Welcome to our Learning Story for the card game: 4FxImpeachment. This is designed by Mike Dodgson of 4FxGames as a political satire card game that gives everyone the chance to run their own syndicate, use politicians and bend them to your will to get YOU elected president.
Here you have a choice about what you want to learn about:
[[What is a trick taking card game?]]
[[How is this game different from other trick taking card games?]]
[[What makes this fun to play?]]
[[What are the basic mechanics?]]
Trick taking card games use the concept that when one card is played, or layed upon the table (playing surface), the other players need to play a card of the same suit.
The player with the highest card value in that suit will win the suit.
The winner then picks up all the played cards, flips them so the values cannot be seen, and place in a tidy spot beside that player's location. This is considered to be a WON trick.
The winner then will then start the next trick by laying a card down upon the table.
The number of tricks available to be won is indicated by the total number of cards dealt to each player. Thus, if you were dealt 5 cards, then there are 5 tricks to be won.There are a few differences from the basic trick taking rules that we discussed previously:
[[Step 2) Card Pass]]
[[Step 3) Bidding & Scoring]]
Step 4) Card Play
** [[Step 4a) Speical cards]]
** [[Step 4b) How To Use Special Features]]
** [[Step 4c) Examples of Special Features]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Long ago there was a game called Hearts, and in this game you would pass two cards to the player to the left of you. I thought this was a fun mechanic that allowed a player to slightly adjust the performance of their hand... but you always had a risk of being given terrible cards from the player up-stream from you.
Thus, in 4FxImpeachment, after Step "#1 Deal", in "Step #2 Pass Left" each player will deal 1 card to the player to their left. The last player will take their discard and place it on the bottom of the card deck.During "Step 4 Card Play" there are two types of "Special Cards", called Evade and Super Trump.
Evade cards have the word Evade written on the top. These cards allow you to play them instead of having to follow suit. Also, you cannot win the trick.
Super Trump cards with a value that is higher than a normal card value, and higher then the normal trump. There are 4x Super Trump with the values: #1 Super Trump, #2 Media Trump, #3 Ultimate Trump and #4 Penultimate Trump. Within the Super Trump family the card with the higher number value will win. In most other card games, each nlrmal card has only 1 suit and 1 card value. In 4FxImpeachment most cards have 1 suit and 2 card values.
The concept is that if a player has lead a card suit then everyone must follow that suit and play a card from their hand that has the suit that was lead (except if they want to play Evade or Super Trump).
But, if you do NOT have a card with the suit that was lead, then you have the option of (a) playing any card in your hand or (b) playing a card and rotating it 90-degrees clockwise so the Speical Feature text can be read by the player.
Here are the steps on how to use the Special Feature:
First, announce to everyone that you are playing a Special Feature.
Second, play the card on the table, face up and rotate 90-degrees.
Third, read the funny text (optional) and then read the special feature rules and steps to take.
Fourth, if the card indicates, draw a black VOTE card and store it, face down, by your playing area (will be used at the end of the game).Here are a few examples of Special Features:
**9 - Foreign Meddling**
Fake News!
"On, of course we do not accept dark money to influence social media"
On Self: Add +2 or -2 to your bid target
Black Vote Cards: Draw 3
**King - Followers Mutiny**
Iron clad proof is discovered on an opponent's corruption or aid from foreign power
Pick opponent and take 1 of their won tricks
Black Vote Cards: Draw 2
Bidding is when a player or a team either has a set number of [[tricks->What is a trick taking card game?]] to win, or has made a promise to win a certain number of tricks.
For example, in Euchre, this card game is enjoyed by 4 players, two of which are on the same team (they sit opposite each other). In Euchre, to win 1 point you must win at least 3 of 5 tricks. This is a set and agreed upon amount that does not change.
Bridge is a more complicated game of 4 players and 2 teams. Each player is dealt 13 cards and to start the game there is a negotiation stage where each team competes to take control by making the highest bid - in other words, makes the highest promise to win the most number of tricks.
In 4FxImpeachment, there are no teams. Each player is on their own. Also, in the Bidding step, the 3rd step in the game, starting with the player to the left of the dealer, they state their bid (their promise to win a certain number of tricks). The game proceeds clockwise and each player states their bid. Each player also records their bid on the Bid Tracker beside them to remind others of their bid.
In 4FxImpeachment, if you make a bid of zero (0), and you win no tricks, then at the end of the hand you have earned +2 points.
If you make a bid of 1, and you won just 1 trick, then you earned +2 points for being accurate and +1 for each trick you forecasted, for a total of 3.
If you were +/- 1 of your bid target then you earn +1 point. Otherwise you earn no points.
↶↷Welcome to our Learning Story for the card game: 4FxImpeachment. This is designed by Mike Dodgson of 4FxGames as a political satire card game that gives everyone the chance to run their own syndicate, use politicians and bend them to your will to get YOU elected president.
Here you have a choice about what you want to learn about:
What is a trick taking card game?
How is this game different from other trick taking card games?
What makes this fun to play?
What are the basic mechanics?