[[theStart]]: You are standing alone in a forest.
Straight ahead you see a strange figure hiding amongst the trees.
Suddenly, you hear a branch snap and a crow caw. You look up just in time to see it fly away and when you return your gaze to the figure, you see it retreating into the shadows.
[[Follow the figure]](follow)
[[Walk in the opposite direction]](walk) [[follow]]: You hurriedly try to catch up to it, careful not to trip over the forest's dense undergrowth.
When you reach a clearing, the figure disappears and you find yourself standing on the bed of a stream. You are parched.
[[Drink from the stream]](drink) [[walk]]: You quickly turn on your heels and begin walking through the dense forest alone. You walk for approximately half an hour before realising that you have returned to the same spot at which you started.
[[Head in the direction you last saw the figure]](last) [[last]]: You find a clearing in the middle of the forest with a stream running straight through it. You suddenly realise you are thirsty.
[[Drink from the stream]](drink) [[drink]]: You take three large gulps of water before a strange noise causes you to look downstream. You are surprised to find a woman bathing in the water.
[[Talk to the woman]](talk) [[talk]]: You slowly walk towards her and call out "Hello?" The stranger turns in the water to face you and smiles.
You gasp at the sight of the ethereal shimmer of her skin in the sunlight and the hint of a tail beneath the water.
She curls her finger in your direction, beckoning you closer.
[[Kneel by the water]](kneel) [[kneel]]: You kneel on the grass at the edge of the stream as she swims toward you.
"Who are you?" you ask.
Again the woman smiles, "I am Moria. I preside over this stream, protecting all life both within and surrounding. What is it you seek?"
[[answer]]: "Can you tell me how to get home?" you ask tentatively.
Moria tilts her head, "First you must make a sacrifice to the stream."
[[Sacrifice a possession]](sacrifice)
[[Refuse]](refuse) [[refuse]]: Moria frowns, "Then I'm afraid I cannot help you. You must prove yourself to the stream before you can receive guidance."
[[Sacrifice a possession]](sacrifice) [[sacrifice]]: You reach into your pockets and pull out three things: a penny, a mobile phone and an old necklace.
Which do you sacrifice to the stream?
[[Mobile phone]](mobile)
[[Necklace]](necklace) [[penny]]: You throw the penny into the stream.
The water remains calm as Moria narrows her eyes, "The stream requires something of greater value to the seeker."
[[Try again]](sacrifice) [[mobile]]: You hesitantly throw the mobile phone into the stream.
Bubbles erupt from the water and Moria smiles, "The sacrifice has been accepted," she asks again "What is it you seek?"
[[Ask how to get home]](escape) [[necklace]]: You throw the necklace into the stream.
The water ripples for a second before a calm falls over the clearing. Moria shakes her head, "The stream requires something of greater value to the seeker."
[[Try again]](sacrifice) [[escape]]: Moria smiles, "Follow the stream to the south.
Take a left when you reach a small cottage on the edge of the forest. Continue straight and you should reach the main road by sunset."
[[Thank Moria]](thank) [[thank]]: Moria nods before disppearing beneath the water, her golden tail shimmering in the light.
[[Go home]](theStart)