And we were [[happy.|happy1]]
[IMG[childhoodfriends3B.jpg]]\n\nThe End
What I found special about [[loving you.|childhood]] It wasn't just how wonderful I thought you were, or even how you made me feel about myself.
Evade responsibility by [[acting helpless.|helpless]]\n\nTry to be practical and solve the problem through [[logic and action plans.|logic]]\n\nSay the one thing that you know will [[hurt her right now.|hurt]]\n\nListen to her. [[Hear what she's saying.|listen]]
[IMG[titleB.jpg]]\n\nClick [[here|]] to open the soundtrack.\n\nClick [[here|begin]] to begin the story.
It happens so often, you'd think it was the [[simplest thing in the world.|seperate paths]]
[IMG[fight2.jpg]]\n\nEvade responsibility by [[acting helpless.|helpless]]\n\nTry to be practical and solve the problem through [[logic and action plans.|logic]]\n\nSay the one thing that you know will [[hurt her right now.|hurt]]\n\nListen to her. [[Hear what she's saying.|listen]]\n\n[[>>>|simplest thing]]
[IMG[maze.jpg]]\n\nPeople grow apart. [[Their journeys don't run together anymore.|we daydream]]\n\n\n\n
Every hint I see of your happiness is a treasure to me.\n\nAnd I love you.\n\nAnd [[thank you.|and of course]]
Every hint I see of your happiness is a treasure to me.\n\nAnd [[I love you.|message3]]
Every hint I see of your happiness is a [[treasure to me.|message2]]\n\n
[IMG[fight1.jpg]]\n\nOne fight stands out in my memory. You were just so exasperated - so... tired... We both were. I still see all the [[different ways I could have acted...|actions]]
[IMG[meeting_E.jpg]]\n\nI remember the first time I saw you. It's a bit of a cliché but [[I noticed you right away.|description]]\n\n
But that is a painful and difficult thing to accept, when you still remember how it all used to feel.\n\nWe daydream of [[finding that place again.|pier]]
You were beautiful, and your voice resonated with so much confidence that I was slightly startled when I [[first heard you speak.|description2]]\n\n
[IMG[childhoodfriends2.jpg]]\n\nAnd I'm looking forward to feeling something else like that [[someday.|look up]]
[IMG[lamp.jpg]]\n\nBut things [[changed.|fight]]
[IMG[fight4.jpg]]\n\nEvade responsibility by [[acting helpless.|helpless]]\n\nTry to be practical and solve the problem through [[logic and action plans.|logic]]\n\nSay the one thing that you know will [[hurt her right now.|hurt]]\n\nListen to her. [[Hear what she's saying.|listen]]\n\n[[>>>|simplest thing]]
[IMG[lunch_B.jpg]]\n\nIn the end, I wooed you by making lunch.\n\n[[>>>|loving you]]
I would steal glances at you when I could. If we met in the corridor I would babble something ridiculous before summoning the smile of a lobotomized Gibbon. It stayed that way for [[two years.|lunch]]
[IMG[pier.jpg]]\n\nIt's another cliché, but in the end, we just had to [[let each other go.|message1]] A final gesture of love.
[IMG[childhoodfriends1.jpg]]\n\nBut I do still miss [[this feeling|and I hope]] sometimes.
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And of course there is so much joy to find while I'm 'alone', [[whatever that means.|miss this]]
[IMG[fight3.jpg]]\n\nEvade responsibility by [[acting helpless.|helpless]]\n\nTry to be practical and solve the problem through [[logic and action plans.|logic]]\n\nSay the one thing that you know will [[hurt her right now.|hurt]]\n\nListen to her. [[Hear what she's saying.|listen]]\n\n[[>>>|simplest thing]]
by Thom Scullion
[IMG[childhoodfriends1.jpg]]\n\nWhat was amazing to me was this feeling that we had [[always known each other.|and]] A false memory of us being friends as children.