I'm using a libray, where is the function?

So I'm using a library for the first time... then I opened up the library for editing. It's this one. http://textadventures.co.uk/forum/samples/topic/3789/adding-a-second-inventory-object-pane

So, I tried opening it. I looked at the code to see they have some sort of function/functions, but I can't find those functions. I figure they are in the InvLib file, but I can't view that because it's not an .aslx file.

Also, I'm trying to copy-paste things into my online game.


Hello, jmne!

Pixie has one on his GitHub wiki. It's the one I use, and works great.



*shakes head
Too complicated.

(I also tried copy-pasting The Pixie's code in the offline editor, in a blank game, but I kept getting errors, so I quit.)


Ah... I see.

I'll check out Jay's.

Did you get the first one in the thread?

Jay posted one (see this link), then Pixie posted one (see this link).

The first one.
... *messes around with the second one...

...No, still can't find it.....


SetInventory2 should be the function you're looking for.

You will also need SetInventory2Label.

  <function name="SetInventory2Label" parameters="label">
    JS.eval("$('#Inventory2Label a').html('" + label + "');")
  <function name="SetInventory2" parameters="objects">
    // Build the JSON string for these.
    s = ""
    count = 1
    foreach (o, objects) {
      verbs = ""
      foreach(verb, o.inventoryverbs) {
        if (verbs <> "") {
          verbs = verbs + ","
        verbs = verbs + "\"" + verb + "\""
      if (s <> "") {
        s = s + ", "
      s = s + "\"k" + count + "\": {\"Text\":\"" + GetDisplayAlias(o) + "\",\"Verbs\":[" + verbs + "],\"ElementId\":\"" + o.name + "\",\"ElementName\":\"" + GetDisplayAlias(o) + "\"}"
      count = count + 1
    s = "{" + s + "}"
    JS.updateInventory2("Inventory2", s)

AdditionalPane.aslx (the game)
<!--Saved by Quest 5.4.4873.16527-->
<asl version="540">
  <include ref="English.aslx" />
  <include ref="Core.aslx" />
  <include ref="InvPane2.aslx" />
  <game name="AdditionalPane">
  <object name="room">
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <enter type="script">
      ol = NewObjectList()
      list add(ol, AnObject3)
      list add(ol, AnObject4)
    <object name="player">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="editor_player" />
    <object name="AnObject">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="container_open" />
      <alias>Object 1</alias>
      <use type="boolean">false</use>
      <take />
    <object name="AnObject2">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="container_open" />
      <alias>Object 2</alias>
      <use type="boolean">false</use>
      <take />
  <object name="room2">
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <object name="AnObject3">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <alias>Object 3</alias>
    <object name="AnObject4">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <alias>Object 4</alias>
  <javascript src="InvPane2.js" />

InvPane2.js (the JavaScript file)
var Inventory2Verbs;
$(function() {
  var s = "<div id='Inventory2Holder' style='padding-left:0px'> \
            <h3 id='Inventory2Label'><a href='#'>Inventory 2</a></h3> \
            <div id='Inventory2Accordion'> \
                <div id='Inventory2Wrapper' class='elementListWrapper'> \
                    <ol id='lstInventory2' class='elementList ui-selectable'> \
                    </ol> \
                </div> \
                <div class='verbButtons'> \
                    <button id='cmdInventory21' type='button' onclick='paneButtonClick(\"#lstInventory2\",$(this));' style='display:none' role='button' class='ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only'><span class='ui-button-text'></span></button> \
                    <button id='cmdInventory22' type='button' onclick='paneButtonClick(\"#lstInventory2\",$(this));' style='display:none' role='button' class='ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only'><span class='ui-button-text'></span></button> \
                    <button id='cmdInventory23' type='button' onclick='paneButtonClick(\"#lstInventory2\",$(this));' style='display:none' role='button' class='ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only'><span class='ui-button-text'></span></button> \
                    <button id='cmdInventory24' type='button' onclick='paneButtonClick(\"#lstInventory2\",$(this));' style='display:none' role='button' class='ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only'><span class='ui-button-text'></span></button> \
                    <button id='cmdInventory25' type='button' onclick='paneButtonClick(\"#lstInventory2\",$(this));' style='display:none' role='button' class='ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only'><span class='ui-button-text'></span></button> \
                    <button id='cmdInventory26' type='button' onclick='paneButtonClick(\"#lstInventory2\",$(this));' style='display:none' role='button' class='ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only'><span class='ui-button-text'></span></button> \
                    <button id='cmdInventory27' type='button' onclick='paneButtonClick(\"#lstInventory2\",$(this));' style='display:none' role='button' class='ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only'><span class='ui-button-text'></span></button> \
                    <button id='cmdInventory28' type='button' onclick='paneButtonClick(\"#lstInventory2\",$(this));' style='display:none' role='button' class='ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only'><span class='ui-button-text'></span></button> \
                    <button id='cmdInventory29' type='button' onclick='paneButtonClick(\"#lstInventory2\",$(this));' style='display:none' role='button' class='ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only'><span class='ui-button-text'></span></button> \
                </div> \
            </div> \
    $("#Inventory2Holder").multiOpenAccordion({ active: [0] });
        selected: function (event, ui) {
            updateVerbButtons($(ui.selected), Inventory2Verbs, "cmdInventory2");


function updateInventory2(listName,listData) {
	listData = JSON.parse(listData);
    var listElement = "#lst" + listName;
    var buttonPrefix = "cmd" + listName;
	var idPrefix = buttonPrefix;
	eval(listName + "Verbs = new Array();");

	var verbsArray = eval(listName + "Verbs");

    var previousSelectionText = "";
    var previousSelectionKey = "";
    var foundPreviousSelection = false;

    var $selected = $(listElement + " .ui-selected");
    if ($selected.length > 0) {
        previousSelectionText = $selected.first().text();
        previousSelectionKey = $selected.first().data("key");

    var count = 0;
    $.each(listData, function (key, value) {
        var data = value;
        var objectDisplayName = data["Text"];


        if (true) {
            var $newItem = $("<li/>").data("key", key).data("elementid", data["ElementId"]).data("elementname", data["ElementName"]).data("index", count).html(objectDisplayName);
            if (objectDisplayName == previousSelectionText && key == previousSelectionKey) {
                foundPreviousSelection = true;
                updateVerbButtons($newItem, verbsArray, idPrefix);

    var selectSize = count;
    if (selectSize < 3) selectSize = 3;
    if (selectSize > 12) selectSize = 12;
    $(listElement).attr("size", selectSize);
    if (!foundPreviousSelection) {
        for (var i = 1; i <= verbButtonCount; i++) {
            var target = $("#" + buttonPrefix + i);

Yeah... Well, that's impossible... At least I tried...

You cannot open library files up in Quest, but you can in a text editor. I use Notepad++.

Are you doing this with the intention of copying functions into an on-line game? Generally that will be fine, just remember to set the parameters and type as well as pasting in the code.

However... Jay's second inventory thing uses a JavaScript file as well, and you cannot do that in the on-line version. My library, which is based on Jay's, embeds the JavaScript in an attribute, and again you cannot do that on-line.



Does the game included in Jay's ZIP file work correctly for you?

If no:

Did you unzip the ZIP file before you tried?

If I try to run the game from within the zipped file, I get this:


The example game works for me, as long as I extract the files first.

It works, it works...



all quest files (game files and library files) have to be 'XXX.aslx' files, so if you download a file that is a zip file, you got to unzip it, to get at its 'XXX.aslx' quest files. You can also just try changing the extension too, if the downloaded file is a text (XXX.txt) file.

the 'XXX.quest' file is only for the quest servers online, which is created via 'publishing' it to them.

Actually library files can be .xml. This can be useful because you can have them open in Notepad++ by default while .aslx open in Quest by default. Also, if you screw up the XML in a .xml file, you can open it in a browser, and it may give an idea of where it is wrong.

Apart from that, yes.

The Pixie

You cannot open library files up in Quest, but you can in a text editor. I use Notepad++.

Are you doing this with the intention of copying functions into an on-line game? Generally that will be fine, just remember to set the parameters and type as well as pasting in the code.

However... Jay's second inventory thing uses a JavaScript file as well, and you cannot do that in the on-line version. My library, which is based on Jay's, embeds the JavaScript in an attribute, and again you cannot do that on-line.

So this all doesn't matter.

Thanks for trying, anyways.

you can copy the library file into your game file... as that's all a library file actually does, when it gets compiled, lol. But library files are nice for our organization, sanity (or insanity... working with a lot of library files can be frustrating too, for me anyways, lol), editing, trouble-shooting, and also encapsulation design.

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