Drink from bottle

I need help. I made a watersource that fills a bottle with water. That worked but when I do the code (from the textadventures guide) to drink from the bottle it does not work. Whst can I do?

What do you mean it doesn't work?

To understand what problem you are having, you need to show us the relevant code (or a link to your game), the command the player enters, what you expect to happen, and what actually happens. If it gives an error message, tell us what that message is.

hi mrangel

I made a sink and a bottle with the cods from http://docs.textadventures.co.uk/quest/handling_water.html

Like I said I can make the sink switch on and off the water. So I can fill the bottle with water.
On the switchable side of the sink I did this:

this.parent.watersource = true
this.parent.watersource = false

I made a attribute on the bottle with full and capacity 0 and 10.
Than I made a verb "fill":

if (this.full = this.capacity) {
msg ("It is already full.")
else if (not GetBoolean(game.pov.parent, "watersource")) {
msg ("No water here.")
else {
msg ("You fill it.")
this.full = this.capacity

that worked perfectly I can switch the sink on and off and I can fill the bottle.

my problem is this one:

if (this.full = 0) {
msg ("It is empty.")
else {
msg ("You take a drink from it.")
this.full = this.full - 1

I should make a verb "drink from" but it does not work.
It says:

drink from bottle
Error running script: Error compiling expression 'this.full = 0': CompareElement: Operation 'Equal' is not defined for types 'String' and 'Int32'

Thank you for your help!

     <inherit name="editor_object" />
     <inherit name="switchable" />
     <feature_switchable />
     <displayverbs type="stringlist">
       <value>Look at</value>
       <value>Switch on</value>
       <value>Switch off</value>
     <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
       <value>Look at</value>
       <value>Switch on</value>
       <value>Switch off</value>
     <onswitchon type="script">
       this.parent.watersource = true
     <onswitchoff type="script">
       this.parent.watersource = false
   <object name="bottle">
     <inherit name="editor_object" />
     <inventoryverbs type="stringlist">
       <value>Look at</value>
     <feature_usegive />
     <fill type="script">
       if (this.full = this.capacity) {
         msg ("It is already full.")
       else if (not GetBoolean(game.pov.parent, "watersource")) {
         msg ("No water here.")
       else {
         msg ("You fill it.")
         this.full = this.capacity
     <use type="script">
       do (this, "drinkfrom")
     <drinkfrom type="script">
       if (this.full = 0) {
         msg ("It is empty.")
       else {
         msg ("You take a drink from it.")
         this.full = this.full - 1

How can I post the whole code of my game? Its not showing.. - it worked now (look above)

Please someone help me :)

Your problem is the attribute types.

The capacity of your bottle is the string 10. That is, a sequence of text containing the character 1 and the character 0.

When you fill the bottle, it sets the full attribute to the same as capacity - the string 10.

So in your drink command, the line:

if (this.full = 0) {

compares the string 10 to the number 0.
Quest only allows you to compare two things of the same type. You can check if two strings are the same, or you can check if two numbers are the same. But you get an error if you try to check if a string is equal to a number.

When you created the attributes, you need to set both full and capacity to be numeric types. This means that the type should be "integer" (not "string").
I'm not sure how this looks in the editor, as I've only used the web editor (which doesn't have the Attributes tab) - but there should be a way to change the type of each attribute.

When you've got it set up correctly, that part of the code view should look like:

   <object name="bottle">
     <inherit name="editor_object" />
     <full type="int">10</full>
     <capacity type="int">10</capacity>

Other than that, I can't see any other issues with the code.

I'm not so good at explaining stuff, and I know some people find this hard to understand. I think I've said it a few different ways, so I hope one of them makes sense.

Thank you very much. I think I understand. I try it!

It works! Thank you so much!

one problem left, the bottle does not go empty...

To test what's happening...
Try this:
(Your code bit)
msg ("You take a drink from it.")
this.full = this.full - 1
Change to:
msg ("You take a drink from it.")
this.full = this.full - 1
msg("There are " + this.full + " drinks left.")

And watch what happens.

Check the values of the two intergers 'full' and 'capacity', are you sure they are the correct values.

Initially, 'full' should be set to 0,
and 'capacaity' should be set to 10

Looking at the code you posted above, you seem to have capacity set at 0

thank you!

When I've used this, I've also made a 'water object' in the room as well, which I initially set to invisible, then make visible or invisible, depending on whether the tap is on or off.

I also put a 'look at' description on the tap as follows

The tap is turned {if bathroom.watersource:on, {object:water} gushes out into the bath}{if not bathroom.watersource:off}.

On the 'water object', for 'take', I set it to run a script, as follows

if (not GetBoolean(game.pov.parent, "watersource")) {
  msg ("There is no water here.")
else {
  if (Got(bottle)) {
    OutputTextNoBr ("Using the {object:bottle}: ")
    do (bottle, "fill")
  else {
    msg ("You try to pick up the water, but it unsurprisingly slips through your fingers.")

thank you all so much

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