You are inside a big, white cube. Somehow, it' s filled with fog. Your eyes can look only a small portion of this. The rest of it, almost unlookable. Now, what can you see ? You cannot identify your gender, but you can only walk. [[Walk left]] [[Walk right]] [[Go north]] [[Go south]]Left. Nothing, only the fog. It appears that you are now lost. You even seem to be lost in your own mind. Why is that so foggy, you start to think. But, only to start. You are not conscious of the situation, therefore, the situation in general, feels hopeless. A mass of undistinguishable things seem to overcome all of your thoughts. It does not seeem to be pleasant, though. [[Action]] - Return You walk right. You spot a person, that, apperently, has human traits. As you approach this person, you discover that it was all an illusion. This person wasn' t there at all. You start to think : "This is an illusion." Now, you look at your hands. You are a woman. You keep walking until you see something that lets you interested : what appears to be a huge bed, with a white blanket. The blanket seems to be old, and you think it might feel rough akin to your skin. You look down. You are naked. Naked and alone. You start to think negatively, ironically : " What a pleasant combination ! " Well, you decide to sleep. You wake up in the same place. Now, you are aware : this is not a dream.Only fog. You lay down in the floor. Turns out you died. [[Action]] - ReturnSo, you go south. There, you find a door. You, as curious as you should get, open the door, without any thoughts of consequences. You are happy because of the appearance of a door. You don' t even want to hide your private parts ( after all, you were naked and such ). You open the door. Only to reveal this : you wake up in a park, naked. Your face is filled with dirt. Your mouth is also dirty. You stand up. Your entire left side is filled with dirt. You shake your body a little bit. You look up in the sky : " Thank God it' s nighttime ". You return home afterwards. After all, the streets were empty.