How to delete sound files from main memory storage in online Quest?

My game seems to have gone waaaaaaaaaay over the size limitation of 20Mb and so unless the Admins. can allow bigger files, I need to be able to delete some of the biggest sound files to try to get my game actually Published!

Unfortunately I don't think it's possible. There's no real file manager on the online editor, so I'd suggest not adding sound unless you're sure it's necessary.

When do you get the message of the file limitation? When you upload the too big file or when you publish the game?

I never got ANY warning message for a whole year in development. Stage by tentative stage, I added small sound files and everything worked with no warnings. As I was keen to only submit a polished working bug free game, I never published a half baked version.

2 years later, the game is ready for publishing and I cannot even publish it! And still NO WARNINGS about size!

Then there should be only one possibility: Download the game, edit it in the OfflineEditor and remove too large files and then publish and upload the game

The earliest problem I encountered was the inability for downloading the game!

Please be more specific! You don't see a download button? Nothing happens when you click on it? There is an error message when you click on it?

Download button works for a very small game ok. Zip file created ok and quite quick.

For the game I have added loads of sounds well over 20mb, I click on download button, wait...after a minute or so I get this :

Error 524 Ray ID: 6a6e8d059ef1770e • 2021-10-31 17:19:53 UTC
A timeout occurred

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