You pop the noodles in the microwave. Beep Boop Beep 2:00minutes. 1:59, 1:58...\n\n \nYou blop down on the couch and open up an episode of [[adventure time]].\n\n"Adventure Time, C'mon grab your friends, We'll go to very distant lands. With Jake the Dog and Finn the Human, The fun will never end, it's Adventure Time!"\n\nYour heart fills with rainbows and [[butterflies|NO REGRETS]]. \n\n
You walk to fridge and open it for no reason. You start sorting your condiments in size.\n\nKetchup --> Mustard --> Dijon Mustard --> [[Soy Sauce]] --> Mayo\n\nThis order displeases you but you are unsure why. You rearrange them again, but in no particular matter.\n\nYou continue delving into the depths of your fridge and you come across some old [[take out]].\n\n[[Microwave?]]\n[[Dispose]]\n\n \n\n\n\n
The greatest show of existence.
Dear Robert,\n\nI'm afraid I have come down with the a terrible flu and will not be able to attend class tomorrow. I wouldn't want to contaminate the other students and of course, you. Please let me know what I can do for the next class.\n\nThank you. \n\n\nWell. That's [[settled|NO REGRETS]]. \n\n\n
You fall asleep immediately.
You open up your sketch book to draw a mind map. Inevitably you end up sketching tiny animals instead. Such as these:\n\n \n /\s /\s \n //\s\s_//\s\s ____\n \s_ _/ / /\n / * * \s /^^^]\n \s_\sO/_/ [ ]\n / \s_ [ /\n \s \s_ / /\n [ [ / \s/ _/\n _[ [ \s /_/\n \n\n\n /\s /|\n |||| |\n \s | \s\n _ _ / @ @\n / \s =>X<=\n /| | /\n \s| /__| |\n \s_____\s \s__\s\n\n\nYour downwards spiral of procrastination has now commenced. [[Draw more]]\n
You are low on soy sauce.
It's 12:01am and you still haven't finished your Twine game yet. \n\n[[Start game|starter]]\n\n
__ _\n .-.' `; `-._ __ _\n (_, .-:' `; `-._\n ,'o"( (_, )\n (__,-' ,'o"( )>\n ( (__,-' )\n `-'._.--._( )\n ||| |||`-'._.--._.-'\n ||| |||\n\n\n . .\n '.-:-.`\n ' : `\n .-----:\n .' `.\n , / (o) \s\n \s`._/ ,__)\n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n\n\n / \s~~~/ \s \n ,----( .. ) \n / \s__ __/ \n /| (\s |(\n ^ \s /___\s /\s | \n |__| |__|-" \n\n\n[[MORE!!!!!!!!!!!|MORE!]]\n\n
\n (\s\s\n \s||\n __(_";\n / \s\n {}___)\s)_\n \n /\s /|\n \s V/\n | "")\n / |\n / \s\s \n*(__\s_\s\n\n\n //\n (")\n UU\s \n <><>*\n\n\nWhat [[time]] is it?\n\n
It's 5:40. You realize you've spent the past 6 hours drawing little animals. [[NO REGRETS]]\n\n[[Email Robert]]
Rice and noodles smothered in a ridiculous amount of soysauce.\n\n
You're agitated. \n\n[[focus]]\n\n[[loaf]]
You open up twine and click on a new passage.\n\nYou stare into the white box as the keyboard cursor blinks with persistence. \n\n"Your are in an open field and there is a mailbox." you type. Wait a minute...*backspace, backspace, backspace*\n\nYou string your fingers into your hair, now pondering if the keyboard cursor will ever stop blinking. Blink, BLink, BLInk, BLINk, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, [[BLINK]]