[SOLVED] Having a use for an object only in one location.

I have an axe in my game, and some areas of jungle. The jungle is meant to be so thick that you need an axe to cut through it.

I want the player to be able to 'use axe' and, only if they're in the jungle areas, to be moved to a new area.

I can't work out how to do this.

Two ways to do this...

If you have the scripts under the 'use (on its own)', you will need to add an 'IF' script and set it to 'if player is in room object jungle' then 'move object player' to jungle.


Use the 'Use this on (other object)' instead of 'use (on its own)' and add the object jungle to your room with the jungle in it. Then, use the same scripts as above.

I would do the second thing because it also allows the player to 'look at jungle' and get an appropriate response.


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