
Welcome to the Wacky Wonderful West, stranger!

I feel it important to tell 'ya that this story ain't intended for young'ins under that ripe ol' age of 16, since it features some of the following:

Language, and lots of it
Dry comedy, and a whole lot more of that
Death, though not a lot of it
Satirical depictions of common sense and things
And drunken idiots being jerks to the protagonist

In addition, it ain't suitable for bigots either, because we've got a lot of:

Queer romantic sequences
Frequent run-ins with a transgender bandit
The writer of this story being queer
And a lot of bisexual and homosexual characters

With all of that said and done, and assuming you actually gave a darn about anything I just said, you can enter the drab and dry world of the Wacky Wonderful West now.

Shut up and let me in, please