There is a door in [[front]] of you, to your [[left]], and to your [[right]]. There is the locked door in front of you. What is the first number in the code? Be careful, the wrong number will kill you! [[35->death]] [[52->Second Number]] [[86->death]] [[69->death]] [[14->death]] [[Back to Start->start]]What is the second number? [[12->death]] [[76->death]] [[98->third number]] [[35->death]] [[62->death]] [[Back to Start->start]]The door locks behind you. The room is empty except for a table with a cube on it. Do you [[Look to the left of the cube]], [[look to the right of the cube]] or [[solve the lock]]You emerge in a room filled with furniture. Should we check the [[table]] [[clock]] [[the painting]] [[the cabinet]] [[Back->start]] Their is safety lock. Do you [[turn it left->second part of safety lock]], or [[turn it right->wrong answer]]Their is a number lock. What is the code? Be careful, wrong answer and you will die! [[2, 5, 3, 7->third number of code]] [[3, 5, 2, 7->death]] [[7, 5, 3, 2->death]] [[3, 7, 2, 5->death]]Do you [[turn it right->third part of safety lock]] or [[turn it left->wrong answer]] The safety lock reset. Do you [[try again->Look to the left of the cube]] or go back to the [[cube->left]]?Do you [[turn it right->fourth part of safety lock]] or [[turn it left->wrong answer]] Is the code [[5, 3, 9, 8->death]] [[1, 2, 6, 4->start]] [[2, 5, 3, 7->death]] [[7, 3, 6, 1->death]] [[Back->left]]You Died!!! We hoped you had fun playing this game. I want to give a BIG thanks to the makers of The Room app. Here's the trailer <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> [[Start Over->prologue]] Do you [[turn it right->fifth part of safety lock]] or [[turn it left->wrong answer]] Do you [[turn it right->wrong answer]] or [[turn it left->sixth part of safety lock]]Do you [[turn it right->wrong answer]] or [[turn it left->seventh part of safety lock]]Do you [[turn it right->eighth part of safety lock]] or [[turn it left->wrong answer]] Do you [[turn it right->nineth part of safety lock]] or [[turn it left->wrong answer]]Do you [[turn it right->tenth part of safety lock]] or [[turn it left->wrong answer]]Do you [[turn it right->The code to exit]] or [[turn it left->wrong answer]]You solved the safe lock!!! The code to the exit is 1, 2, 6, 4. Make sure to press the right one because the door is booby trapped! [[Back to room->left]]Congratulations, you have accomplished quite a lot! The third number of the grand code is 39 [[Back->left]] You were out for a walk when everything suddenly went black. You wake up in a [[strange room->start]]. Note: It's suggested that you have a paper and pencil to take notes with. Do not try to cheat because you might die for cheating In some puzzles it's pretty much impossible to solve on the first try, just keep trying again to look for a pattern Their's a safety lock on the table. Do you turn it [[Right->second part of table safety lock]] or [[left->wrong table answer]] [[Back->right]]The clock isn't moving but their is a message under it saying "Take the hidden two-digit number and add a 0 to the end. Then place a colon between the first and second number then set the time to that number. But be warned, the wrong answer will lead to death." Set the Time to what? [[7:50->death]] [[3:90->death]] [[1:30->the clock code]] [[9:70->death]] [[4:10->death]] [[6:20->death]] [[Back->right]]<img src=""> This person must like Tom and Jerry paintings. I wander what's [[behind the painting]]? [[Back->right]] The clock opened and 2 codes appeared. First, their is the numbers 2, 5, 3, 7. Then the first number to the grand code is 52. [[Back to room->right]]What is the third number? [[39->fourth number]] [[74->death]] [[96->death]] [[64->death]] [[15->death]] [[Back to Start->start]] What is the fourth number? [[67->death]] [[52->death]] [[36->death]] [[18->death]] [[49->final number]] [[Back to Start->start]] What is the fifth and final number? Don't mess up now! [[74->death]] [[63->death]] [[46->death]] [[12->YOU ESCAPED!]] [[84->death]]Congratulations! You've escaped The Room! But because you escaped doesn't mean this is the end. Also play The Room 2 (Coming Soon!) Here's the The Room trailer <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I also want to give a BIG thanks to the makers of The Room app. If you liked it you'll definetly like playing The Room!Read the riddle and answer it. Be careful, the wrong answer will kill you! "What goes in the water black and comes out red?" [[Crabs->death]] [[Walking Lava Fish->death]] [[lobster->riddle code]] [[Back->right]] Do you turn it [[Right->third part of table safety lock]] or [[left->wrong table answer]]The safety lock ressetted [[Back->table]]Nothing special about the cabinet. [[Back->right]].Do you turn it [[Right->wrong table answer]] or [[left->fourth part of table safety lock]].Do you turn it [[Right->wrong table answer]] or [[left->fifth part of table safety lock]].Do you turn it [[Right->wrong table answer]] or [[left->sixth part of table safety lock]]Do you turn it [[Right->wrong table answer]] or [[left->seventh part of table safety lock]]Do you turn it [[Right->eighth part of table safety lock]] or [[left->wrong table answer]]Do you turn it [[Right->nineth part of table safety lock]] or [[left->wrong table answer]]Do you turn it [[Right->wrong table answer]] or [[left->tenth part of table safety lock]]Do you turn it [[Right->wrong table answer]] or [[left->the table code]]You solved the table safety lock! The second number of the grand code is 98 and the fifth number of the grand code is 12 [[Back to the room->right]] You solved the riddle! The fourth number to the grand code is 49 [[Back->right]]