments differ from objects?

I guess you'd give them "look at" and "enter" verbs. I've done that before with rooms inside a building. But if you've got a lot of them, I think you wouldn't be able to navigate to them with the compass anyway so I'm not sure why you would have exits into them.

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