Removing verbs and buttons from Inventory

Hello, I have another weird question
I managed to remove all the default verbs that show up when you click on items in the inventory. Basically, I want the inventory to be just a list, nothing else. You shouldn't be able to click anything.

Even after modifying some of the game libraries, the inventory still makes a box or two pop up. The rounded borders, nothing else.
How would I make the inventory "unclickable" or just remove all the verbs and graphics associated with them? When I click on an item, nothing should happen. Right now though, even after deleting all "inventoryverbs", there are these annoying borders.

Any solution to this? I guess typing "i" is still the best solution, but it'd be nice to have a fixed inventory for quick reference

search/look for Pixie's 'modifying UI', 'adding/removing panes', 'creating custom panes', etc etc etc libraries/guides, or searching for similar types of phrases
etc etc etc

on the object's object tab, at the bottom, is the Inventory verb list.
select and delete each verb.
Now, in your inventory, when you pick up the object, there is no verb list.

I do know of the above solution Dark Lizerd, but I assumed there would be a quicker way to do this rather than object by object...

if you want to do what Dark Lizard said in his/her post (I thought you were only talking about a lingering UI border line or something --- I don't know modifying/customizing UI code stuff at all --- Richard's learning that stuff so quickly!!!!):

there IS a global toggle option in the 'game' Game Settings Object, so that you don't have to go to each Object individually to remove them:

'game' Game Settings Object -> 'Room Descriptions' Tab -> 'automatically generate object display verbs list' toggle option/control checkbox -> (make sure it is UNchecked)

also, these Tabs (same 'game' Game Settings Object) also have some useful controls too:

the 'Features' Tab and the 'Interface' Tab

the 'game' Game Settings Object is a special Object that has specifically all of these global/game-wide controls for you to adjust as needed/wanted.

How to make stuff DISAPPEAR:

Inventory pane
JS.eval ("$('#inventoryLabel').css('display', 'none')")

Places and Objects pane
JS.eval ("$('#placesObjectsLabel').css('display', 'none')")

Compass (takes two lines)
JS.eval ("$('#compassLabel').css('display', 'none')")

JS.eval ("$('#compassAccordion').css('display', 'none')")

NOTE: Change the display to 'block' to reverse this.
JS.eval ("$('#placesObjectsLabel').css('display', 'block')")

You can also away with them all:
request (Hide, "Panes")
request (Hide, "Location")

Replace Hide with Show to reverse it.
request (Show, "Panes")


      JS.eval ("$('#inventoryLabel').css('display', 'none')")
    <pattern>kill inventory</pattern>

      JS.eval ("$('#placesObjectsLabel').css('display', 'none')")
    <pattern>kill place and objects</pattern>

<command name="Turn off panes">
    <pattern>no panes;turn off panes;no compass;kill compass;hide panes;hide compass;hide stats;panels off;no panels</pattern>
      request (Hide, "Panes")
  <command name="panes on">
    <pattern>turn on panes;show panes;panes on;compass;compass on;panes;display panes;panels on;show panels;display panels</pattern>
      request (Show, "Panes")

Here's the information source:

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