Randomizing Objects in Different Rooms

How do I make it so in every room, there are different chances (or equal chances) of different objects spawning in. Like rocks, sticks, leaves, etc. And a maximum to how much spawns in a room at once. Trying to best to avoid Libraries.

The first.

firsttime {
  SpawnZombie (this)

You can also do it with attributes, but it's trickier.

if (game.spawn = 2) {
  SpawnZombie (this)
else {
  msg ("...But nothing came.")

Ugh... What?

I think Empherdaen wants each room to have its own random "window-dressing", i.e., random stackable crafting objects for the player to collect. I haven't dealt with cloning, so am not equipped to advise about that.

Right you are Dcoder.

Hey again Enpherdaen here is the first part in that same series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUGNbe2--Yk it shows how to make randomized room spawner for items.

Oh, very sorry. I misunderstood the question. I have reading difficulties, if you haven't noticed.

No problem Jmnevil54. Thanks Onimike.

Here is one way to do it...
I have a Split variable that contains the index list of room descriptions.
that is then randomized.
Then the rooms are numbered 1 through 20
That way, the 5th entry in the list is the description for room #5
Then a switch to select which room description to show.
The same could be used to random items, one to a room.
You could also use a for loop to seed stuff in each room.


(filler for getting my edited post, updated/posted)

here's an example:

(not fully complete, some more error and exception handling can be added to the 'spawn_data_object.set_spawn_script_attribute' as I got tired, and can still be refactored/stream-lined/improved further such as reducing some code redundency via using Delegates with the Script Attributes, and the code logic/design itself can probably be done better too)

<game name="example_game">
  <attr name="pov" type="object">player</attr>
  <attr name="start" type="script">
    do (start_data_object, "start_script_attribute")

<object name="start_data_object">

  <attr name="start_script_attribute" type="script">
    do (visitable_data_object, "set_visitable_objectlist_script_attribute")
    do (visitable_data_object, "set_visitable_objectlist_count_script_attribute")
    do (spawn_data_object, "set_spawn_objectlist_script_attribute")
    do (spawn_data_object, "set_spawn_objectlist_count_script_attribute")
    do (spawn_data_object, "set_spawn_script_attribute")


<object name="spawn_data_object">

  <attr name="max_spawn_count_integer_attribute" type="int">0</attr>

  <attr name="spawn_objectlist_count_integer_attribute" type="int">0</attr>

  <attr name="spawn_objectlist_attribute" type="objectlist">rock;stick;leaf;bush;cave;bear;wolf</attr>

  <attr name="set_max_spawn_count_script_attribute" type="script">
    if (not HasInt (this, "spawn_objectlist_count_integer_attribute")) {
      do (this, "set_spawn_objectlist_count_script_attribute")
    msg ("Max Spawn Count? (0 to " + this.spawn_objectlist_count_integer_attribute + ")")
    get input {
      if (IsInt (result)) {
        input_integer_variable = ToInt (result)
        if (input_integer_variable >= 0 and input_integer_variable <= this.spawn_objectlist_count_integer_attribute) {
          this.max_spawn_count_integer_attribute = input_integer_variable
        } else {
          do (this, "set_max_spawn_count_script_attribute")
      } else {
        do (this, "set_max_spawn_count_script_attribute")

  <attr name="set_spawn_objectlist_count_script_attribute" type="script">
    if (not HasAttribute (this, "spawn_objectlist_attribute")) {
      do (this, "set_spawn_objectlist_script_attribute")
    this.spawn_objectlist_count_integer_attribute = ListCount (this.spawn_objectlist_attribute)

  <attr name="set_spawn_objectlist_script_attribute" type="script">
    if (not HasAttribute (this, "spawn_objectlist_attribute")) {
      this.spawn_objectlist_attribute = NewObjectList ()
    foreach (object_variable, GetDirectChildren (this)) {
      if (not ListContains (this.spawn_objectlist_attribute, object_variable)) {
        list add (this.spawn_objectlist_attribute, object_variable)
    foreach (object_variable, this.spawn_objectlist_attribute) {
      if (not Contains (this, object_variable)) {
        list remove (this.spawn_objectlist_attribute, object_variable)

  <attr name="set_spawn_script_attribute" type="script">
    foreach (visitable_object_variable, visitable_data_object.visitable_objectlist_attribute) {
      spawn_objectlist_variable = NewObjectList ()
      foreach (spawn_object_variable, this.spawn_objectlist_attribute) {
        list add (spawn_objectlist_variable, spawn_object_variable)
      do (this, "set_max_spawn_count_script_attribute")
      ask ("Random?") {
        if (result) {
          for (not_used_variable, 1, this.max_spawn_count_integer_attribute) {
            spawn_object_variable = ObjectListItem (spawn_objectlist_variable, GetRandomInt (0, this.max_spawn_count_integer_attribute - 1))
            list remove (spawn_objectlist_variable, spawn_object_variable)
            clone_object_variable = CloneObject (spawn_object_variable)
            clone_object_variable.name_of_original_object_string_attribute = spawn_object_variable.name
            clone_object_variable.parent = visitable_object_variable
        } else {
          for (not_used_variable, 1, this.max_spawn_count_integer_attribute) {
            show menu ("Select Item", spawn_objectlist_variable, false) {
              spawn_object_variable = result
              list remove (spawn_objectlist_variable, spawn_object_variable)
              clone_object_variable = CloneObject (spawn_object_variable)
              clone_object_variable.name_of_original_object_string_attribute = spawn_object_variable.name
              clone_object_variable.parent = visitable_object_variable

  <object name="rock">
    <inherit name="spawn_type" />

  <object name="stick">
    <inherit name="spawn_type" />

  <object name="leaf">
    <inherit name="spawn_type" />

  <object name="bush">
    <inherit name="spawn_type" />

  <object name="cave">
    <inherit name="spawn_type" />

  <object name="bear">
    <inherit name="spawn_type" />

  <object name="wolf">
    <inherit name="spawn_type" />


<object name="visitable_data_object">

  <attr name="visitable_objectlist_attribute" type="objectlist">room;room_2;room_3;room_4</attr>

  <attr name="set_visitable_objectlist_count_script_attribute" type="script">
    if (not HasAttribute (this, "visitable_objectlist_attribute")) {
      do (this, "set_visitable_objectlist_script_attribute")
    this.visitable_objectlist_count_integer_attribute = ListCount (this.visitable_objectlist_attribute)

  <attr name="set_visitable_objectlist_script_attribute" type="script">
    if (not HasAttribute (this, "visitable_objectlist_attribute")) {
      this.visitable_objectlist_attribute = NewObjectList ()
    foreach (object_variable, GetDirectChildren (this)) {
      if (not ListContains (this.visitable_objectlist_attribute, object_variable)) {
        list add (this.visitable_objectlist_attribute, object_variable)
    foreach (object_variable, this.visitable_objectlist_attribute) {
      if (not Contains (this, object_variable)) {
        list remove (this.visitable_objectlist_attribute, object_variable)

  <object name="room">
    <inherit name="visitable_type" />

  <object name="room_2">
    <inherit name="visitable_type" />

  <object name="room_3">
    <inherit name="visitable_type" />

  <object name="room_4">
    <inherit name="visitable_type" />


<object name="player_data_object">

  <attr name="player_objectlist_attribute" type="objectlist">player</attr>

  <object name="player">
    <inherit name="player_type" />
    <attr name="parent" type="object">room</attr>


<type name="player_type">

<type name="visitable_type">

<type name="spawn_type">
  <inherit name="clone_type" />

<type name="clone_type">
  <attr name="name_of_original_object_string_attribute" type="string">unknown</attr>

ask if you need any help implementing/adapting/adjusting this example into/for your game, and/or if it doesn't work (got errors), and/or need help with understanding it or how it works, or whatever else you need help with or whatever.

"Invalid XML: There are multiple root elements. Line 22, position 2".

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