Once upon a time... THERE WAS A CITY known well as wall rose capital hall, the city was well populated by elf's who shored the sky like angels it was such a beautiful place where children would go out to play,where women would go out into the cane fileds to pick weeds of bread and where the men would haunt creatures down in the forests. where happiness lived though out the hole city.. but one day the elf's launched an attack on the humans how attacked there city first but not one creature made it out of there alive the humans where slauthed and the elf's lied dead like slauthed creatures...
And the blood of insence spread though out the town in a world of despair not even the king could look back at his kingdom any more he tread his crown which was worth over 100,00 gews, as he sold his crown ooff to an old godess and in return he would become immortal...
After the kingdom was left undone for several years people now say that the kingdom vansihed without a trace it was such a crazy thing that most people started to believe that it was gust a mith and that a kingdom once inhabited was lost can never be found once more....