I'm messing with the CSS on the default game. I added this code to the CSS file, but it causes an error.
#main {
color: red;
background-image: url(https://woodhouse3d.neocities.org/Iguanopolis_brickworkC.png);
Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource (img-src) at https://woodhouse3d.neocities.org/Iguanopolis_brickworkC.png because it violates the following directive: “img-src 'self'”
img-src 'self';"
You'll find that on line 11 of your index.html file.
Example Policy
Assume a Content-Security-Policy header is set with the following policy:
img-src 'self' https://images.example.com;
With the above CSP policy, images can be loaded from the same origin (via the 'self' source list value), or via URLs starting with: https://images.example.com
So, you can probably change:
img-src 'self';"
img-src 'self' https://woodhouse3d.neocities.org;"
I haven't tested this theory, though.