You roll over and go to sleep. You're sure nothing important is going to happen.\n\n[img[End1pic.png]]\n\nThe END
You push off your tangled sheets and swing your feet over the side of the bed. It's only a few steps to your window and you are able to peek through the dark curtains. The moon is very bright, and the street is illuminated fairly well.\n[img[window.png]]\n\nNothing seems to be awry. No possible commotion outdoors that could have woken you.\n\n[[==>Head to the fridge and get a slice of pizza!|Pizza]]\n[[==>No, seriously, go back to bed|Bed]]
Okay, maybe you're just overthinking things. Really, you should go back to bed. With a last look out the window you close the drapes and get back under your covers. The alarm still reads 3:00 AM, and the brightness of it's face is what you think is keeping you from returning to slumber.\nWith a huff you reach over and turn the clock face-down, shrouding your world in darkness again. But you still can't quite sleep.\n\n...\n\nYou flip the alarm back up, but it still reads 3:00 AM. What the hell?
It is exactly 3am. Your alarm clock's bright red numbers don't ever lie. But you are never usually awake to see these numbers, and it leaves you wondering why you were suddenly roused from sleep. What will you do?\n[[==>go back to sleep|End1]]\n[[==>Look out your window|The Window]]
Three AM
By playingHooky
Well, now that you're up, you might as well go get some leftover pizza. Your door creaks unfortunately loud as it opens, but your dad is a heavy sleeper, so you're not too worried. You do, however, tiptoe past his room on your way downstairs. The kitchen light is already on, which you find to be a strange occurance for three in the morning.