THE GAME HAS BEGUN. You start this game as a [[mouse]]. I'm sure there are other earlier stages but you know what they don't focus on them. OK. You're a mouse. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Ok nope. But you still have more options. K. SO. [[Play with the cat]] [[Run under furniture]] [[Go through the mousehole]]Ok so you're playing with the cat. Not really. I'll edit that. SO you're running away from the cat. Your options [[Keep running from the cat]] [[Go through the mousehole]] [[Run under furniture]]Ok so you're under the couch. It's a tight fit. You're getting nervous. Until of course you just run yourself into a hole. [[You're stuck]]Ok you're through the mousehole and successfully evaded the cat. Congrats. [[Magically turn into a child]] Well you're getting tired. And the cat isn't. Sooner or later something bad will happen. [[Five minutes later]]Yay. Done being a mouse. You chose the right one. IT'S ABOUT TIME MAN!!! [[Go to Queen of Heart's castle]] [[Run up hill in front of you]]And you're stuck. [[Five minutes later]]Ok. You're dead. [[Bye|mouse]]I was too lazy to do this one correctly. So you're going [[back|Magically turn into a child]]So you run up the hill [[Good]] [[The other good]] You survived the surprised landslides. So now you have the [[Giant's Drink]]So you meet the Giant. He gives you two options. <img src=""> [[Coke]] [[Pepsi]] OR... You can be extreme and [[kill the Giant]]Wow. You fell for it. It's BAD LANDSLIDES!!! So you're dead [[Bye|Magically turn into a child]]Oops. Wrong one. You're dead. [[Bye|Giant's Drink]]Oops. Wrong one. You're dead [[Bye|Giant's Drink]]Congrats. you killed the Giant. You're going to [[FAIRYLAND!!!!!]] YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! Congrats. You made it to FAIRYLAND!!!!! A bat is coming over to congatulate you! hey there's a swingset! Let's go play on it!!!! [[Play on swingset in FAIRYLAND!!!!!]]Congrats. You're playing with a bunch of fairies and other children on a swingset... But you can't play on it. Every time you try to slide down, or go on the monkey bars something fails and you fall. Would you like to [[keep trying]] or [[move on]]?I don't know why you want to keep falling through metal bars and plastic're an insane person. There's no point. You should go [[somewhere else|move on]]So you finally got some common sense and decided to move on. You come upon a well. Hooray. And then something bad happens. [[Uh oh]]You find wolves guarding the well. They're the [[children|Play on swingset in FAIRYLAND!!!!!]], only now they were tasked with guarding the well. They destroy you the first time, but you end up beating them [[the second time]].Finally, you realize that you can kill the wolves as children by making them fall and shoving them in wolf form into a brook. Congratulations. The wolves are gone, and FYI they don't come back. So you should probably [[go down the well]].When you go down the well you see animals captured in colorful cages. You promise to play with those animals later, and head on down farther on the path, until you see a [[walkway]].On this walkway, you see your significant other beckoning you from the other side (if you don't have a significant other than just someone you care about--in the original it's Ender's sister). You contemplate for a few minutes on whether to turn back or go on, and your feelings win out from your common sense and you go on. So you walk down the walkway, but once you get near the [[end of the walkway]], your significant other disappears.Once you actually reach the end of the walkway, panting slightly (it was a long run), you see that your significant other has truly disappeared. You think that he/she was never really there in the first place. After all, this IS a mind game. And after you realize he/she is gone, [[the carpet starts moving]]You spin around hurriedly, your heart racing, and realize the carpet wasn't ever a carpet, it was a snakeskin. And once you make that connection, the snake moves and [["attacks"]]Quickly, your instincts working faster than your mind, you quickly take the snake's head, and, grunting from the weight, slam it against the floor. Once it is dead, the sphere at the end of the walkway becomes a [[mirror with a face]].The person in the mirror reveals him/herself as the person you hate most (in the original story it is Ender's older brother). He/she laughs and says "Congratulations. You're a killer, just like me". You kind of freak, and [[try to get out]] of the room.You try and try, and end up finally throwing the snake at the mirror. Once that happens, the mirror transforms into billions of tiny snakes that attach themselves to your body. You, obviously, [[die]].Once you die, you end back up in the middle of the walkway. Now, you have two choices. You could try doing what you did last time with the snake, [[killing it|"attacks"]]. But, this time you have [[another option]]. Gently, you raise the snake's mouth to yours...and kiss it. That's not what you meant to do! You meant it to bite your head, seeing if you could commit suicide. Of course, you can't. Stupid mind game. Once you kiss it, your [[significant other returns]].Your significant other turns the mirror into a door and walks through it. You walk through with him/her. Once you get through the door, you are at the top of a staircase, with your significant other at your side. You're so happy, you don't realize every person in the audience has the face of the person you hate. All you care about is that your significant other will always be at your side. <h1>[[The End|Start]]<h1>