Beth wakes up in a strange room. She has never seen the room before and she doesn't remember anything. Who is she? Where is she from? Why is she here? Beth tries to recall something, but it doesn't work. Her mind is totally blank. Beth decides to [[look around the room|2]]Beth finds that she is on a bed. The room is not big and it's almost empty. A chair is on the floor beside the bed. A closet is beside the left wall. There is an old television on top of the closet. The screen of the television is full of black and white snow. Nothing else could be found in the room. Beth opens the closet, trying to find something to help her to recall who she is, but there's nothing in it. Beth is wondering whether should she [[goes out|3]] or [[just stays in the room|4]].Beth gets off from the bed, walks out of the room and comes to a long dark corridor. Beth walks through the corridor, wondering why she can't find one single person there. Beth keeps walking and comes to a door. The door is open, so she just walks out of it. In front of Beth is a wide road, there are trees and houses on both sides of the road. It just look like a normal scene but Beth doesn't know where is it, she doesn't even know who she is. Beth [[keeps moving|5]].Beth feels like there might be something terrible out there, so she prefers to stay in the room. Although it's not a good choice either. Beth walks around in the room, she has nothing by her side, her phone, purse, ID card and anything that can prove her identity is nowhere to be found. Beth feels so sad. She has changed her idea, she can't stay here forever, she needs to find out what has happened, so Beth [[walks out|3]].Beth walks on the street. It's strange that there is no one she can see on the street. Beth goes on walking and suddenly, she see a women standing behind a tree. The woman wears black clothes and has long hair. The woman has a phone in her hand and she is watching it. The woman is focused on the phone so that she doesn't notice Beth, Beth is thinking should she [[go to talk to her|6]] or just [[go way|7]].Beth decides to chat with the woman to find out what has happened. So she walks toward her. When Beth gets closer to the woman, she seems to have noticed Beth, but the woman doesn't remove her eyes from the phone. Beth says to the woman:" Hey, can I ask you something?" Beth hears no answer from the woman. Beth goes on asking:" Do you know what has happened here?" The woman still doesn't reply to her, instead the woman raised her phone in front of Beth as if she is taking a photo for Beth. Everthing is so wired, Beth thinks. Will Beth try to [[talk to her again|25]] or just [[go away|8]]?Beth thinks it might not be a good idea to talk to her, as she doesn't know what will the woman do to her. It's dangerous to talk to a strange person in a strange place. So Beth [[goes away.|50]]Since Beth can't get any answer, she thinks it might be better to go away. So Beth keeps walking. Then she finds that although there are no one on the street, there are people hiding behind the courtyard walls and trees. Likewise, they do nothing except staring at their phones. Beth tries to chat with the other people she finds on the street, but they are just like the first one she has met with, they say nothing to Beth except raising their phone in front of her. Beth [[keeps moving|9]].Beth is running at her top speed and the two masked persons are running after her. Beth is so scared, she comes to the people on the roadside for help. Beth grabs a man who she meets with on the road, Beth say to him:" Help me, please help me." But the man does't respond at all. Beth can't even see a change in his expresson, the man just takes his phone in his hand, just as he is watching a movie. Beth feels so desperate, she has no option but to [[keep running|11]].Beth goes on walking, wondering what has happened to this world, she feels completely confused and depressed. What makes Beth more depressed is that she doesn't even know who she is. Beth looks around the world, it's not familiat at all and [[she can't recall anything.|56]] The 2 persons are racing Beth to the bottom, she feels tired and desperate, there are people on the road, but no one would like to lend a helping hand, they are all raising their phones at Beth as if they are recording the exciting scene. Beth begins to cry, still she can't stop running, as the 2 persons are after her, holding hammers toward her. Beth feels exhausted, she can't stop, she must [[escape from here|12]]."I must get away from here," Beth says to herslef. Beth is going to find out what has happened anyway. So Beth keeps running although she has worn out. In the meatime, Beth is considering should she [[just run on the road|60]] or should [[she find somewhere to hide.|59]] Beth hides herself behind a goods shelf, just as she is going to give a sigh of relief, Beth finds there are 2 others beside her, they are a man and a woman. Beth feels like she is about to freak out, she is going to run away while the woman talks to her:" Come here, follow me, hurry up." Beth hesitates for a while, shall she [[do as she said|14]]? Anyway, things can not be worse and the woman might be helpful. Or should she [[go by herself|15]]? After all it's only the first time she has met the woman...Beth has made up her mind, she will follow the woman, she doesn't want to fight a lone battle any more, maybe they could be good partners. Thinking about that, Beth comes closer to the man and woman. They are not like the others Beth had met, they have no phones in their hands, while the woman is holding a gun. Wearing a frightened face, Beth asks the woman:" What has happened here? Why is everyone staring at their phones? Why are these people chasing after me? I don't even know them." The man speaks:" This is not the right time to explain, let's get out of here first." Yes, the man is right, [[Beth can not ignore the 2 masked persons who are pounding at the door, trying to break in.|66]] Beth believes it's a bad idea to trsut someone that she has never met with. So she decides not to join them, although they are shouting behind her:" You'll never work it out all by yourself." Beth just leave them alone, instead, she shuttles through the goods shelves to search for the exit. Beth finds the exit just as she hears a loud noise, it's the masked men, [[they have broken in!|80]]"It's too dangerous, they are just mad, we must leave here as soon as possible." The mans says. Beth and the woman are running in front, while the man is behind trying to protect them. Beth stil doesn't know their names, cause there's no time to ask questions. The 3 of them shuttle through the goods shelves to find the exit, suddenly Beth heards a huge voice, the door is knocked down by the 2 persons! Beth hastened her steps, where is the exit? The 2 persons are looking for them, the masked persons knock down some goods, they are getting closer to Beth according to the voice. No, [[they have found Beth|17]]!"You two go first, I'll protect you, we will meet out there later." The man said, he asks Beth and the woman to get out of here. The exit is just 5 meters away, all of them have seen it, it only takes a few steps to get there, however the 2 persons have come closer to Beth, She would have to fight them to escape. The man suggests Beth and the woman leave first and he will fight the guys. Beth is hesitating, should she leave him in danger while escaping by herself? But the woman is urging Beth to leave:" Hurry up, there's no time left." Beth is not sure:" Should we? He can not defeat the 2 guys by himself, he will be killed." The woman said:" None of us has a chance to live if we all stay here." Beth still can't make her mind, should she choose the choice of living to [[follow the woman to the exit|18]] or be a brave person and [[help the man to fight?|86]] There comes the noise of fight in the room, and Beth has come to the exit, one step forward, she will get out of danger. However, Beth hears a painful voice from inside, she wants to see what has happened, but the goods shelf blocks her sight, she doesn't know if the man is ok. Just at this moment, the woman shouts to Beth:" Hurry up, they are coming out." The instinct to protect herself pushes Beth to [[stride forward|19]].Beth and the woman finally get out of the supermarket, they wait for the man for a long time, but he never comes back. Beth wants to cry, but she can't [[drop any tears|20]]....The woman tells Beth that her name is Lora, Beth asks her:" What has happened here?" Lora says there is a electric factory in the village, a device there has recently been sending signals to all electric devices, television, computers, phones...anything that is networked. People who the receive the signal will be effected, they become very indifferent, they ignore everything around them, they would not interfere nor give a hand no matter what happens around them. They only focus on their phones and never care about the others, not even their familiy and friends. Thus, the bad people begin to do whatever they want, they kill and rob, since nobody would stop them. Now [[Beth knows why|21]] the 2 masked persons were chasing after her and why the others are all focusing on their phones.Beth keeps asking:"But why I can't remember who I am? " The woman replies:" Your situation happens to someone as well, but it's not common." "How can I recover my memory? How could the world become normal again?" Beth asks Lora. Lora says:" The electric factory is the key. We will have to destroy the device that is sending signals, when people stop receiving signals, they will get back to normal. But it's very hard." "What other choice do we have?" Beth asks. Lora replies:" There's only one option- you keep going, until you arrive at some place that is not affected by the signal. But no one is sure how far will that be or does that place even exit." "Are you going to [[do it with me|22]] or [[go your own way|91]]?" Lora asks Beth."Let's do it together, let's take the world back to normal." Beth replies to Lora. Then Beth and Lora come to another street which is behind the supermarket. Things are similar to what she has seen before, people are staring at their phones and nobody talks to the others. Beth thinks:" We used to rely on phones, we use them to communicate, entertain and pay, we think we can't live without them, look what have phones done to us now?" Beth and Lora [[keep walking on the street|23]].Beth has walked for a long time, but since both of them have no watches nor phones, and the others deny to share the time, she doesn't know how long is that. Both of Beth and Lora feel so tired, hungry and thirsty. But they can't go to the shops or markets, as there might be bad person everywhere, they have to keep quiet and secluded. It feels like Beth and Lora have walked for a long way, none of them can move any more, so she decides to [[have a rest|24]] on the roadside where there is few people nearby.Beth and Lora sit by the roadside, they are too tired to say a word to each other. Suddenly, there comes a person who also wears a black mask, the pattern on the mask is the same as those two Beth has met previously. The different thing is that this man holds an electric saw in his hand, the saw is making noisy cacophony. The person has saw Beth, [[he is coming toward her...|26]]Although the woman looks wired, you want to try again. So to continue to ask her:" Hey! Can you hear me?" There's still no reply. "Why are you holding the phone? What's in it?" You try to look at her phone. But she avoids it. You have found that you can get nothing from her, so you decide [[not to waste any time on her|8]].Beth and Lora can do nothing but to run. Beth and Lora run to the street at their top speed, but after a tough day, both of them have worn out. Beth feels she are dead tired, maybe she [[can't escape from the electric saw...|27]]Just as Beth is giving up hope, a car rushing out in front of her, there is a male driver on the car, he waves and says:" Get on the car, hurry up." The man looks normal, Lora gets on the car without a second thinking, but Beth doubts it's a good idea. Should Beth [[follow Lora to get on the car|28]]? Or should she [[leave alone|29]]?Beth says to herself that maybe she should't think that much, anyway there's no better choice. Leaving here will only get her hurt, while she has a chance to escape if she get on the car. So [[Beth gets on the car|30]]."It's good to trust people, but it's wrong to trust anyone you are not familiar with." Beth thinks. Most importantly, Beth's intuition tells her that the man on the car is not a friend. Beth would like to stop Lora and tells her what she think, but it's too late, Lora has got on the car. Well, it looks like Beth can only [[wish her good luck|45]].The masked man is chasing after the car, Beth sees him from the mirror of the car. "Why are they doing this?" Beth keeps asking the question, because she still can't believe what she has been going through is true. "They like to scare people, it makes them exciting," the man on the car says, "people would do anything without limitation." The man continues to say. "We haven't thanked you for your kindness, what's your name?" Lora asks. "It's James." The man says. "Well, James, where are we going?" Lora goes on asking. [["A place that is secure."|31]] James answers.It feels like Beth's strength has recovered in some extent since the car saves her from moving with her feet. However Beth feels more and more hungry. Beth has gone for a long way during which she passed a market, a hospital and countless trees, finally, James parks the car in a forest. The three of Beth [[get off the car|32]]."Are you hungry? Here's something to eat." James says to Beth and Lora. It's the first time Beth feels so happy, she hasn't eaten for a whole day, well, she doesn't know the exact time. Lora looks pleased as well. James takes out 2 sandwiches and gives them to Beth and Lora. It tastes so good at this moment, it's like the best ever food Beth has eaten. Beth and Lora are even offered some water to drink. The world is not that bad, Beth thinks. Beth, Lora and James sit on the grass to [[get some rest afterwards|33]].James notices the gun in Lora's hand, Beth's intuition tells her that James's expression looks a bit abnormal, but Beth is not sure. Beth, Lora and James chat on the grass. James asks Lora:" So you have a weapon, why didn't you use it while I met you?" Lora takes a look at her own gun and replies:" Bullets are too precious in these days, you can't just use it like that." That's right, Beth thinks. Who knows [[how many risks are there in front of her|34]]. "Wait a minute, I'll show you something." James says while stand up. He walks toward his car, he opens the trunk and takes something out of it. Beth can only see it's something black and long, she would never expect it could be a shotgun until it's raised in front of her. [["Get your hands up!"|35]] James shouts to Beth and Lora.What a tremendous switch, James looks so cruel, it looks like he has changed to another person within seconds. Beth's desperation comes back again. With an astonished look, Lora gestures Beth with her eyes to do what James asks. Yes, what choice do they have? They have become James's slaves and can only [[do what he says|36]]. After both of Beth and Lora get their hands up, James covers a black bag on their heads so that they can't see anything at all. He asks Beth to put her hands on Lora's shoulder and he leads Lora to move forward, in the meanwhile, the shotgun is aimed at Lora. "Don't talk or play games with me," James says, "[[Or I'll shot you|37]]."Beth staggers along the road in darkness, the shotgun aimed at her puts her in severe stress and fear. After walking for several minutes, the bag is removed off her head and Beth is able to see. The scene in front of Beth shocks her. Maybe it's [[the most horrible one she has ever seen|38]].There are dead bodies on the ground and on the trees. Some are hanged to death, some are shot to death... The man is still aiming at Beth and Lora with his shotgun. Beth's life is going to end here, she thinks, while she doesn't know who is she and where is her family. The man forced Beth to come near to a tree, there are ropes on the tree and the man looks excited. There comes some people not far from here, all of them are holding the phones. "Help me! Please help me!" Beth shouts, but nobody answers. While the man talks to the people like this:" Be my audience, record the exciting moment!" He shouts and waves to the them. Just at this moment, Lora runs away while he is not focusing on her. When he sees her, she has been miles away. James shoots at Lora, however it misses. [[Lora has escaped|39]].James looks so furious, and Beth has been begging him:" Please, don't do it. I'm not your enemy." That doesn't work at all as James says to Beth:" Now that your partner has escaped, you'll have to suffer double pain." Beth begs James not to hurt her, she begs the others to help her, but none of these helps. Beth gives up, maybe this is it, [[this is her fate|40]]- to be killed in some place she doesn't know by someone she has never met.With tears on her face, Beth is pushed to the tree by James and his gun. Beth's hands are tied to the tree so that she can't move nor escape. After that, Beth hears a harsh noise, it's James, he is taking a electric saw and walking towards Beth. Beth is so scared that she feels like she can't breath. Beth cries and shouts, but the electric saw is getting closer to her, it's almost on her back. No, [[Beth's body is going to be impaled|41]]!A loud noise comes to Beth's ears at this moment, then the harsh sound of electric saw fades away from her. [[What has happened?|42]] Is Beth dead already?It's Lora, she has shot James with her gun, and now James is dead. Beth is not yet recovered from her fright, but she has realized that she is not dead, she is saved. Beth hugs Lora tightly, thanks Lora for saving her life. During the whole process, there are people around, however they just observe from the sidelines and record, for the first time you think the onlookers are so detestable. "We must leave here, let's go." Lora says. Yes, Beth must [[leave the horrible place|43]]."After what we have gone through, now you know how difficult is it to reach the electric factory. We are going to meet people on the road, we don't know they are friends or enemies. It's time for you to make a choice. Do you stil want to [[eliminate the signals with me|114]]? Or do you prefer to [[leave alone|115]]?" Lora asks Beth.The masked person is now chasing after their car, so Beth is safe for now. Beth has to eat something, or she'll be starved to death. Beth continues her journey. She comes across a small shop. Beth is so desperate for something to eat, but she is still not sure is it true to [[walk into the shop|46]]. Maybe it's more dangerous in the shop and [[Beth should not get close to it by herslf.|88]]Beth steps into the shop with so much trepidation. What if there are bad guys inside? What if she is attacked again? But Beth knows she has to do it, or else she will be starved to death. Beth walks into the shop softly and silently, in case any noise is made. Beth has found a food shelf, what a surprise! She decides to find a bag and get herself some supply. So Beth puts some bread, canned food and water into the bag then [[she leaves the shop as soon as possible.|47]]Beth goes out of the shop with her food. The next thing Beth is going to do is to enjoy her fisrt meal in somewhere safe. So Beth goes on to walk, looking for a secure place to have her meal. There's a huge tree on the roadside, Beth looks at all directions, nobody has been found. Beth has chosen this place to be her spot. Beth takes off the bag from her shoulder, open the bag and take out something to eat. It feels so good to be full. After enjoying your meal, Beth begins to [[think about her next step.|48]]Just as Beth is sitting there, considering about where to go next, her shoulder is clapped by a hand. Beth is nearly frightened to death. She turns her head and see a young man standing behind her. Beth holds her bag tightly and [[step back a few steps.|93]] When Beth is walking on the street, she finds there are people hiding behind the walls and trees. Much like the woman Beth has found previously, those people pay attention to nothing except their phones. Although feeling wired, Beth decides not to talk with any wired persons she meets on the road, maybe [[she can find someone who is more normal.|9]]The 2 masked men are getting closer and closer to Beth, they are coming to her side. "Hey! Who are you?" Beth tries to talk to them. But the masked men don't reply, instead, [[they are raising their hammers to Beth|58]]. "Why..." Beth sighs with her last breath. Beth still doesn't know what is happending while [[she is losing her young life.|53]]With her last breath, Beth understands a truth: When someone is holding a hammer rushing towards you, they are never playing games nor jokes with you. [[But it's too late...|54]]GAME OVER.Just as Beth is thinking, there comes 2 persons rushing toward her. Both of them wear black mask on their faces, there is a mountain shaped pattern on their masks. Each of the masked man takes a hammer in their hands, they are rushing towards Beth. Who are these people? Why are they doing this? Beth doesn't have time to think about these questions, she has to [[escape here|10]] as soon as possible. Wait a minute, maybe the masked men are just playing jokes with Beth, why doesn't she [[stop and see what are they going to do?|51]]"Why are you doing this? Is this a dream or a joke?" Beth still doesn't believe all that she has gone through is true. But Beth is wrong, everything is for real and the hammers are falling on her head. Her head is dripping with flood and [[Beth is feeling weaker and weaker.|52]]"It's not a good idea to just run, I will should be exhausted." Beth thinks. She runs while look around the environment in the nearby. Beth finds there is a supermarket in several meters from here, she speeds up with her last effort. Beth rushes into the supermarket and closes the door immediately. After that Beth pushes a desk to block the door, that would work for a while, and she needs to [[think about where to go next|13]] for this moment.Since Beth doesn't know the surroundings well, she thinks it might be better not to take a risk. As she doesn't know what will happen if she enters an unfamiliar house. Beth tries her best to run, but her strength is running out. Beth is slowing down no matter how hard she tries. [[And the masked men are getting closer to Beth.|61]]"I'm too tired, I can not move any more." Beth says to herself. 'Maybe I should just [[wait and see what would happen|51]], maybe they are just playing games with me." Beth thinks. Judged from the noise, the 2 masked men are almost success. "They are getting in, we must hurry up." The man says. Yes, but there isn't enough time out. Should they [[try to get out of the room|16]]? Or will they [[be brave enough to fight the bad guys in their faces|67]]?“Keep avoiding is not the answer, maybe we should solve the problem throughly." Beth says to the man and woman. The man is not sure about this, he thinks it's better not to confront with them. However the woman agrees with you, she thinks the guys might appear again in some other places if they just flee away, so they should completely get rid of the bad guys. Finally, Beth, the man and woman decides to [[fight with the masked persons.|68]]"When the guys are getting closer, the two of you just follow me, Lora, you will only shot only when it's necessary, OK?" The man says. "OK, Leon, but we must stick together." Lora replies.... By then, Beth knows the woman is called Lora and the man is called Leon. With a huge noise, the goods shelf is pushed down, and [[they are ready|69]].The 2 masked persons have entered the supermarket where Beth, Lora and Leon are in. Befor getting face to face with them, Beth and Leon each finds a knife in the supermarket, since Lora has a gun, she doesn't need it. The masked men are [[getting closer and closer to them.|70]] While the masked men are approaching, Beth, Lora and Leon are hiding behind a goods shelf. They are getting closer and closer, and Beth is felling more and more nervous. When the masked men arrive, Leon rushes up to them and stab the knife into one of the masked men's leg. [[The man falls down with a groan.|71]]Then they find the other masked man is nowhere to be found. Just as they are turning away, the other masked man appears behind them. None of them has noticed the man, he just raised his hammer and hit it on Leon's head, at the same time, Lora lifts her gun to the man and fires to him. The masked man and Leon fall on the ground at the same time. Blood trickles from Leon's head and [[he is getting weaker and weaker...|72]]"We must do somthing, we must save him..." Beth says in panic, but she doesn't know how as he is blooding in a uncontrolled way. While Lora stays calm, she says:"There's nothing we can do to save him, we should leave, it's not safe here." Beth says:"No, we can't do this, Leon dies to protect us, we can't just leave him here." Then a weak voice coms to their ears, it's Leon, he says with his last breath:" Lora is should leave...don't waste your time here..." There are tears in Beth's eyes while Lora stays cool. "Are you going to [[leave with me|73]] or [[stay here|74]]?" Having become impatient, Lora asks."Just go..." Leon says with a weak voice. All right, since Beth can not change anything, she decides to be pratical and [[leave with Lora.|75]]"No, I'm staying here with Leon. Although there's nothing I can do, at lease I can be here with him until the end." Beth says with a determined mind. "All right, good luck to you, let's separete here." [[Lora says and leaves.|76]]Beth and Lora finally get out of the supermarket, however at the expense of Leon's life. Beth is sad and depressed. She is sad that a man died for her, and she is depressed that she just leaves the man who saved her life alone waiting for die. [[Beth is disappointed at the heartless world as well as herself.|90]]Beth crouches beside Leon who is bleeding and running out of breath. Beth takes up a handkerchief to wipe off the blood on Leon's face. Leon is already too weak to say a word, but he expresses with his eyes that he is so moved by Beth. Beth is holding Leon's hand all the time. She feels his hands is getting from warm to cold, and finally he runs out of breath. [[Beth closes Leon's eyes softly with her hands.|77]]Now that all is over, Beth can only leave by herself. Meanwhile she tells herself that she can not be weak anymore, being weak will only get herself and people around hurt. She must be strong, only by that [[she can protect herself.|92]]Beth is in front of exit, just one step will take her out of the dangerous place. However she can't make up her mind. Should she [[go back to help the man and woman?|81]] Or should [[she keep herself safe by leaving here|82]]?Although Beth does't remember who is she and what kind of person she is, at least she knows now she can't leave the others in danger while she leaves by herself. Security is crucial of course, but she can't persuade herself to abandon the others. So she decides to [[go back and give them a hand.|83]]Beth finally decides to leave by herself. Anyway, she isn't going to be a good helper. So regardless of what's going to happen in the supermarket, [[Beth steps out of the exit.|84]]Beth goes back from the interspaces of goods shelves quietly. When the man and woman see Beth coming back, [[they are pleased|68]], anyway a partner is so precious in these days.Beth walks on the road. She keeps walking and walking, it seems she has walked for a whole day. Beth is so tired and hungry, she must get some supply, or she will no doubt be starved to death. Beth finds there's a shop in dozens of miles away, [[she decides to check it there.|46]]"Maybe I'm not good at fighting, but I'm not a coward, so I'm not going anywhere, we will face together no matter what happens." Beth says with great determination. Lora seems to have been moved by Beth, and she says:" All right then, [[let's face it together.|70]]""Maybe we should end up here. I think it's better for me to go my own way." Beth replies. Looks a little dissapointed, Lora says to Beth:" All right then, it's your decision. Wish you good luck." Beth says goodbye to Lora and [[restart her own journey.|84]]Beth and Lora finally get a minute to have a rest. Beth asks Lora:" What has happened here?" Lora tells Beth that there is a electric factory in the village, a device there has recently been sending signals to all electric devices, television, computers, phones...anything that is networked. People who the receive the signal will be effected, they become very indifferent, they ignore everything around them, they would not interfere nor give a hand no matter what happens around them. They only focus on their phones and never care about the others, not even their familiy and friends. Thus, the bad people begin to do whatever they want, they kill and rob, since nobody would stop them. Now [[Beth knows why|21]] the 2 masked persons were chasing after her and why the others are all focusing on their phones."Maybe we should end up here. I think it's better for me to go my own way." Beth replies. Looks a little dissapointed, Lora says to Beth:" All right then, it's your decision. Wish you good luck." Beth says goodbye to Lora and [[restart her own journey.|84]]Although feeling sad to do it, Beth says goodbye to Leon and leaves the supermarket. The world is heratless and Beth must be strong enough to survive. With a brave heart, [[Beth continues her journey.|84]]Just as Beth is turning back to leave, the young man speaks: "Hey, don't be afraid. I'm Max, I was chased by some masked guys earlier. But I havn't eaten for a long time, could you kindly give me something to eat?" Beth is not sure, food is so precious for her and she doesn't know if the man is kind. Beth can not make up her mind whether to [[share some food with the man|94]] or [[leave him alone.|122]]Beth looks at the man who calls himself Max, he is about 20 years old with an innocent and handsome face who does't look like a bad guy. Finally, Beth decides to give him something to eat. It's true the world is heartless, but Beth is not. So Beth takes out some bread from her bag and gives them to Max. Max takes over the food with grateful look, he [[eats them up in no time.|96]] After both of Beth and Max are full, they chat on the grass behind a hug tree. Beth asks:" So Max, do you know what has happened?" Max seems a bit surprised and replies:"You still don't know what's happening?" [[Beth shakes her head.|97]]"There is a electric factory in the village," Max says, "a device there has recently been sending signals to all electric devices, television, computers, phones...anything that is networked. People who the receive the signal will be effected, they become very indifferent, they ignore everything around them, they would not interfere nor give a hand no matter what happens around them. They only focus on their phones and never care about the others, not even their familiy and friends. Thus, the bad people begin to do whatever they want, they kill and rob, since nobody would stop them." Now [[Beth knows why|98]] the 2 masked persons were chasing after her and why the others are all focusing on their phones.Beth keeps asking:"But why I can't remember who I am? " Max replies:" Your situation happens to someone as well, but it's not common." "How can I recover my memory? How could the world become normal again?" Beth asks Max. Max says:" The electric factory is the key. We will have to destroy the device that is sending signals, when people stop receiving signals, they will get back to normal. But it's very hard." "Are there any other choices do we have?" Beth asks. "Yes, you can run as far as you can to some place that is not affected by the signals, although I don't know how far will that be." Max says. "Are you going to [[save the village with me|99]] or [[go your own way|100]]?" Max asks Beth."Let's take the world back to what it used to be." Beth says to Max firmly. "Yes, [[let's do it.|101]]" Max replies."I don't think I want to take the risk, it's so dangerous." Beth says. "But someone need to do it, or else the world will be worse." Max talks to Beth with disappointment. "Yes, but that someone wouldn't be me. Goodbye, Max, wish you good luck." Beth says to Max. Beth leaves most of the food and the gun to Max, then [[she leaves.|124]]"If we are going to do it, we need to have enough supply, weapon and a viecle." Max says, "because we don't know how long it's going to take us and we have no idea of what are might come across." "Yes, you're right." Beth replies. [["Let's go get enough supply first."|102]] Beth says."There is a shop not far away from here, I get the food from there. Why don't we go back and get some more?" Beth suggests. "Although I don't think it's a good idea, because places where there is food are more likely to be attacked by masked persons, but since you just get your food from there, I think it would not be that bad." Max replies. [["Let's go have a try."|103]] Max says.Beth and Max go back to the shop. "Come on, there's no one here." Max steps into the shop first and then talks to Beth with a tiny voice. Beth follows Max to go into the shop. They find another bigger bag in the shop to hold the food. "Let's fill the bag as soon as possible." Max says to Beth. Beth and Max try not to make any noise while getting the food, they almost took all the food, there are few left. Just as Beth and Max have filled the bag and are going to leave the shop, they find [[there is a masked person at the gate.|104]]Max is walking in front of Beth with the bag on his shoulder. The masked man talks to Max with low voice:" Be a good boy, give me the bag and you will survive." At the same time, [[the masked man is pointing a gun at Max and Beth.|105]] Within a very short time, Beth comes up with an idea. "All right," Beth says, "We promise we will give you the food, but you will have to make sure you are not going to kill us by putting your gun on the ground until we leave the room." [["It's a deal."|106]] The masked man says.The masked man puts his gun on the ground which is not fay away from him. After that, he walks towards Max to fetch the bag full of food. At the same time, Beth walks to the back of the man while his attention is focused on the bag. The masked man takes over the bag, in the meantime, Beth picks up the gun from the ground and [[point it to the man|107]] before he turns back."Return the bag to us and leave this place." Beth says to the masked man while pointing the gun towards him. "Give the gun back to me, young lady, believe me, you are going to regret for the rest of your life if you don't." The man says in a smoldering look. Apparently, the masked man doesn't believe Beth could be brave enough to fire the gun, he walks to Beth step by step. "Stop! I'm going to shoot." Beth shouts with a tremulous voice. But the man won't listen to her, [[he just walks closer to her.|108]] The man is almost getting in face to face with Beth, he says while reaching his hand to Beth:" You can't do this, just give the gun to me." "I don't want to hurt people, I just want to get my things back." Beth cries and shouts. But the man does't stop, he keeps going towards Beth. The man is only no more than one meter from Beth, but he still doesn't stop. Beth has no choice, the instinct pushes her to [[pull the trigger|109]].With a huge noise, the man falls down on the ground with blood draining out from his body. Beth squats on the ground, she can't stop crying. Max comes to her side and hold Beth tightly with his arms, Max comforts Beth gently:"Hey, it's OK, don't blame yourself, you are just trying to protect us, he is going to hurt you if you don't do that." But Beth can not persuade herslef, [[she killed a person|110]] no matter for what reason, she thinks she has become a murderer now.Max keeps telling her that she does it because she does't have a choice, that they need to be strong enough to protect themselves. Gradually, Beth calms herself down, she must be strong and brave, she know that's going to take a lot, but she has no choice. Beth stands up with Max, they take up the bag and [[walk out of the shop|111]]. "Now we have acquired both food and weapon, let's keep moving." Max says to Beth. "Yes, [[let's move on|112]]." Beth replies.Beth and Max continue their journey, they wonder where have the viecles gone? While the few left are mostly driven by masked men. "Don't worry, we will find a way." Max conforts Beth. "All right, maybe we will." Beth replies. "I come up with an idea." Suddenly Max shouts. "So [[what is the plan?|142]]" Beth asks."Let's take the world back to what it used to be." Beth says to Lora firmly. "Yes, [[let's do it.|211]]" Lora replies."I'm so grateful that you saved me, but maybe we should end up here. I don't think I want to take the risk any more, the people are just so mad. I think it's better for me to go my own way." Beth replies. Looks a little dissapointed, Lora says to Beth:" All right then, it's your decision. Wish you good luck." Beth says goodbye to Lora and [[they separate.|116]]Beth walks on the road after getting separated with Lora. She keeps walking and walking, but she does't know where is she going. Beth is so tired and hungry, what's worse is that she doesn't even have an objection. Beth begins to wander if she was wrong to leave Lora. "I must survive. I must get some supply, or I will no doubt be starved to death." Beth says to herself. Beth finds there's a shop in dozens of miles away, [[she decides to check it there.|117]]Beth steps into the shop with so much trepidation. What if there are bad guys inside? What if she is attacked again? But Beth knows she has to do it, or else she will be starved to death. Beth walks into the shop softly and silently, in case any noise is made. Beth has found a food shelf, what a surprise! She decides to find a bag and get herself some supply. So Beth puts some bread, canned food and water into the bag then [[she leaves the shop as soon as possible.|118]]Beth goes out of the shop with her food. The next thing Beth is going to do is to enjoy her fisrt meal in somewhere safe. So Beth goes on to walk, looking for a secure place to have her meal. There's a huge tree on the roadside, Beth looks at all directions, nobody has been found. Beth has chosen this place to be her spot. Beth takes off the bag from her shoulder, open the bag and take out something to eat. It feels so good to be full. After enjoying your meal, Beth begins to [[think about her next step.|119]]Just as Beth is sitting there, considering about where to go next, her shoulder is clapped by a hand. Beth is nearly frightened to death. She turns her head and see a young man standing behind her. Beth holds her bag tightly and [[step back a few steps.|120]]Just as Beth is turning back to leave, the young man speaks: "Hey, don't be afraid. I'm Max, I was chased by some masked guys earlier. But I havn't eaten for a long time, could you kindly give me something to eat?" Beth is not sure, food is so precious for her and she doesn't know if the man is kind. Beth can not make up her mind whether to [[share some food with the man|121]] or [[leave him alone.|122]]Beth looks at the man who calls himself Max, he is about 20 years old with an innocent and handsome face who does't look like a bad guy. Finally, Beth decides to give him something to eat. It's true the world is heartless, but Beth is not. So Beth takes out some bread from her bag and gives them to Max. Max takes over the food with grateful look, he [[eats them up in no time.|123]] One should never trust anyone in these days, and food can not be more precious, so Beth is determined that she is not going to share her food with the man. Beth gives a glance at the man, then she [[turns back and leave.|199]]After Max gets full, Beth and Max chat under the tree. "So, Max, what's your next plan?" Beth asks. "I'm so fed up with this indifferent world, I'm going to destroy the device which is sending evil signals. Are you going to [[do it with me|99]] or [[not|100]]?" Max looks at Beth with eager eyes.Beth proceeds on her way with only a little food and water. Beth has no faith nor objection, she just wanders on the street, if some masked man come to attact her at this moment, she wouldn't even resist. [[Beth has already been demoralized.|125]]Beth walks aimlessly on the road, she doesn't know how long has it been, she gets some rest and supply when she become tired and hungry, then she keeps moving. After a time, do not know how long, Beth finds that there is little food left in her bag, however she doesn't have any power to search for supply. "Just let it be," Beth thinks, "Maybe this is the end, at least [[it's a relief for me.|126]]"Beth sits on the roadside, she doesn't know where she can go, she does't know what is she waiting for, she just sits there, with nothing in her mind. Beth sees a man walking towards her, the man doesn't wear a mask, nor does he holds a weapon. Beth doesn't know what is the man going to do to her, however she has no power to escacpe. Beth is stil sitting there, watching [[the man walking closer to her.|127]]The man keeps moving until he comes right in front of Beth. Beth feels no fear nor panic, she just looks at the man. However the man doesn't say a word, he [[throws a phone to Beth|128]] and leaves without doing or saying anything else.The man is moving further and further away, unil his back fades in Beth's eyes. Beth picks up the phone. It is an ordianry phone, only that the screen is all black with a mountain shaped pattern on it. [[The pattern is exactly the same as the ones Beth has seen on the people's masks!|129]]There's something wired. Although looks normal, the phone is strange. It seems that there is an invisible power attracting Beth to stare at the screen. [[It's too hard to resist the power.|130]]Beth is not sure, whether should she [[follow the power|131]] or [[resist it|132]]?It's just so difficult to resist the power, Beth gives up. Beth stares at the screen of the phone, as time passing, she feels there are things changing in her mind, it feels as if she doesn't care about who she is or where she is any more, they are none of her business. All Beth ever wants to do is to [[stare at the phone.|133]]"No, I can't do this, I will the same as the others if I don't stop." Beth says to herself. Beth doesn't know why the attraction of the phone is so great that she can hardly get off her eyes off it, but she has to. To get avoid of the wired attraction, [[Beth throws the phone on the ground|135]] and destroys it.Gradually, Beth can not feel anything... Just like the others, Beth wanders around everywhere with the phone in her hand, she doesn't care about anyone or anything again. [[Beth has become an onlooker|134]] just like those she has met on the street...This is only a story, you can forget it with a smile, or you can ask yourself that are you wasting too much time on electronic devices? How long havn't you spent time communicating with your family and friends? They are the ones you should really care about after all. GAME OVER.It's lucky that Beth finally resist the attraction of the phone, or else she would be like the others who doesn't care about anything else. It also makes Beth regretful about her decision not to eliminate the signals with Max now that she knows how evil it is. Beth has made up her mind, she will [[go find Max.|136]]Beth knows it's hard, she doesn't know if he is still around the shop where they found food, she is not sure how far has he gone, but Beth is determined. Beth wants to eliminate the signals after she has tries, she doesn't want more people to become victims which she believes will happen soon if the device that send signals still exists. So [[Beth turns back|137]] to the direction where she came from.During the journey back, Beth has met with numberous of people who just focus on their phones, she also met with people who give her phones to seduce her, but she keeps moving forward. With an objection in her mind, [[Beth feels she is more powerful.|138]]Finally, Beth comes back to the shop where she and Max used to be. Everything is still the same, Beth walks around, she doesn't find anything special. Just as she is leaving to find Max, [[Beth finds a familiar person.|139]]It's nobody else, just Max! He is sitting behind the tree eating something. Beth is so exciting, she could never imagine that Max is still here after so long. So Beth come to Max and claps him on the shoulder. Max doesn't seem so surprised as Beth, "Hey, it's you come back." Max says with a smile. "How about something to eat?" Max offers. "Great, [[I'm starving to death|140]]." Beth replies. Beth and Max talk while eating. Max says to Beth:" I'm not surprised that you come back." Beth says:"Why?" Max replies:" Because you will find yourself nowhere to go." "So you are just here wating for me?" Beth asks. [["No." Max answers.|141]]"Then why are you still here?" Beth asks surprisingly. Max replies: "Because we need a vircle to arrive at our destination, I've seen one around here, and I will not leave until I get it." Beth continues asking:" So, [[what's your plan?|142]]""You see the car parking in front of the shop? There's only one person in it. The man is now in the shop, he must be looking for something to eat, I observed him for a long time, he is not with a gun. So we can hide somewhere secret and wait for him to come out." Max says. "Then what?" Beth asks. "We make him to give us the key." Max replies. "What if he doesn't?" Beth goes on asking. "[[Let's hope he will|143]]." Max says. So Beth and Max hide behind a wall where they could see the exit of the shop and keep track of the man. After a while, a masked man comes out of the shop with a bag of things. Max rushes in front of the man while Beth follows beind Max. Max raises his gun towards the man within the moment they get face to face. [[The man is apprantly surprised by what's happening here.|144]]"Hey, buddy, look, I don't want to hurt you, I just want to borrow your car, so could I have the key of your car?" Max says while pointing his gun towards the man. The man looks at Max with a surprising and frightened face. "Are you joking with me?" The man says, he is pretending to be calm, it can be told from his face. "Believe me, this gun isn't just a toy or something, I just borrow the car, it's still yours when I finish my thing." [[Max decides to further scare the masked man.|145]] That works. "All right then, but you must promise you will never hurt me." The man says with a shaky voice. "Of course I will, throw the key on the ground and you are free to leave." Max says. As Max suggested, the man takes out a key from his pocket and throws it on the ground. But Beth is not sure should Max [[follow his words to let the man|146]] go or should [[Max shoot him|147]]."Just go." Max says to the man. Max puts the gun aways after the man has gone miles away. [[Beth picks up the key and hand it over to Max.|148]] After the man turns back and walks a few miles away, Max pulls the trigger. [[The man falls on the ground with a huge noise.|150]]"Why are you so sure that he would give you the key?" Beth asks Max. "Because I know these men, they scare the others everywhere, but they are the true cowards deep in their hearts." Max says. "But why do you let him go, aren't you afraid that he will hurt the others again?" Beth is not sure he is makeing the right decision. "One has to keep his word no matter what, that's what I believe." [[Max says.|149]]With no time to hesitate, Beth and Max get into the car and [[drive away.|151]]"Why are you doing this? He does as you said and you should keep your words." Beth says to Max. "You don't keep your words to these people, because you don't know how many evil things has he done, how many people has he hurt. He will keep hurting the others if we let him go." Max says. [[Max's words make sense.|149]]The car helps Beth and Max a lot, with the car, they don't have to worry about being attacked any more. After driving for quite some while, [[Beth and Max come to a huge electric factory.|152]]Beth and Max get off the car, in front of them is a black iron door. Beth and Max are standing miles away from the door, Max points to the door and says to Beth:" This is the factory I talked about, there is a device in it sending signals which makes all people out of their minds. Now we will destroy it. [[I'm going to tell you how|156]]." "He did that out of kindness, he is just trying to save the world." Beth says to herself, afterall, there's no road back after what they have gone through. "[[We are doing this together|155]]." Beth says firmly to Max.The man in front of Beth seems so strange, he is no longer the young man who wears an innocent face and asks Beth for something to eat. Something has changed in Max, he does everything to get what he wants, no matter whether it hurts the others or not. Beth doesn't know what will happen to be together with a man like this, so she says to Max:" [[No, I'm out|159]]." "All right, let's do it then, but I'm going to tell you that when the bomb is set, we only have 3 minutes to get out, it's really urgent, so you must follow me as much as you could, OK?" Max says. Although tension is taking her breath away, Beth tries her best to keep calm. "I get it." Beth replies Max. With the openning of the door, [[Beth and Max enter the electric factory.|164]]Max takes out a bag from the car, he says to Beth:" There is a timebomb in the bag, here's the plan, we get into the factory, we find the device that is sending signals, we get the bomb prepared and then run as soon as possible." Beth seems so surprised, she never knows Max has a bomb with him all the way. "Wait a minute," Beth interupts, "[[where did you get the bomb|157]]? Why didn't you even tell me?" "I get the bomb during the time you were away." Max replies. "I met with a masked person, he has one with him, I killed him, so I get the bomb." [[Beth feels so astonished|158]], she couldn't say a word.Max speaks to Beth: "Look, I know this is not easy, and what we are going to do is dangerous, that's why I'm going to ask you for the last time, are you [[coming along with me|153]] or [[not|154]]?"A disappointed look flahes Max's face, but she returns normal within no time. "All right, since you don't want to take the risk, just leave as soon as possible." Max says to Beth. Beth turns back and tries to leave, [[something happens at the moment.|160]] Max pulls the trigger and Beth is hit. With a huge noise, Beth falls on the ground, blood streams down from Beth's body. Huge pain, Beth feels her body is tore apart, she can not move nor speak, "[[Why?|161]] " she is asking Max. As Beth is gradually getting unconscious, she hears Max saying beside her:" Because you have made the wrong choice, after what we have gone through, you know all the things I have done, so if you are not my friend, you are my enemy." "[[An enemy should not exist in this world|162]]." Max speaks, cruely.Beth feels not painful, but sad, the man she believes should fire behind her, if there's no one you can trust, what's the point of living? Gradually, Beth can't feel anything, she hears there are birds singing around her, she is getting lighter and lighter. [[Beth has been relieved.|163]]GAME OVER.Beth feels so strange that she can not see a single person in the factory after entering it, but Max acts like he already knew this. "Why is there nobody here?" Beth could resist her curiosity and asks Max. "There are no one here in the day, the person wearing masks we used to see, they come here at night." Max answers her question. "But it's getting late now." Beth says, she is feeling even more nervous. "Yes, so [[we don't have much time|165]]." Max says.Beth looks around the electric factory, there are so many houses and huge devices, nothing else could be seen around them. "Hurry up, follow me, there's no time to waste, the masked persons might come back at any time." Max's words interrupt Beth's observation, so she stops looking around and focus to follow Max. After running for a dozens of miles, Beth sees a huge black device, [[there is a pattern on it|166]] which is exactly the same as the ones she saw on the guys' masks."Is that the one we are looking for?" Beth asks Max while pointing to the black device. Max sees in the direction of Beth's fingers, then he says:" Yes, that's it. [[Let's destroy it.|167]]"What a great and nervous moment! Beth and Max get closer to the black device with a montain-shaped pattern on it, then Max takes off his bag and gets the bomb out of it. "You must watch out for me, if there are people coming, you let me know. OK?" Max talks to Beth. "OK." Beth replies with anxious voice. Beth stands besides Max, watching Max dealing with all colors of electric wine. Then with a shrill noise, there are letters lighting on the bomb. "[[Run to the exit as fast as possible|168]]." Max shouts to Beth.Beth follows Max to run to the exit, while the voice of timing is always around her ears. It is going to be exploded, [[they must escape the place|169]], Beth says to herself. Right at the moment Beth and Max get out of the exit of the electric factory, huge noise and dense smoke come out of it. It's done! [[They have made it|170]], the device that is sending signals to make people abnormal is destroyed now!"It's finally done, we've made it." Max says and holds Beth tightly. Beth is so happy that there are tears in her eyes. All she has gone through is so difficult, but she has made it, [[she suffered from it|171]]! It's getting dark, Max and Beth must leave the place as it's still dangerous. Just as they are about to, there comes a couple of masked persons who drive motorcycles. It's 2 persons. "What shall we do? Should we [[find a place to hide|172]] or [[go fight with them|173]]?" Max asks Beth. "We must hide, they must have heard the noise and come to see what happened. There is bound to come more afterwards, We won't get a chance to escape if they know we did this." Beth says. "Yes, you are right, let's hide behind the wall over there." Max says while pointing to a wall several meters away from them. [["Let's go."|174]] Beth agrees with Max. "There's no way we can hide, they must have heard the noise and come to see what happened. There is bound to come more people afterwards, we have nowhere no hide but to confront with them." Beth says. "But are you sure? They are both armed with guns, look at us, we only get one." Max is not so sure. "Yes, we have no choice." [[Beth is determined|192]]. Beth and Max hide behind the wall, they see the masked men get off from their motorcycles and go to their car. One of the masked men watches inside the car from a window, it seems that he has found nothing as he soon abandons it. The 2 masked men must think people who own car is still in the factory so [[they rush into the factory in a fast speed.|175]] It's a good oppotunity for Beth and Max, they run toward their car as fast as they can, once they get into the car, [[they drive it away|176]] without any delay.When Beth and Max once again get back to the street, they see all has changed. People no longer focus on their phones only, they talk and smile to each other. Everything has become very much alive. At the same time, [[there are memories coming back to Beth's mind.|177]] Beth recalls that she used to hang out with her mum and dad, but she always focus on her phone and her social media instead of communicating with her families; Beth often surfed the internet in her own room no matter what her dad told her to do; Beth spent so much time playing games on the network however she refuse to have a conversation with her parents.... Beth has realized now how much has she ignored her familes, [[she is so regretful.|178]] Max interrupts Beth's thoughts. "Now that we have solved the problem, what's your plan?" Max talks to Beth with a little shyness, " think I would like not to separate with you, would you like go with me?" Beth feels a bit hesitating. After she has gone through so much with Max, she thinks she has feeling for him, [[she would like to continue to be with him.|179]] But at the same time, it's also important to [[find her families|180]].No matter what, Beth doesn't want to separate with Max, so she decide to go with him no matter where he goes. "Yes, I'd love to." Beth says to Max. Max seems so excited, he holds Beth tightly in his arms and says:" It's all finished, no one will hurt you any more." "Let's go." Max says to Beth. "Where?" Beth asks. "[[A place only belong to us|181]]." Max replies.Beth thinks it's more important to find her families. So Beth says to Max:" Sorry, I'm afraid we will end up here. I have to find my family." "It's an exciting adventure with you, hope we see you again if there's chance." Max replies with regret. "Goodby, my friend." Beth says to Max, after that, [[she leaves for the place where she woke up in the very beginning.|182]]GAME OVER.GAME OVER.Beth and Max hide behind the tree so that the masked persons can not see them for now. The 2 masked men get off their motorcycles and they see the car that take Beth and Max here. One of the masked men looks inside the car, it seems that he finds nothing in it so [[they head toward the electric factory which is the direction of Beth and Max.|193]]Hiding behind the tree, Beth could hear the men are getting closer and closer. When the men are getting right beside the tree, Max rushes out and shot them with the gun before they have found him. [[The 2 masked men are dead.|194]]Beth and Max are just about to rush to their car and drive it away when there are a group of people appearing behind them. With a loug noise, the people beside Beth and Max pull the trigger towards them... Beth and Max don't even get a chance to look back when [[they fall down|195]] with blood bleeding out their bodies...With their last breath, Beth and Max look at each other as if they are saying:" We made it, [[we saved the world|196]]." Everything is back to normal ever after. GAME OVER.Beth proceeds on her way with only a little food and water. Beth has no faith nor objection, she just wanders on the street, if some masked man come to attact her at this moment, she wouldn't even resist. [[Beth has already been demoralized.|200]]Beth walks aimlessly on the road, she doesn't know how long has it been, she gets some rest and supply when she become tired and hungry, then she keeps moving. After some time, do not know how long, Beth finds that there is little food left in her bag, however she doesn't have any power to search for supply. "Just let it be," Beth thinks, "Maybe this is the end, at least [[it's a relief for me.|201]]"Beth sits on the roadside, she doesn't know where she can go, she does't know what is she waiting for, she just sits there, with nothing in her mind. Beth sees a man walking towards her, the man doesn't wear a mask, nor does he holds a weapon. Beth doesn't know what is the man going to do to her, however she has no power to escacpe. Beth is stil sitting there, watching [[the man walking closer to her.|202]]The man keeps moving until he comes right in front of Beth. Beth feels no fear nor panic, she just looks at the man. However the man doesn't say a word, he [[throws a phone to Beth|203]] and then leaves without doing or saying anything else.The man is moving further and further away, unil his back fades in Beth's eyes. Beth picks up the phone. It is an ordianry phone, only that the screen is all black with a mountain shaped pattern on it. [[The pattern is exactly the same as the ones Beth has seen on the people's masks!|204]]There's something wired. Although looks normal, the phone is strange. It seems that there is an invisible power attracting Beth to stare at the screen. [[It's too hard to resist the power.|205]]"I must stop looking at it." Beth says to herself. But it's just so difficult to resist the power, Beth gives up. Beth stares at the screen of the phone, as time passing, she feels there are things changing in her mind, it feels as if she doesn't care about who she is or where she is any more, they are none of her business. All Beth ever wants to do is to [[stare at the phone.|206]]Gradually, Beth can not feel anything... Just like the others, Beth wanders around everywhere with the phone in her hand, she doesn't care about anyone or anything again. [[Beth has become an onlooker|207]] just like those she has met on the street...This is only a story, you can forget it with a smile, or you can ask yourself that are you wasting too much time on electronic devices? How long havn't you spent time communicating with your family and friends? They are the ones you should really care about after all. GAME OVER."If we are going to do it, we need to have enough supply, weapon and a viecle." Lora says, "because we don't know how long it's going to take us and we have no idea of what are might come across." "Yes, you're right." Beth replies. [["Let's go get enough supply first."|212]] Beth says."Do you remember the shop where I met you?" Lora asks Beth. "Yes, I met you and Leon there." Beth replies. "Do you think we should [[go back there to get some supply|213]]? There are a lot in the shop. But it's also dangerous, maybe we could [[keep moving and search for other shops|214]]." Lora continues to ask. Beth thinks about it for a while and says:" I think maybe we should head back, we are not sure if there will be shops in other places. Besides, the masked guys should have gone after so long." "Yes, that makes sense. [[Let's go back.|215]]" Lora replies. Beth thinks for a while and says:" I'm not sure, maybe we should not go back, it's such a horrible place after our dear friend was killed there. Besides, it's a long way from here." "It makes sense. [[Let's keep moving|216]] and search for another." Lora replies. After a long way, Beth and Lora come back to the shop where Leon was killed. They enter the shop silently in case any noise is made. Then they come to the foods shelf, Beth gets a big bag from else where and they fill the bag with all kinds of food and water. "That should be enough, let's leave here". Beth says. Just as Beth and Lora are going to leave the shop, they find [[there is a masked person at the gate.|217]]After a long way, Beth and Lora finally find another shop. Beth and Lora enter the shop silently in case any sound is made. They shuttle through the goods shelves and find the one where there are foods on it. Beth finds a big bag from else where, then they fill all kinds of food and water in it. "That should be enough, let's leave here". Beth says. Just as Beth and Lora are going to leave the shop, they find [[there is a masked person at the gate.|217]]Lorais walking in front of Beth with the bag on her shoulder. The masked man talks to Lora with low voice:" Be a good girl, give me the bag and you will survive." At the same time, [[the masked man is pointing a gun at Lora and Beth.|218]] Beth comes up with an idea within seconds. "All right," Beth says, "We promise we will give you the food, but you have to make sure you are not going to kill us by putting your gun on the ground until we leave this place." [["It's a deal."|219]] The masked man says.The masked man puts his gun on the ground which is not fay away from him. After that, he walks towards Lora to fetch the bag full of food. At the same time, Beth walks to the back of the man while his attention is focused on the bag. The masked man takes over the bag, in the meantime, Beth picks up the gun from the ground and [[point it to the man|220]] before he turns back."Return the bag to us and leave this place." Beth says to the masked man while pointing the gun at him. "Give the gun back to me, young lady, believe me, you are going to regret for the rest of your life if you don't." The man says in a smoldering look. Apparently, the masked man doesn't believe Beth could be brave enough to fire the gun, he walks to Beth step by step. "Stop! I'm going to shoot." Beth shouts with a tremulous voice. But the man won't listen to her, [[he just walks closer to her.|221]] The man is almost getting in face to face with Beth, he says while reaching his hand to Beth:" You can't do this, just give the gun to me." "I don't want to hurt people, I just want to get my things back." Beth cries and shouts. But the man does't stop, he keeps going towards Beth. The man is only no more than one meter from Beth, but he still doesn't stop. Beth has no choice, the instinct pushes her to [[pull the trigger|222]].With a huge noise, the man falls down on the ground with blood draining out from his body. Beth squats on the ground, she can't stop crying. Lora comes to her side and hold Beth tightly, Lora comforts Beth gently:"Hey, it's OK, don't blame yourself, you are just trying to protect us, he is going to hurt you if you don't do that." But Beth can not persuade herslef, [[she killed a person|223]] no matter for what reason, she thinks she has become a murderer now.Lora keeps telling her that she does it because she does't have a choice, that they need to be strong enough to protect themselves. Gradually, Beth calms herself down, she must be strong and brave, she know that's going to take a lot, but she has no choice. Beth stands up with Lora, they take up the bag and [[walk out of the shop|224]]."Now we have acquired both food and weapon, let's keep moving." Lora says to Beth. "Yes, [[let's move on|225]]." Beth replies.Beth and Lora continue their journey, they wonder where have all the viecles gone? While the few left are mostly driven by masked men. "Don't worry, we will find a way." Lora comforts Beth. "All right, maybe we will." Beth replies. "I come up with an idea." Suddenly Lora says. "So [[what is the plan?|226]]" Beth asks."You see the car parking in front of the shop? There's only one person in it. The man is now in the shop, he must be looking for something to eat, I observed him for a long time, he is not with a gun. So we can hide somewhere secret and wait for him to come out." Lora says. "Then what?" Beth asks. "We make him to give us the key." Lora replies. "What if he doesn't?" Beth goes on asking. "[[Let's hope he will|227]]." Lora says. So Beth and Lora hide behind a wall where they could see the exit of the shop and keep track of the man. After a while, a masked man comes out of the shop with a bag of things. Lora rushes in front of the man while Beth follows beind Lora. Lora raises her gun towards the man within the moment they get face to face. [[The man is apprantly surprised by what's happening here.|228]]"Hey, buddy, look, I don't want to hurt you, I just want to borrow your car, so could I have the key of your car?" Lora says while pointing her gun towards the man. The man looks at Lora with a surprising and frightened face. "Are you joking with me?" The man says, he is pretending to be calm, it can be told from his face. "Believe me, this gun isn't just a toy or something, I just borrow the car, it's still yours when I finish my thing." [[Lora decides to further scare the masked man.|229]] That works. "All right then, but you must promise you will never hurt me." The man says with a shaky voice. "Of course I will, throw the key on the ground and you are free to leave." Lora says. As Max suggested, the man takes out a key from his pocket and throws it on the ground. But Beth is not sure is Lora going to [[follow her words to let the man go|231]] or will [[Max shoot him|230]]."Just go." Lora says to the man. Lora puts the gun down after the man has gone miles away. [[Beth picks up the key and hand it over to Lora.|232]] After the man turns back and walks a few miles away, Lora pulls the trigger. [[The man falls on the ground with a huge noise.|235]]"Why are you so sure that he would give you the key?" Beth asks Lora. "Because I know these men, they scare the others everywhere, but they are the true cowards deep in their hearts." Lora says with hatred. "But why do you let him go, aren't you afraid that he will hurt the others again?" Beth is not sure Lora was making the right decision. "One has to keep his word no matter what, that's what I believe." [[Lora says.|233]]With no time to hesitate, Beth and Lora get into the car and [[drive away.|234]]The car helps Beth and Lora a lot, with the car, they don't have to worry about being attacked any more. After driving for quite some while, [[huge electric factory appears in front of Beth and Lora|236]]"Why are you doing this? He does as you said and you should keep your words." Beth says to Lora. "You don't keep your words to these people, because you don't know how many evil things has he done, how many people has he hurt. He will keep hurting the others if we let him go." Lora says. [[Her words make sense|233]], Beth thinks.Beth and Lora get off the car, in front of them is a black iron door. Beth and Lora are standing miles away from the door, Lora points to the door and says to Beth:" This is the factory I talked about, there is a device in it sending signals which makes all people out of their minds. Now we will destroy it. [[I'm going to tell you how|237]]." Lora takes out a bag from the car, she says to Beth:" There is a timebomb in the bag, here's the plan, we get into the factory, we find the device that is sending signals, we get the bomb prepared and then run as soon as possible." Beth seems so surprised, she never knows Lora has a bomb with her all the way. "Wait a minute," Beth interupts, "[[where did you get the bomb|238]]? Why didn't you even tell me?" "I got the bomb before I met you." Lora replies. "I met with a masked person, he has one with him, I killed him, so I get the bomb." [[Beth feels so astonished|239]], she couldn't say a word.Lora speaks to Beth: "Look, I know this is not easy, and what we are going to do is very dangerous, that's why I'm going to ask you for the last time, are you [[coming along with me|240]] or [[not|241]]?""She did that out of kindness, she is just trying to save the world." Beth says to herself, afterall, there's no road back after what they have gone through. "[[We are doing this together|251]]." Beth says firmly to Lora.The woman in front of Beth seems so strange, she is no longer the woman who tries her best to save Beth. Something has changed in Lora, she does everything to get what she wants, no matter whether it hurts the others or not. Beth doesn't know what will happen to be together with a person like this, so she says to Lora:" [[No, I'm out|242]]." A disappointed look flahes Lora's face, but she returns normal within no time. "All right, since you don't want to take the risk, just leave as soon as possible." Lora says to Beth ruthlessly. Beth turns back and tries to leave, [[something happens at that moment.|243]] Lora pulls the trigger and Beth is hit. With a huge noise, Beth falls on the ground, blood streams down from Beth's body. Huge pain, Beth feels her body is tore apart, she can not move nor speak, "[[Why?|244]] " she is asking Lora. As Beth is gradually getting unconscious, she hears Lora saying beside her:" Because you have made the wrong choice, after what we have gone through, you know all the things I have done, so if you are not my friend, you are my enemy." "[[An enemy should not exist in this world|245]]." Lora says, cruely.Beth feels no pain, but huge sadness, the woman she believes should fire behind her, if there's no one you can trust, what's the point of living? Gradually, Beth can't feel anything, she hears there are birds singing around her, she is getting lighter and lighter. [[Beth has been relieved.|246]]GAME OVER."All right, let's do it then, but I'm going to tell you that when the bomb is set, we only have 3 minutes to get out, it's really urgent, so you must follow me as much as you could, OK?" Lora says. Although tension is taking her breath away, Beth tries her best to keep calm. "I get it." Beth replies Lora. With the openning of the door, [[Beth and Lora enter the electric factory.|252]]Beth feels so strange that she can not see a single person in the factory after entering it, but Lora acts like she already knew this. "Why is there nobody here?" Beth could resist her curiosity, so she asks Lora. "There are no one here in the day, the person wearing masks we used to see, they come here at night." Lora answers her question. "But it's getting late now." Beth says, she is feeling even more nervous. "Yes, so [[we don't have much time|253]]." Lora says.Beth looks around the electric factory, there are so many houses and huge devices, nothing else could be seen around them. "Hurry up, follow me, there's no time to waste, the masked persons might come back at any time." Lora's words interrupt Beth's observation, so she stops looking around and focus to follow Lora. After running for a dozens of miles, Beth sees a huge black device, [[there is a pattern on it|254]] which is exactly the same as the ones she saw on the guys' masks."Is that the one we are looking for?" Beth asks Lora while pointing to the black device. Lora sees in the direction of Beth's fingers, then she says:" Yes, that's it. [[Let's destroy it.|255]]"What a great and nervous moment! Beth and Lora get closer to the black device with a montain-shaped pattern on it, then Lora takes off her bag and gets the bomb out of it. "You must watch out for me, if there are people coming, you let me know. OK?" Lora talks to Beth. "OK." Beth replies with anxious voice. Beth stands besides Lora, watching Lora dealing with all colors of electric wine. Then with a shrill noise, there are letters lighting on the bomb. "[[Run to the exit as fast as possible|256]]." Lora shouts to Beth.Beth follows Lora to run to the exit, while the voice of timing is always around her ears. It is going to be exploded, [[they must escape the place|257]], Beth says to herself. Right at the moment Beth and Lora get out of the exit of the electric factory, huge noise and dense smoke come out of it. It's done! [[They have made it|258]], the device that is sending signals to make people abnormal is destroyed now!"It's finally done, we've made it." Lora says and holds Beth tightly. Beth is so happy that there are tears in her eyes. All she has gone through is so difficult, but she has made it, [[she suffered from it|259]]! It's getting dark, Lora and Beth must leave the place as it's still dangerous. Just as they are about to, there comes a couple of masked persons who drive motorcycles. It's 2 persons. "What shall we do? Should we [[find a place to hide|260]] or [[go fight with them|261]]?" Lora asks Beth. "We must hide, they must have heard the noise and come to see what happened. There is bound to come more afterwards, We won't get a chance to escape if they know we did this." Beth says. "Yes, you are right, let's hide behind the wall over there." Lora says while pointing to a wall several meters away from them. [["Let's go."|267]] Beth agrees with Lora. "There's no way we can hide, they must have heard the noise and come to see what happened. There is bound to come more people afterwards, we have nowhere no hide but to confront with them." Beth says. "But are you sure? They are both armed with guns and they are so strong." Lora is not so sure. "Yes, we have no choice." [[Beth is determined|262]]. Beth and Lora hide behind the tree so that the masked persons can not see them for now. The 2 masked men get off their motorcycles and they see the car that take Beth and Lora here. One of the masked men looks inside the car, it seems that he finds nothing in it so [[they head toward the electric factory which is the direction of Beth and Lora.|263]]Hiding behind the tree, Beth could hear the men are getting closer and closer to them. When the men are getting right beside the tree, Lora rushes out and shot them with the gun before they have noticed them. [[The 2 masked men are dead.|264]]Beth and Lora are just about to rush to their car and drive it away when there are a group of people appearing behind them. With a loud noise, the people beside Beth and Lora pull the trigger towards them... Beth and Lora don't even get a chance to look back when [[they fall down|265]] with blood bleeding out their bodies...With their last breath, Beth and Lora look at each other as if they are saying:" We made it, [[we saved the world|266]]." Everything is back to normal ever after. GAME OVER.Beth and Lora hide behind the wall, they see the masked men get off from their motorcycles and go to their car. One of the masked men watches inside the car from a window, it seems that he has found nothing as he soon abandons it. The 2 masked men must think people who own car is still in the factory so [[they rush into the factory in a fast speed.|268]] It's a good oppotunity for Beth and Lora, they run toward their car as fast as they can, once they get into the car, [[they drive it away|269]] without any delay.When Beth and Lora once again get back to the street, they see all has changed. People no longer focus on their phones only, they talk and smile to each other. Everything has become very much alive. At the same time, [[there are memories coming back to Beth's mind.|270]] Beth recalls that she used to hang out with her mum and dad, but she always focus on her phone and her social media instead of communicating with her families; Beth often surfed the internet in her own room no matter what her dad told her to do; Beth spent so much time playing games on the network however she refuse to have a conversation with her parents.... Beth has realized now how much has she ignored her familes, [[she is so regretful.|271]] At thought of that, Beth can not wait one more minute to find her families and tell them how she loves them. Beth says to Lora:" I'm very grateful for what you have done for me. But we will end up here. I have to find my family." "It's an exciting adventure with you, hope we see you again if there's chance." Lora replies with regret. "Goodby, my friend." Beth says to Lora and leaves for the place where she woke up in the very beginning. [[Beth believes her families are there waiting for her.|272]]GAME OVER.