I just need help in general

I have never done this before, ever.
So,,, I'm just going to put questions here as I run into problems.

How do I enable the player to choose their character name?
How do I give the player options on where to go?

here's a good starting point:


there's a few methods of getting input:

the 'get input' Script/Function: gets the person playing the game's typing input into the text box command

the 'Command' Element: gets the person playing the game's typing input into the text box command

using the built-in menus 'show menu / ShowMenu' Functions/Scripts: the 'show menu' does a popup window menu and the 'ShowMenu' does an 'in-line' (as blue hyperlink text in the big text box on the left) menu, which you then select which choice/item you want (they use a list of items and the lists are: String List Attributes or Object List Attributes)

creating/adding Objects and giving/adding Verbs (Verbs: are just Script Attributes with extra internal coding "fluff") for them, which enables them to be buttons and hyperlinks that you can click on during game play

if you want to delve deeper into more quest and/or its coding stuff, let us know

ask if you got any questions or need help wth anything or need anything explained or explained better

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