I feel like I've broken a few of my verbs

I just started working on my first game last night after reading all the tutorials and some further experimentation, but I think I've made a mistake in the process and have no idea how to fix it. I'm using the web app, which I know is less robust than the Windows version, so I acknowledge that this was probably my first mistake, but I'd also prefer to continue using it for convenience.

As for the actual issue... One of the grabbable items in my first room is a lighter, so I added some verbs to it. I set "flick; use" as my first one, thinking it would be a shortcut since the outcome should have been identical when used for the lighter specifically. But after doing that, it broke the "use" verb for every other item in the game. Now if I attempt to type "use (whatever)" it gives the response "You can't flick; use it." Whenever I try to add "use" or "flick" on their own as a verb for any other item (including the lighter now if I remove it first), it adds "flick; use" instead. I can't find any way to de-link these two verbs.

Is there any way to fix this within the web app (or, alternately, a way to open my web game in the Windows version), or am I out of luck? Thanks for any input whatsoever!

I've made this same mistake myself, it's not fixable. Your options are

  1. Define use and flick for every object in the game
  2. Start a new game file.

In future I'd advise to define each verb and its alternative separately - you can copy and past the code from one verb to another so this doesn't take very long.

I think you can download the game and open in offline version, but I've never done it myself.

A third alternative is to download your game, and then edit the verb objects with the off-line editor, which might be better if you have done a lot for your game.

When Alex was running Text Adventurers, he could do that for a game in the web editor. I am not sure who has the access permissions to do that now, nor whether he or she would know what to do. This is an issue that comes up every few months, and could do with being resolved.

Thanks to both of you. I figured out how to download the game, and correcting the verbs was easy enough via the desktop version, but now I can't figure out how to continue working on that edited game file through the web version. If I'm stuck using the desktop version, I guess it's just going to be easier to redo everything from scratch after all...

The desktop version is vastly more useful than the web version, so unless you just desperately want to work in a web browser for some reason, stick with the desktop.

I'd prefer to stick with the web version simply because I intend to do most of my editing from a non-Windows machine. I went ahead and rebuilt the game from square one, so I should be good to go for now. Thanks again!

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