[img[http://i.imgur.com/2X8WI47.png]]\n[[What is this about?]]
#sidebar { display: none; }\n#passages ( margin-left: 0; }\nhtml, body { height:100%; margin-top: 0 !important; }\n#passages { display:table; height:100%; }\n.passage { display: table-cell; vertical-align:middle; }\n#passages { border-left: 0; padding-left: 0; }
[img[http://i.imgur.com/2X8WI47.png]]\nCreated by YouAreStories, You are Superman is a tale of You. You have Superman's powers. You can do whatever you want, almost literally. Wanna save the planet from invading space villains? Sure, why not? Wanna go back in time and kill Hitler? Okay. Wanna form a team of superheroes with your office coworkers? Go ahead. Or simply kick the moon in half?\n\nIt's all up to You.\n\n\n\n\nDemo coming in 2014. But sooner than the other one.