Audio none on Android

My motherboard recently lost its third and final life. I decided to try to create a game from my android. I have audio attached to verbs on keys. Whenever I test play my unpublished game, everything else works, but there is no sound. Technically there are also no panels. Is there any reason my audio is not coming through with my phone?

Mobile security policies don't allow autoplaying sound from untrusted sites, by default. It's to avoid your data allowance being wasted by noisy ads.

It should be possible to override this by telling it to allow sounds, but I can't remember where in your browser settings you can find the option.

Thank you. That is a relief. I may just start over anyway, as I have hit a runtime error and can't keep track of game file size working on line, so I think I will just copy everything and paste once I have my own pc. That will kill two birds with its one stone.

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