[Resolved]Using the webplayer to run a specific file on localhost.

When I use the webplayer, properly compiled and navigate to this: http://localhost:52426/Play.aspx?id=1 it returns:
No game specified.

I do have a game in the game folder called test1.quest
Am I missing anything?

Sorry, I cannot add anything beyond the guide you are already following. If you do resolve this, let me know and I will update the guide.

This is unfortunate, this is the only thing standing between being able to host your own game online with the webplayer. I don't really have the knowledge to figure this one out.

Thank you for your help none the less :)

Is it really id=1 ? If you start a game from the webpage , the id looks like this: http://play.textadventures.co.uk/Play.aspx?id=7twg8-10qesyyztxx3rqqa
Perhaps its something like the game-ID?

Yes, id=1 works for me.

Fedack, do you want to paste your WebPlayerSettings.xml file into a post so we can take a look?

and you could really play the game? I tried to start a local file, too but it didn't work. When I remember right, I only got 'Loading...'

Here is the content of WebPlayerSettings.xml

<!-- After entering settings, this file should be saved as WebPlayerSettings.xml -->

  <add key="GameFolder" value="C:\Users\GameServer\Documents\Quest Games\Test 5\"/>
  <add key="LibraryFolder" value="C:\Users\GameServer\Documents\quest-master\quest-master\WorldModel\WorldModel\Core\"/>

  <!-- To enable logging, uncomment this line, and create a log config XML like the one below -->
  <!-- <add key="LogConfig" value="C:\Users\GameServer\Documents\Quest Games\log\"/> -->

  <!-- PLUGINS -->
  <!-- To enable loading a file by ID, specify the type name of a class that implements IFileManager -->
  <!-- <add key="FileManagerType" value="WebPlayer.DebugFileManager, WebPlayer"/> -->
  <!-- <add key="GameSaveFolder" value="C:\Users\GameServer\Documents\Quest Games\Test 5\"/> -->

  <!-- DEBUG PLUGINS -->

  <!-- OR, when debugging, use the Debug Plugins -->
  <!-- <add key="SessionManagerType" value="WebPlayer.DebugSessionManager, WebPlayer"/> -->
  <!-- <add key="FileManagerType" value="WebPlayer.DebugFileManager, WebPlayer"/> -->
  <!-- <add key="GameSaveFolder" value="C:\Users\GameServer\Documents\Quest Games\Test 5\"/> -->
  <!-- <add key="DebugFileManagerFile" value="C:\Users\GameServer\Documents\Quest Games\Test 5\test 5.aslx"/> -->
  <!-- <add key="DebugFileManagerSaveFile" value="C:\Users\GameServer\Documents\Quest Games\Test 5\test5.quest-save"/> -->


    <appender name="FileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender">
      <file value="${TMP}\Quest WebPlayer Log.txt" />
      <appendToFile value="true" />
      <lockingModel type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock" />
      <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
        <conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger [%aspnet-request{REMOTE_ADDR}] - %message%newline" />
      <level value="DEBUG" />
      <appender-ref ref="FileAppender" />

This is the result of what I see when I navigate to http://localhost:52426/Play.aspx?id=1 : https://puu.sh/wuCBy/ff7fcb87a3.png
This is the content of my Game Folder: https://puu.sh/wuCEh/18bc5e922a.png

My stupidity never cease to amaze me. I forgot to uncomment the lines... Let's try now xD

Great! I just needed to remove the comment and to replace the .quest file by an .aslx file.

Now, one last hurdle. Anybody knows how to save locally? If I can figure this out, then I can host the game on my own website.

I think it checks if you are logged into textadventures.co.uk first, even when running locally. I got this:

Saving game...
Failed to save game: You are not logged in. Please log in at textadventures.co.uk and try again.

But when I was logged in:

Saving game...
Failed to save game: Failed to save game.

So you may have a number of issues!

Or use a different save/load system..?

Thanks a lot for your help :)

Yeah, I am not too sure about the limitations of the save/load.

I might just host the game in an unsaveable state, more as a demo and go like "If you want to keep playing, download Quest and the file."

At least, now I can show the game without a login wall, which is often time a large deterrent to have people try the game in the first place.

I was able to package the player and have it run on a Windows Server 2016 install using IIS. WebPlayer is now accessible from the outside and the game is fully functional... except saving.

I'll try to get a local save library working, but it would be great if somebody could build a library so that it can save on the server. So if somebody save, they can assign it a name then can load using that name.

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