"Ugh, omens are lame", you say, while watching a weasel fight an ox. You move to a cottage, marry a nice girl, and live happily ever after. \n[[Try again|Start]]
Uncapping your canteen, you see a deer eat a man. [[you drink some water]]. [[You pour the water on the ground|do not move]]
You see an alien. He shoots you with his ray gun.\n[[Try again|Start]]
A djinn comes out of a lamp and grants you three wishes. You wish for infinite wishes. The djinn turns you into a frog-man. You can't see the omens any more.\n[[Try again|Start]]
The red lightning srikes right next to you. A mysterious man appears and gives you a trophy. "You read the omens perfectly" said a small engraving on the trophy's base. "You win."\n[[Try again|Start]]
You see an old man wandering through the forest. He asks for some bread, and then vanishes in a cloud of smoke. \n[[Eat an apple core]] [[do not move]]\n
At the bottom of your hole, you find a green leaf. Maybe you should [[move]] out of the way just in time. Or you [[don't]].
You are struck by a red lightning bolt, and everything goes black. You return to conciousness in a room. You are face to face with a man who says you are to be punished for not following the omens. \n[[Try again|Start]]
"In order to find the treasure, you will have to follow the omens. God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left for you."\n-The Alchemist\n\n\nAs you walk through a snowy forest, you notice an owl descend from an old pine tree. It grabs a frozen rat, and eats it.[[Do Nothing]] [[Dig a Hole]]
While standing in the snowy forest, you see a dead tree fall onto an arrow-shaped rock. [[Drink some water]] [[Do nothing]]
Sam Hearne
To prepare for the end times you make an igloo out of the snow on the ground. Later, the world ends, taking the igloo with it. You read the omens poorly.\n[[Try again|Start]]
While you eat the apple core, a yellow wren loses all of its feathers and a snake eats its own tail. \n[[Prepare for the end times]] [[Decide omens are lame]]