!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou enter the spare bedroom, flick on the light, and freeze in place.\n\nThe incubator door is partly open. You can't remember if you closed it last night.\n\n[[> Open the incubator door completely|Open the incubator door the rest of the way]]\n[[> Look around the room|Look around the bathroom]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou dry her off with a large cotton towel, the only clean one you have left. You lift her in your arms as you pat her dry. She feels warm to your touch. Her hair damp but soft. You lean down to smell her, but her scent is gone for now.\n\nYou dry off the tub with a second towel best you can before placing her back inside.\n\n[[> Leave her alone for the rest of the day|Leave her]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou reach around blindly for a weapon and your fingers catch on the lamp beside your bed.\n\nYou swing it towards her, aiming for the center of her soft mass, but lose your conviction halfway through the movement. You can't do this to her. You drop the lamp and take a step backwards.\n\nOne of her tendrils wraps around your ankle and pulls. You jerk back.\n\nAs you fall, your head hits the edge of a table. You feel a loud crack at the base of your neck.\n\n[[> Try to move|Ending 3]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou head to the bathroom and open the medicine cabinet. Shaving creams and perfumes and makeup and hand sanitizer and tweezers and everything she had before she left you - you kept it all.\n\nHer lotion is in here. You squeeze some into your hand. You can smell the artificial aloe and lavender. It's how she melled after a hot shower as she climbed into bed with you.\n\nYou return to the spare bedroom with the lotion.\n\n[[> Moisturize her with the lotion|Moisturize her]]\n[[> Use the lotion on your own skin|Use the lotion]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou go into the bedroom. \n\nHer clothes still sit where she last left them, laying about the carpetted floor and hanging over the chair. Dust has started to gather in a thin layer over them.\n\nYou will be able to find what you need here.\n\n[[> Search the hamper for it|hamper]]\n[[> Search the floor for it|pillow]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nShe's heavier now and the size of a dog. She writhes against you as you carry her, her appendage investigating - searching your shirt and neck for something to grab onto. Her hair tickles your nose.\n\nYou bring her to the bathtub and place her in the white and yellowed porcelain.\n\n[[> Lean down and pet her|Pet her]]\n[[> Use the bathtub to wash her|Wash her]]
<<display "Day 5 Basic">>\n\nYou left her in the bathtub.\n\n[[> Check on her in the bathtub|Check D]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou flip the latches. They click and slide open easily. She pushes against the lid, lifting it without your aid. \n\n<<display "day 5 trunk description">>
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nThe door swings open with her weight. She spills out into the room, a large torso of loose, squishy flesh with half a dozen unidentifiable appendages sprouting from her body. A long mane of black, curly hair goes from just above her wide, open mouth along her back, and trails along behind her.\n\nHer body squishes itself as she moves forward like a snail. You hear the release of suction on the bathroom tiles as she moves onto the carpet.\n\n[[> Kneel down and hold her in your arms|Hold her 2]] \n[[> Attempt to put her out of her misery|attack her knife]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou reach for the shower knobs and fiddle with them until the chlorinated water pours through the rusty building pipes and through the tap.\n\nYou test the water. It burns your hands. You welcome the red marks from the scalding temperature.\n\n[[> Wash her in the scalding hot water|Wash her now]]\n[[> Change the water temperature and wash her|Lower the temperature of the water]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou sit down on the toilet and lean on your elbows, watching her within the bathtub. Her flesh is a warm pink against the cloudy porcelain.\n\nHer skin ripples every once and a while with a shiver, but the rest of the time she moves slowly, her flesh undulating in soft calm waves of flesh. You wonder where her lungs are hiding, or if she even has any yet.\n\nHours pass. Your arms feel stiff. You peel your hands from your face, leaving clamming red marks behind them.\n\n[[> Tomorrow|Day 5 C]]. Maybe it will be tomorrow.
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!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou feed her the leftover noodles covered in spices and onions and black-and-white mold.\n\nShe spits it out. Her appendage smacks your hand with surprising force and she pushes herself like an invalid away from you.\n\n[[> Apologize to her|Apologize to her]]\n[[> Shout at her|Shout at her]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou direct the water to the showerhead. Steam rises every surface the water touches, filling the room with warmth and humidity.\n\nYou spray the water over her bulbous, deformed flesh. Her body jerks and the fin hits the side of the bathtub but doesn't have the strength to move her.\n\nHer skin turns red with heat.\n\n[[> Clean her with soap|soap]]\n[[> Clean her with bleach|bleach]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n<<set $empathy = $empathy - 2>>\nYou pour the remaining whiskey over her skin. You watch her flinch as the harsh alcohol hits her soft, newly formed skin.\n\nThe red in her skin deepens. The smell of the alcohol blocks out all scent of her.\n\nYou leave the empty bottle of whiskey on the table.<<set $whiskey = 0>>\n\n[[> Place her back in the incubator|incubator close day 3]]
!!day forty-four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou drop the bags and pull a hidden crowbar from within your coat. You pull the manhole cover off and begin your descent.\n\nYou smell the sickly sweet lavender fragrance mixed with wet trash as you reach the landing. Colorful clothes stained by water and runoff, children's shoes, and backpacks lie scattered on the concrete.\n\n"Psst." You whisper into the darkness.\n\nTendrils covered in pink flesh and fingernails snake forward out of the darkness, followed by a large shuffling blob of flesh that filled the entire diameter of the sewer. They take the grocery bags and tear them apart, dragging food back into the darkness. \n\n"I'll bring you more, soon." The tendrils tug at your shirt insistently. [["I won't let you go hungry again."|the end]]<<set $ending4 = 1>>
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou sink further into your blankets and refuse to look toward the door. What does she want? What do you want?\n\n"What am I going to do?" you ask yourself in a whisper, facing the ceiling with a blank stare.\n\nYou jump as your phone screams like a siren in the empty apartment.\n\n[[> Answer your phone|Answer Phone 2]]\n[[> Ignore it|Ignore Phone 2]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou avoid the spare bedroom and go into the living room. It is dark and musty. The brown carpet hides months of stains.\n\nOn the kitchen table lies some leftovers from earlier this week. You pick at them absent mindedly, shoving bite-size blocks of vegetable-soy meat replacement products into your mouth.\n\nIt does not settle your stomach.\n\n[[> Go to the spare bedroom and check on her|Check on her day 4 Drink]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou slip your fingers into the corners of the incubator, between the steel wall and the warm, pulsing flesh. You sense a heartbeat.\n\nYou squeeze and pull. You can feel lumps under the skin where bone and cartilege seem to be forming. The skin is thicker than it was yesterday.\n\nThe blob of flesh slowly exits the incubator into your outstretched arms.\n\n[[> Hold her in your arms|Hold her]]\n[[> Place her on the floor|Place her on the floor]]
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou watch her closely as you move toward the toilet and sit upon the closed lid.\n\nHer body twists as though it heard you, her mouth open and facing your direction and her lips smacking loudly. You see deep pink and purple gums, but no teeth. Her fin thumbs along the side of the tub and then crawls over it, longer than it was yesterday.\n\nShe does not appear to have the strength to move herself yet.\n\n[[> Touch her mouth|Touch her mouth]]\n[[> Give her something to drink|Give her something to drink]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n<<set $empathy = $empathy -1>>\nYou look once more at the bathtub before turning and leaving the room. You flick off the light as you leave the room, and close the door firmly. You hear the click as the door falls into place.\n\nYou sit down on the edge of your bed and wrap your knees in your arms.\n\nIt'll all be alright [[tomorrow|Day 5 D]].
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou open the cabinet beneath the sink and fish out a bottle of bleach.\n\nYou open the bottle and pour the corrosive liquid over her skin. The smell of bleach invades your senses and stings your eyes. You watch her shiver. Her flesh wrinkles.\n\nYou spray her once more with the water before shutting it off.\n\n[[> Leave her alone for the rest of the day|Leave her]]\n[[> Dry her off with a towel|Dry her off with a towel]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou delete the voicemail without looking at it. You know who it is, and what he wants. There's no way you would do that to her.\n\nThump.\n\nBut what are you going to do with her?\n\n[[> Think about your options|Feelings]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\nYou walk carefully and quietly towards the trunk. Each step you take sounds deafening.\n\n<<display "day 5 trunk description">>
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou pick her up off the floor carefully.\n\n<<display "bathtub">>
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!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou pull out your only clean pan and toss fistfuls of rice in it before filling it with water, not bothering to measure it.\n\nYou place the pot on the stove, turn up the heat, and wait. The rice will incubate in there - grow, become soft. Hopefully. You were never much of a cook. Your stomach rumbles but you ignore it. The rice is for her.\n\nThe timer on the oven beeps after twenty minutes.\n\n[[> Feed her the rice|Feed her the rice]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou sit down. You pull out a petri dish and blow the dust off of it. \n\nYou take out the vial and break the seal with a satisfying crack. With a pair of long tweezers you pull the small pink piece of flesh from the solution and place it on the dish.\n\nYou place it under the microscope. They are active and lively.\n\n<<if $dna eq "tissue">>[[> Add her mucous from the tissue|tissue]]<<endif>><<if $dna eq "underwear">>[[> Add a piece of her soiled underwear|underwear]]<<endif>><<if $dna eq "hair">>[[> Add her hair gathered from the shower drain|hair]]<<endif>><<if $dna eq "toothbrush">>[[> Add dried saliva and food from her toothbrush|toothbrush]]<<endif>><<if $dna eq "tampon">>[[> Add dried blood from her tampon|tampon]]<<endif>>
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou return the call. The ringtone sounds like forever.\n\n"Hey hey hey!"\n\n"I have what you need. Come on over when you're ready."\n\n"Right on, buddy!" You hear the phone disconnect. You look toward the bathroom door and start to cry.\n\nYou know that [[months from now|Ending 1]] you'll regret taking the easy way out.
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou see a small, round lump of flesh the size of a football. Her skin is pink and soft, like a babe's. Soft brown hairs, sparse and thin like hairs on your arm, grow in patches along the side and top of the flesh. She shudders as the cold air in the room invades her space in the incubator.\n\nYou reach out hesitantly.\n\n[[> Stroke her hair|Stroke her hair]]\n[[> Touch her skin|Touch her skin]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n<<set $empathy = $empathy - 1>>\nYour fingers shake as you grip the bottle of whiskey and take a quick gulp from it. You welcome the burning sensation on the back of your throat as you swallow the corrosive liquid.\n\nYou breathe deeply and then let your eyes linger on her.<<set $whiskey = 0>>\n\n[[> Disinfect her with the whiskey|Disinfect her with the whiskey]]\n[[> Drink the rest of the whiskey|Finish off the whiskey]]
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou leave her there alone in the bathtub and walk out into the dusky kitchen.\n\nBlack shiny flies hover over the garbage can defensively. You ignore them. The refrigerator hums. The pantry is mostly empty except for a bag of rice and some seasoning packs.\n\n[[> Cook the rice for her|Cook the rice]]\n[[> Look in the fridge for food|Find food in the refrigerator]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\n"I..." you hesitate. This is your opportunity to take the easy way out. \n\nThump. No, she deserves better than that.\n\n"I got nothing, man. I was fired. No more access. You'll have to find a different supplier."\n\nThe phone on the other end goes silent for a long time. "It was nice workin' wit ya while it lasted." The phone disconnects.\n\n[[> Think about your options|Feelings]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou reach forward, your fingers shaking, and swing the door to the incubator completely open.\n\nIt is empty.\n\nYour heart beats faster.\n\n[[> Look around the room|Look around the bathroom]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\n"I..." you hesitate. This is the wrong way to do this.\n\nThump.\n\n"I have what you need. Get over here ASAP and you can have it."\n\n"Right on, buddy!" You hear the phone disconnect. You look toward the bathroom door and start to cry.\n\nYou know that [[months from now|Ending 1]] you'll regret taking the easy way out.
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou listen to the voicemail on speakerphone, the sharp, grating voice filling the room.<<set $call = 1>>\n\n"Hey hey hey! You know who this is. I just wanna let ya know - got a buyer here and, well, I've been keepin' her waiting too long. Do you have what I need? Get back to me ASAP. Serious this time."\n\nYou click the phone off. You know you could end it here and now.\n\n[[> Return the call|Return Call]]\n[[> Think about your options|Feelings]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou avoid the spare bedroom and go into the living room. It is dark and musty. The brown carpet hides months of stains.\n\nOn the kitchen table lies some leftovers from earlier this week. You pick at them absent mindedly, shoving bite-size blocks of vegetable-soy meat replacement products into your mouth.\n\nIt does not settle your stomach.\n\n[[> Go to the spare bedroom and check on her|Check on her day 4 Inc]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou sit down and lean on your elbows, watching her within the large trunk. Her white flesh clashes with the black leather.\n\nHer skin ripples every once and a while with a shiver, but the rest of the time she moves slowly, her flesh undulating in soft calm waves of flesh. You wonder where her lungs are hiding, or if she even has any yet.\n\nHours pass. Your arms feel stiff. You peel your hands from your face, leaving clamming red marks behind them.\n\n[[> Tomorrow|Day 5 A]]. Maybe it will be tomorrow.
try { \n\nversion.extensions.backMacro={major:1,minor:1,revision:0};\nmacros['back'] = {\n\n handler: function (place, name, params) {\n var labeltouse = this.labeltext;\n var hash = '';\n if (params[0] && params[0] != 'label' && params[0] != 'labeldefault') {\n for (var i = 0; i < state.history.length; i++) {\n if (state.history[i].passage.title == params[0]) {\n hash = state.history[i].hash;\n break;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if(params[0] == 'label' || params[0] == 'labeldefault') {\n if(!params[1]) {\n throwError(place, params[0] + 'keyword needs an additional label parameter');\n return;\n }\n labeltouse = params[1];\n if(params[0] == 'labeldefault') this.labeltext = params[1];\n }\n if (state.history[1]) {\n hash = state.history[1].hash;\n } else {\n throwError(place, 'cannot go back from the first passage read');\n return;\n }\n }\n\n if (hash === '') {\n throwError(place, 'cannot find passage "' + params[0] + '" in history');\n return;\n }\n\n el = document.createElement('a');\n el.className = 'back';\n el.href = hash;\n el.innerHTML = labeltouse;\n place.appendChild(el);\n },\n\n labeltext: '« back'\n\n};\n\n} catch(e) { \n throwError(place,"Macro back supporting labels Error: "+e.message); \n}
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nThe spare bedroom is tiny, made even smaller by the boxes on the floor stacked shoulder height. They all say her name on them like a silent chorus.\n\nA table stands cluttered with metal and glass instruments. They all have "PROPERTY OF PrimeCUTech" emblazoned on them. A large machine sits on the left, square with a thick metal door and several dials for temperature and humidity.\n\n[[> Sit down and begin|Sit down]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou open the incubator. You hear the hiss as the seal lifts. You feel the warm, sticky air as it hits your skin with a familiar smell. \n\nYou close your eyes to bask in her scent for a moment.\n\n[[> Open your eyes|Open your eyes]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\n"No..." you swallow but your throat is dry. "I ran into some problems and couldn't get it." The words tumble rapidly out of your mouth. "Look, I can try again in a few days. I'll figure something out."\n\n"Make sure to call me when you do. You're my most reliable source, you know." His excitement is replaced by a cool, measured voice. A dangerous voice.\n\n"Of course." You turn off the phone.\n\n[[> Remove the specimen from your pocket|out of your shoe]]
version.extensions.ifMacros={major:2,minor:0,revision:0};macros["if"]={handler:function(place,macroName,params,parser){\nvar conditions=[],clauses=[],srcOffset=parser.source.indexOf(">>",parser.matchStart)+2,src=parser.source.slice(srcOffset),endPos=-1,currentCond=parser.fullArgs(),currentClause="",t=0,nesting=0;\nfor(var i=0;i<src.length;i++){if(src.substr(i,9)=="<<endif>>"){nesting--;if(nesting<0){endPos=srcOffset+i+9;\nconditions.push(currentCond);clauses.push(currentClause);break;}}if((src.substr(i,6)=="<<else")&&nesting==0){conditions.push(currentCond);\nclauses.push(currentClause);currentClause="";t=src.indexOf(">>",i+6);if(src.substr(i+6,4)==" if "){currentCond=Wikifier.parse(src.slice(i+10,t));\n}else{currentCond="true";}i=t+2;}if(src.substr(i,5)=="<<if "){nesting++;}currentClause+=src.charAt(i);\n}try{if(endPos!=-1){parser.nextMatch=endPos;for(i=0;i<clauses.length;i++){if(eval(conditions.shift())){new Wikifier(place,clauses[i ].trim());\nbreak;}}}else{throwError(place,"can't find matching endif");}}catch(e){throwError(place,"bad condition: "+e.message);\n}}};
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou sit down and lean on your elbows. Your barefeet trace lines in the rough carpet as you close your eyes and try to listen.\n\nYou imagine you hear her heartbeat. Or yours. The buzz of the lights. Creaks in the ceiling as your neighbors dance between bathroom and bedroom.\n\nYou hear a deep shuffle in the trunk. Just for a moment. And then silence.\n\nHours pass. Your arms feel stiff. You peel your hands from your face, leaving clamming red marks behind them.\n\n[[> Tomorrow|Day 5 B]], maybe. You can only hope.
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou sit up in bed and rub your temples.\n\nYou love her. You miss her. You can smell her and, now, you can touch her soft skin and move your fingers through her curly hair like you always did.\n\nThump.\n\nYou curl up in the fetal position. It's not... quite right. You don't know what went wrong.\n\n[[> You love her too much to hurt her|love her]]\n[[> You fear what she is, and what she will become|fear her]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou check the hamper. It's piled halfway with her unwashed clothes, still waiting for her to return to them. You can smell her in them - her sweat, her perfume, her stink.\n\nYou take a pair of her old underwear. It should be enough. <<set $dna = "underwear">>\n\n[[> Take the vial and underwear into the spare bedroom|storage room]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou let it ring out without even checking the caller. The buzzing and loud ringing pierce the silence. He sit down on the sagging couch and hold your head in your hands, wincing at the headache. \n\nYou can't afford to be distracted. Not now.\n\nThe ringing stops. It goes to voicemail.\n\n[[> Listen to the voicemail|Voicemail]]\n[[> Delete the voicemail|Delete Voicemail]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou place everything in the incubator and swing the large metal door shut. You turn the handle to seal the specimen in.\n\nThe temperature and humidity inside the machine rises. There's no way of telling when the process will be complete.\n\nThere's not much else to do now. You lean back and close your eyes thinking of her.\n\n[[> Tomorrow|fall asleep]] you will know more.
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYour eyes search the room wildly and fall upon a lump of pale white flesh covered in clumps of brown hair.\n\nIt's larger now, maybe ten or fifteen pounds of flesh. You reach toward it and pull it from out under the desk. Did she go there on her own for safety? Or did she fall and roll there with gravity.\n\nShe's too big to place back inside the incubator\n\n[[> Hold her in your arms|Hold her]]\n[[> Place her on the floor|Place her on the floor]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou stroke her hair softly, letting your fingertips brush along the fine fillaments. You rub your hand against the roots, feeling them tug and spring as your hand moves across the lump of flesh.\n\nIt feels all wrong.\n\n[[> Smooth her hair out|Smooth her hair]]\n[[> Touch her skin|Touch her skin]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n<<set $empathy = $empathy + 1>>\nYou craddle her in your arms and absentmindedly stroke her hair, now thicker and courser than yesterday. You feel the boney protrusions under her malleable flesh and wonder which will turn into hands and, eventually fingers. \n\nYou wish you could hold her hand again.\n\nYou look back at the incubator. "Can't put you back in there." You cast your eyes around the room.\n\n[[> Place her in the bathtub|bathtub]]\n[[> Pull a trunk out from the closet|trunk hands]]
<<display "Day 5 Basic">>\n\nYou recall you left her in the trunk in the spare bedroom.\n\n[[> Check on her in the trunk|Check A]]
<<display "Day 5 Basic">>\n\nYou recall you left her in the trunk in the spare bedroom.\n\n[[> Check on her in the trunk|Check B]]
<<display "Day 5 Basic">>\n\nYou recall you left her in the bathtub.\n\n[[> Check on her in the bathtub|Check C]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou touch her skin. It's soft, like a baby, so soft and smooth. A babe, newly born.\n\nYou take your hands together to lift her gently and rotate her onto her side (is it her side?). You are careful not to bruise her newly formed flesh.\n\nDry flakes of skin fall to the floor of the incubator.\n\n[[> Soften her skin with lotion|Use lotion]]\n[[> Disinfect her skin with alcohol|Use alcohol]]
version.extensions.timedgotoMacro={major:1,minor:1,revision:0};macros["goto"]=macros["timedgoto"]={timer:null,handler:function(a,b,c,d){\nfunction cssTimeUnit(s){if(typeof s=="string"){if(s.slice(-2).toLowerCase()=="ms"){return Number(s.slice(0,-2))||0;\n}else{if(s.slice(-1).toLowerCase()=="s"){return Number(s.slice(0,-1))*1000||0;}}}throwError(a,s+" isn't a CSS time unit");\nreturn 0;}var t,d,m,s;t=c[c.length-1];d=d.fullArgs();m=0;if(b!="goto"){d=d.slice(0,d.lastIndexOf(t));\nm=cssTimeUnit(t);}d=eval(Wikifier.parse(d));if(d+""){if(this.timer){clearTimeout(this.timer);\n}s=state.history[0].passage.title;this.timer=setTimeout(function(){if(state.history[0].passage.title==s){state.display(d,a);\n}},m);}}};
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou dry her off with a large cotton towel, the only clean one you have left. You lift her in your arms as you pat her dry. She feels warm to your touch. Her hair damp but soft. You lean down to smell her, filling your nose with her beautiful scent.\n\nYou dry off the tub with a second towel best you can before placing her back inside.\n\n[[> Leave her alone for the rest of the day|Leave her]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n<<set $empathy = $empathy -1>>\nYou look once more at the trunk before turning and leaving the room. You flick off the light as you leave the room, and close the door firmly. You hear the click as the door falls into place.\n\nYou sit down on the edge of your bed and wrap your knees in your arms.\n\nIt'll all be alright [[tomorrow|Day 5 B]].
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou pick up a pair of scissors and lean them against the hard plastic toothbrush. You hold them over the petri dish and begin to cut at the bristles, watching them fall away into the dish.\n\nYou mix the bristles, saliva, food particulates, and culture together.\n\n[[>Place the active culture in the incubator|incubator]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou look over the sink. Your fingers move through her various beauty products being careful to place them eactly back where they were.\n\nYour eyes catch her toothbrush. You pick it up and peer into it. You can see some yellowed bits of old food still dried to the bristles with her saliva.\n\nIt will have to be enough.<<set $dna = "toothbrush">>\n\n[[> Take the vial and toothbrush into the spare bedroom|storage room]]
You go into the bedroom and pull the trunk out of the closet. \n\nYou open it and hesitate for a moment. Her winter clothes are folded and packed tightly, filling the trunk. You imagine the care she took as she culled through her belongings with each season.\n\nYou upend the trunk, spilling her clothes out onto the bedroom floor, and drag it into the spare bedroom.\n\n[[> Place her inside the trunk|Place her in the trunk]]\n[[> Place her in the bathtub instead|bathtub]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou delete the voicemail without looking at it. You don't need to look at it to know who called and what he was looking for.\n\nYou do not want to be interrupted. Not now. Not with this.\n\n[[> Remove the specimen from your pocket|out of your shoe]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou can barely breathe. You can feel your throat close to the diameter of a straw and your breathe whistles.\n\nYou splash cold water over your face and neck and hover over the sink for a moment, listening to the sink and trying to forget her.\n\nYou can't forget her.\n\n[[> Pull open the shower curtain|Open the shower curtain]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou wake up on the couch. An empty bottle of whiskey lies overturned on the floor among the trash. Thin rays of light that have made their way past the blinds attack your eyes like daggers. You rub your temples and wish the pain away.\n\nYour stomach rumbles.\n\n[[> Go to the spare bedroom and check on her|Check on her day 4 Drink]] \n[[> Get something to eat first|avoid her day 4 Drink]]
!!day thirty-one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou lug the messy pail of food to bedroom and open the door. You see a pile of flesh pressed up against the doorframe, completely filling the room. A tendril takes the pail and lifts it to the giant, gaping maw. She slurps up the food hungrily. You use a stained towel to clean the drippings from her flesh.\n\nShe puckers her lips. "That's all I have," you whisper to her. You can hear the wall creak as she strains against it, growing before your eyes.\n\n<<set $ending5 = 1>>"Do you hear me?" The banging on the door increases. "You know the rules! [[No pets allowed!|the end]]"
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou place the underwear on the desk and take up a pair of scissors. You carefully cut out the crotch where the fabric is stiffer and stained with bodily fluids. You carve out a piece the size of a dime.\n\nYou place it in the petri dish and mix it with the culture.\n\n[[>Place the active culture in the incubator|incubator]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou wake up again, this time to a knock on your front door. You check the time. It's after noon.\n\nYou wait, huddled under your blanket, for the knocks to stop. You hear them again and then wait. The feet shuffle again and then turn, growing fainted with each step.
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou lay in bed wide awake. Listening.\n\nThump. The sound is coming from the closed bathroom door.\n\nThump. Thump.\n\nShe's knocking.\n\nYou know that you need to decide what to do about her once and for all. You'll need to decide soon.\n\n[[> Remain in bed|Remain in bed]]\n[[> Look at the bathroom door|Look at the bathroom door]]
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou wake up but you don't feel like you've slept at all. You can taste bile and scum in your mouth. You smell of stale sweat.\n\nYou sit up from the couch and rub your sore neck. You haven't been to work in days. Did they even notice?\n\n[[> Check on her in the bathtub|Check day 6]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou wake up in your bed, your clothes wrinkled and smelling of sweat and anxiety.\n\nYour stomach rumbles.\n\n[[> Go to the spare bedroom and check on her|Check on her day 4 Inc]] \n[[> Get something to eat first|avoid her day 4 Inc]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n<<set $empathy = $empathy - 1>>\nYou pick her up off the floor.\n\nShe wriggles in your arms, protesting as you place her inside the dark trunk.\n\n[[> Close the lid of the trunk|Close the trunk]]\n[[> Sit down and Watch her|Watch her trunk]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou brush your fingers through her mane of curly black hair. "I can't keep you here, love." you whisper to her. "But I promise I'll keep you safe as long as I can."\n\nYou stand up and go into the spare bedroom. You take the largest box you can reach, her name blazoned on the side with black marker. You empty the box and bring it into the bedroom.\n\n"Don't worry." you tell her as you lift her contorted body and place it inside the box. [["I'll visit for as long as I can."|Ending 4]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou close your eyes and answer the phone.\n\n"Hey hey hey!" the familiar voice says to you. Thump. You make a noise.\n\n"You got what I'm looking for? I've got a buyer here that's, well, let's just say she ain't all that happy right now."\n\nYou pause, realizing this could end it all. If you chose to. You hear her knock on the door again and wince. You just couldn't do that to her, no, never. Or could you?\n\n[[> Tell him you have what he's looking for|Promise Johnnie 2]]\n[[> Tell him you have nothing he wants|Deny Johnnie 2]]
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\n"I miss you."\n\nYour voice is unsteady and little more than a whisper, but you see her lips twist.\n\n"I wish you could come back to me." You hold her fin in your hand. "I..."\n\nYou find yourself speechless as you gaze into her open maw. There's still a chance [[tomorrow |Day 7]] that it will get better.
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\n"I'm so sorry," you tell her as you stroke her hair softly. She flinches at your touch and then calms down, letting you move your hand freely.\n\n"I'm sorry for all of this. Everything." You bite back tears. "I wish..."\n\nYou find yourself speechless as you gaze into her open maw. There's still a chance [[tomorrow |Day 7]] that it will get better.
!!day one\n\nShe's dead.\n\nYou remind yourself that every day since she died. But her scent still lingers in the carpets, the blankets, the very walls of your apartment. Her clothes lie scattered on the floor, reminding you.\n\nNo matter how far you run, you can't seem to escape her. \n\nMaybe you don't want to.\n\n[["Today will be different,"|Day 1]] you tell yourself.\n<<set $empathy = 5>>\n<<set $debug = 0>>
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou drop to your knees and hold her in your arms. Her tendril wraps itself around you. You cry into her hair as you stroke it. You can feel her breathe on your arm and the clink of her teeth.\n\nIt's still her. Parts of her, anyway.\n\n[[> Take her someplace safe, far away|someplace safe]] \n[[> Attempt to put her out of her misery|attack her knife love]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou drop to your knees and hold her in your arms. Her tendril wraps itself around you. You cry into her hair as you stroke it. You can feel her breathe on your arm and the clink of her teeth.\n\nIt's still her. Parts of her, anyway.\n\n[[> Promise her you will never let her go|never leave her]]\n[[> Take her someplace safe, far away|someplace safe]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou decide to just leave her there. Her fin-like hand taps against the side of the bathtub.\n\nYou can barely recognize her anymore.\n\nMaybe [[tomorrow|Day 6]] it will be better.
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou wake up in a chilled sweat, aware of every inch of your skin. Your palms are clammy. It takes you a few minutes to figure out where the sounds are coming from.\n\nThey are coming from the incubator. \n\n[[> Open the incubator|Open the incubator]]\n[[> Listen to the incubator|Listen to the incubator]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou decide to leave the wrinkle of pink flesh alone. It will open when it is ready, whatever it is.\n\n[[> Use the bathtub to wash her|Wash her]]\n[[> Leave her alone the rest of the day|Leave her]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou place her on a strip of plastic on the floor at the center of the room, relieved to have your arms to yourself again. You remember the feel of the boney, tumorlike protrusions beneath her skin.\n\nYou look back at the incubator. "Can't put you back in there." You cast your eyes around the room.\n\n[[> Place her in the bathtub|bathtub floor]]\n[[> Pull a trunk out from the closet|trunk]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou listen to the trunk, your ear pressed against the musky leather.\n\nThe trunk creaks as she shifts her weight around from one end to another. A thudding noise against the lid surprises you, as though she were... knocking.\n\n[[> Unlock and open the trunk|Open the trunk]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nThe door swings open with her weight. She spills out into the room, a large torso of loose, squishy flesh with half a dozen unidentifiable appendages sprouting from her body. A long mane of black, curly hair goes from just above her wide, open mouth along her back, and trails along behind her.\n\nHer body squishes itself as she moves forward like a snail. You hear the release of suction on the bathroom tiles as she moves onto the carpet.\n\n[[> Kneel down and hold her in your arms|Hold her 3]]\n[[> Attempt to put her out of her misery|Attack her weaponless]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou go into the bathroom and flick on the bright florescent light. A pile of empty toilet paper tubs litter the floor around the toilet. Yellow and brown stains blot the white tiles. You haven't cleaned in a while. \n\nHer makeup products are still scattered around the sink. The mirror sparkles like the night sky with dots of toothpaste and spit.\n\n[[> Search the sink for it|sink]]\n[[> Search the shower for it|shower]]\n[[> Search the trash for it|trash]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n<<set $empathy = $empathy - 1>>\nYou drop the lip of the trunk with a loud thump. You reach down and flick the latches on the left and right side of the lid, sealing her in.\n\nOut of sight, but not out of mind.\n\n[[> Sit and listen to her|Sit and listen 2]]\n[[> Leave her alone in there|Leave her alone 2]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou hesitate for a moment and remind yourself of what she has become.\n\nYou swing the knife with all your force down upon her mass, aiming for her center in the hopes that the tip would find her brain. She screams noiselessly and whips her tendrils and appendages, grabbing at you.\n\nYou feel her teeth tear at your flesh. Your arm bleeds.\n\nYou stab her again. And again. And again.\n\nShe stops moving. You collapse on top of her, burying your face in her thick curly hair. You can only hope you can forgive yourself for this [[one day, eventually|Ending 2]].
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou open the fridge. The shelves are mostly empty, or stained with unidentifiable liquids.\n\nA styrofoam box contains leftovers from last week - noodles covered in spicy sauce and mold.\n\n[[> Feed her the moldy leftovers|Feed her the leftovers]]\n[[> Cook the rice for her|Cook the rice]]
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou run the tap water in the sink. You grab the cup you use for your mouthwash and upend it, spilling your toothbrush into the sink. You fill it with water.\n\nYou lean over the bathtub and pour the water into her mouth. She flinches as the water touches her and then seems to drink it up greedily.\n\n[[> Give her something to eat|Give her something to eat]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n<<set $empathy = $empathy -1>>\nYou reach up and pull the shower curtain shut in a chatter of metal rings sliding against stainless steel.\n\nOut of sight, but not out of mind.\n\n[[> Sit and listen to her|Sit and listen]]\n[[> Leave her alone in the room|Leave her alone]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou wrench yourself from her body, stand up, and lift the knife. You swing it towards her, aiming for the center of her soft mass, but lose your conviction halfway through the movement. You can't do this to her. You drop the knife and take a step backwards.\n\nOne of her tendrils wraps around your ankle and pulls. You jerk back.\n\nAs you fall, your head hits the edge of a table. You feel a loud crack at the base of your neck.\n\n[[> Try to move|Ending 3]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou grab the edge of the shower curtain with an unsteady hand and pull it open.\n\n<<display "day 5 shower description">>
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou tighten your grip around her and kiss her on a hairless patch of skin. "Don't worry, I won't ever let you go."\n\nYou cast your eyes about the room and see it. You grab the hem of her favorite dress, pull it off the hanger, and drape it over her soft mounds of flesh. \n\nI will take care of you," you promise her. [["Forever."|Ending 5]]
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou get the whiskey from the kitchen and return. You hesitate for a moment, but decide now is the wrong time to get drunk.\n\nYou upend the whiskey bottle over her mouth, drowning her in the alcohol. She appears to retch and recoil from the burning alcohol, her lips sputtering and closing. Her finlike appendage waves and smacks the floor of the tub.\n\n[[> Get her something to eat|Give her something to eat]]
<<display "Start">>
A short, thick tendril of rose-colored flesh pokes out of the side of the bathtub, peering over it, searching, feeling. You recognize a mishapen fingernail at the end. It attaches to her mound like a fin.\n\nShe's larger now, maybe the size of a dog. He body has developed some form to her shapeless mass. You can see bones stretch against her skin like knots. Her hair grows in patches of thick fur.\n\n[[> Lean down and pet her|Pet her]]\n[[> Use the bathtub to wash her|Wash her]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nShe's everywhere, even in your dreams.\n\nYou look out from your childhood home and see her walking towards you, dead-eyed like her corpse on the coroner's table. She reaches out her arm.\n\nYou shut the door. You can hear her outside, shuffling and thumping against the door.\n\n[[> Brace the door against her|sounds]].
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\n"Yeah, I might have something," you tell him. Your voice is dry and scratchy. You pause for a moment, contemplating your own plans for the night. "But, there were some problems. It might not be a... viable specimen."\n\n"Is that right?"\n\n"Look, I'll call you back if it pans out, but give me a couple days, okay?" You cancel the phone call before you make any mistakes and give away your lies.\n\n[[> Remove the specimen from your pocket|out of your shoe]]
!!end of days\n\n<<if $ending1 eq 1>>[["Just $7.99/lb of Flesh"|Ending 1]]<<else>>[locked]<<endif>>\n<<if $ending2 eq 1>>[["We'll Be Together Forever"|Ending 2]]<<else>>[locked]<<endif>>\n<<if $ending3 eq 1>>[[One Bite at a Time|Ending 3]]<<else>>[locked]<<endif>>\n<<if $ending4 eq 1>>[["I Won't Let You Go Hungry Again"|Ending 4]]<<else>>[locked]<<endif>>\n<<if $ending5 eq 1>>[["No Pets Allowed"|Ending 5]]<<else>>[locked]<<endif>>\n<<if $ending1 eq 1 and $ending2 eq 1 and $ending3 eq 1 and $ending4 eq 1 and $ending5 eq 1>>\nYou have unlocked all of the endings. Gross.<<endif>>\n\n[[Play again from the beginning|Restart]]\n[[Play again from the beginning of day six|Day 7]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou close the incubator door and lose sight of her. You place your hand on the steel door for a few moments.\n\nYou'll have to just wait until [[tomorrow|Day 4 Inc]] to find out.
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou press your ear up against the warm steel.\n\nYou hear nothing for a moment. You almost give up and then it starts again. A thud against the hollow interior of the incubator, followed by a shuffling noise, as though whatever lay inside were testing the bounderies of her prison.\n\n[[> Open the incubator|Open the incubator]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou take a pair of scissors to the tampon, cutting off some of the outer layers of cotton soaked with blood.\n\nYou place the dried blood in the petri dish and mix it with the culture.\n\n\n[[>Place the active culture in the incubator|incubator]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou pull out a single test vial with the words "PrimeCUTech" printed around the seal.. It shines even in the dim light.\n\nA small pink blob sits in the clear liquid. The culture floats as you tip the vial. So much work for such a little thing. It has potential, but it's not ready yet. There's still something else you need.\n\n[[> Search the bathroom for it|bathroom]]\n[[> Search the bedroom for it|bedroom]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n<<set $empathy = $empathy - 1>>\nYou pace back and forth thinking about what to do. You cringe at the thought of touching her like this.\n\nYou look at the incubator again. \n\n"I can't leave her like that."\n\n[[> Pull her out of the incubator|Pull her out of the incubator]]
\n\n|Her Pound|\n|of|\n|Flesh|\n\na short piece of interactive horror about heartache\n\n\nby Liz England\n@lizardengland\n[[about this game|About]]\n\n\n\nCONTENT WARNING\nBody horror. May contain (depending on your path) blood, self-harm, violence, and death.\n\n\n
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou pet her, stroking her thick curly hair and pushing it back from her... face?\n\nYou can feel a deep but newly formed wrinkle in her skin. It's about an inch wide. You peer at it. Soft and supple and discolored with a deep red flush.\n\n[[> Leave the wrinkle alone|Leave it alone]]\n[[> Force the wrinkle open|Force it open]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou take out the hair, still slimey from gathering water and soap and bodily fluids as they pass through the shower drain. You twine the hairs around your fingers and rip it until you have only a small wad of hair knotted upon itself.\n\nYou place it in the petri dish and mix it with the culture.\n\n[[>Place the active culture in the incubator|incubator]]
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\n"Say something!" you shout at her, your voice quivering and breaking at the end. "Anything. Say anything."\n\nYou reach down to touch her and stop yourself, bring your hand back to wipe your tears. "I wish you could... I wish I... This is all wrong."\n\nYou find yourself speechless as you gaze into her open maw. There's still a chance [[tomorrow |Day 7]] that it will get better.
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n<<set $empathy = $empathy + 1>>\nYou bring your face up close to her soft skin and inhale deeply. Flickers of memories run past your closed eyes. You wish you could hear her laugh again.\n\nYou let your hand linger on her skin.\n\nSoon.\n\n[[> Place her back in the incubator|incubator close day 3]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou go into the kitchen and grab your bottle of whiskey. It is half empty, but enough for you. For tonight at least.\n\nYour fingers shake as you grip the bottle of whiskey and take a quick gulp from it. You welcome the burning sensation on the back of your throat as you swallow the corrosive liquid.\n\nYour hands begin to steady themselves.\n\n[[> Drink the rest of the whiskey|Finish off the whiskey]]\n[[> Place her back in the incubator|incubator close day 3]]
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\n"Do you remember me?" you ask her as you reach down and hold her finlike hand in yours, letting her investigate your hand with her appendage.\n\n"Do you remember anything? Can you hear me? See me? Can you even..."\n\nYou find yourself speechless as you gaze into her open maw. There's still a chance [[tomorrow |Day 7]] that it will get better.
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou check the shower. Gray stains mar the white porcelain and blend into the brown tiles on the wall. Her shampoo and conditioner and face wash and razor still sit unused around the rim of the bathtub.\n\nYou take a screwdriver to the drain and open it up. You dig in there with your fingers and pull out a clump of slimy hair. <<set $dna = "hair">>\n\n[[> Take the vial and hair into the spare bedroom|storage room]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou turn in bed and cast your eyes towards the bathroom door. The light is one. Did you leave the light on? You can't remember. A shadow dances back and forth at the base of the door. What does she want? What do you want?\n\n"What am I going to do?" you ask yourself in a whisper, facing the ceiling with a blank stare.\n\nYou jump as your phone screams like a siren in the empty apartment.\n\n[[> Answer your phone|Answer Phone 2]]\n[[> Ignore it|Ignore Phone 2]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou pull open some drawers, but don't see any disinfectant. You should have pocketed some more from work while you had the opportunity.\n\nYou walk into the kitchen, knowing your way even in the darkness. You take a bottle of whiskey, dark brown like soiled water, harsh.\n\nYou bring the whiskey into the spare bedroom.\n\n[[> Drink the whiskey to calm yourself|Drink the whiskey]]\n[[> Disinfect her with the whiskey|Disinfect her with the whiskey]]
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou reach down carefully and touch her lips. They are soft and full like they always were. She shivers and then opens her mouth wide, showing off her sensitive purple gums. She appears to want something.\n\n[[> Give her something to drink|Give her something to drink]]\n[[> Giver her something to eat|Give her something to eat]]
You carry her to the bathroom and use your elbow to pull apart the shower curtain to display a large deep tub stained yellow and gray with dirt. Dark black and brown mold grows in the grout along the edge of the tub.\n\nYou lean down and place her on the floor of the tub. As you move you can feel her wiggle and undulate against you.\n\nYou look down at her.\n\n[[> Pull the shower curtain closed|Close the shower curtain shut]]\n[[> Sit down and watch her|Watch her bathtub]]
;(function() {\n\n /*jslint browser: true, onevar: true, undef: true, nomen: false, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true */\n\n var smoke = {\n smoketimeout: [],\n init: false,\n zindex: 1000,\n i: 0,\n\n bodyload: function(id) {\n var ff = document.createElement('div');\n ff.setAttribute('id','smoke-out-'+id);\n ff.className = 'smoke-base';\n ff.style.zIndex = smoke.zindex;\n smoke.zindex++;\n document.body.appendChild(ff);\n },\n\n newdialog: function() {\n var newid = new Date().getTime();\n newid = Math.random(1,99) + newid; \n\n if (!smoke.init) { \n smoke.listen(window,"load", function() {\n smoke.bodyload(newid);\n });\n }else{\n smoke.bodyload(newid); \n }\n\n return newid;\n },\n\n forceload: function() {},\n\n build: function (e, f) {\n smoke.i++;\n\n f.stack = smoke.i;\n\n e = e.replace(/\sn/g,'<br />');\n e = e.replace(/\sr/g,'<br />');\n\n var prompt = '',\n ok = 'OK',\n cancel = 'Cancel',\n classname = '',\n buttons = '',\n box;\n\n if (f.type === 'prompt') {\n prompt = \n '<div class="dialog-prompt">'+\n '<input id="dialog-input-'+f.newid+'" type="text" ' + (f.params.value ? 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\n },\n\n finishbuildConfirm: function (e, f, box) {\n smoke.listen(\n document.getElementById('confirm-cancel-' + f.newid),\n "click", \n function () \n {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(false);\n }\n );\n\n smoke.listen(\n document.getElementById('confirm-ok-' + f.newid),\n "click", \n function () \n {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(true);\n }\n );\n\n document.onkeyup = function (e) {\n if (!e) {\n e = window.event;\n }\n if (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(true);\n } else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(false);\n }\n }; \n },\n\n finishbuildQuiz: function (e, f, box) {\n smoke.listen(\n document.getElementById('quiz-cancel-' + f.newid),\n "click", \n function () \n {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(false);\n }\n );\n\n\n if (a = document.getElementById('quiz-ok1-'+f.newid))\n smoke.listen(\n a,\n "click", \n function () {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(a.innerHTML);\n }\n );\n\n\n if (b = document.getElementById('quiz-ok2-'+f.newid))\n smoke.listen(\n b,\n "click", \n function () {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(b.innerHTML);\n }\n );\n\n\n if (c = document.getElementById('quiz-ok3-'+f.newid))\n smoke.listen(\n c,\n "click", \n function () {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(c.innerHTML);\n }\n );\n\n document.onkeyup = function (e) {\n if (!e) {\n e = window.event;\n }\n if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(false);\n }\n }; \n\n },\n\n finishbuildPrompt: function (e, f, box) {\n var pi = document.getElementById('dialog-input-'+f.newid);\n\n setTimeout(function () {\n pi.focus();\n pi.select();\n }, 100);\n\n smoke.listen(\n document.getElementById('prompt-cancel-'+f.newid),\n "click", \n function () {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(false);\n }\n );\n\n smoke.listen(\n document.getElementById('prompt-ok-'+f.newid),\n "click", \n function () {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(pi.value);\n }\n );\n\n document.onkeyup = function (e) {\n if (!e) {\n e = window.event;\n }\n\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(pi.value);\n } else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n f.callback(false);\n }\n };\n },\n\n finishbuildSignal: function (e, f, box) {\n\n\n document.onkeyup = function (e) {\n if (!e) {\n e = window.event;\n }\n if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n if (typeof f.callback !== 'undefined') {\n f.callback();\n }\n }\n }; \n\n smoke.smoketimeout[f.newid] = setTimeout(function () {\n smoke.destroy(f.type, f.newid);\n if (typeof f.callback !== 'undefined') {\n f.callback();\n }\n }, f.timeout);\n },\n\n\n destroy: function (type,id) {\n\n var box = document.getElementById('smoke-out-'+id);\n\n if (type !== 'quiz') {\n var okButton = document.getElementById(type+'-ok-'+id);\n }\n\n var cancelButton = document.getElementById(type+'-cancel-'+id);\n box.className = 'smoke-base';\n\n if (okButton) {\n smoke.stoplistening(okButton, "click", function() {});\n document.onkeyup = null;\n }\n\n if (type === 'quiz') {\n var quiz_buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("quiz-button");\n for (var i = 0; i < quiz_buttons.length; i++) {\n smoke.stoplistening(quiz_buttons[i], "click", function() {});\n document.onkeyup = null;\n } \n }\n\n if (cancelButton) {\n smoke.stoplistening(cancelButton, "click", function() {});\n }\n\n smoke.i = 0;\n box.innerHTML = '';\n },\n\n alert: function (e, f, g) {\n if (typeof g !== 'object') {\n g = false;\n }\n\n var id = smoke.newdialog();\n\n smoke.build(e, {\n type: 'alert',\n callback: f,\n params: g,\n newid: id\n });\n },\n\n signal: function (e, f, g) {\n if (typeof g === 'undefined') {\n g = 5000;\n }\n\n var id = smoke.newdialog();\n smoke.build(e, {\n type: 'signal',\n callback: f,\n timeout: g,\n params: false,\n newid: id\n });\n },\n\n confirm: function (e, f, g) {\n if (typeof g !== 'object') {\n g = false;\n }\n\n var id = smoke.newdialog();\n smoke.build(e, {\n type: 'confirm',\n callback: f,\n params: g,\n newid: id\n });\n },\n\n quiz: function (e, f, g) {\n if (typeof g !== 'object') {\n g = false;\n }\n\n var id = smoke.newdialog();\n smoke.build(e, {\n type: 'quiz',\n callback: f,\n params: g,\n newid: id\n });\n },\n\n prompt: function (e, f, g) {\n if (typeof g !== 'object') {\n g = false;\n }\n\n var id = smoke.newdialog();\n return smoke.build(e,{type:'prompt',callback:f,params:g,newid:id});\n },\n\n listen: function (e, f, g) {\n if (e.addEventListener) {\n return e.addEventListener(f, g, false);\n } \n\n if (e.attachEvent) {\n return e.attachEvent('on'+f, g);\n } \n\n return false;\n },\n\n stoplistening: function (e, f, g) { \n if (e.removeEventListener) {\n return e.removeEventListener("click", g, false);\n }\n\n if (e.detachEvent) {\n return e.detachEvent('on'+f, g);\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n };\n\n\n smoke.init = true;\n\n if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) {\n module.exports = smoke;\n }\n else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n define(smoke);\n }\n else {\n this.smoke = smoke;\n }\n\n})();
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou stumble into the bathroom, rubbing your bleary eyes, and look in on her.\n\nHer flesh has parted at the very top facing upward, two thick pink lips opening and closing and pursing themselves together. A tongue dances, snakelike, along the edge of her mouth then disappears back into the orifice.\n\n[[> Watch from from a distance|Watch her from a distance]]\n[[> Touch her mouth|Touch her mouth]]
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou feed her the freshly cooked rice with your fingers.\n\nShe eats it up greedily. Your skin crawls at the feel of her tongue against your fingertips as she searches for more.\n\n[[> Tell her you miss her|Tell her you miss her]]\n[[> Remind her of you|Remind her of you]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou put the phone to your ear and sit down on the sagging couch.\n\n"Hey hey hey!" the caller says. You recognize the voice. "How ya doin'?"\n\nYou make an noncommital noise.\n\n"So, buddy, you told me you'd have something for me today. I've got a couple buyers that are verrrry interested!" His excitement grates your ears. "You got what I'm looking for yet?"\n\n[[> Tell him you might have something|Promise Johnnie]]\n[[> Lie and tell him you have nothing yet|Deny Johnnie]]
!!day twelve <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYour arm itches maddenly. You scratch at it, turning it red, but there's no signs of infection.\n\nThere's signs of something else, instead.\n\nYou play with the soft, dark, curly hairs that have sprouted in bunches along your inner wrist. Your palm itches.\n\nThere's nothng you can do now except hope that the itching stops.\n\n[[> Check your arm again tomorrow|together 3]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n<<set $empathy = $empathy + 1>>\n\nYou moisterize her carefully, massaging the lotion into her skin. There are no bones, no cartilege, nothing hard, no crevices. She's a blank canvas painted now by you and her scent.\n\n[[> Smell her and remember|Smell her]]\n[[> Place her back in the incubator|incubator close day 3]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou place her on a strip of plastic on the floor at the center of the room, relieved to have your arms to yourself again.\n\n<<display "trunk">>
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou Roughly tear as much of the loose tissue away from the heart of dried mucous until you are left with a thick yellow wad.\n\nYou place it in petri dish and mix it with the culture.\n\n[[>Place the active culture in the incubator|incubator]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou sit down and lean on your elbows. Your barefeet trace lines in the cold tile as you close your eyes and try to listen.\n\nYou imagine you hear her heartbeat. Or yours. The buzz of the lights. Creaks in the ceiling as your neighbors dance between bathroom and bedroom.\n\nYou hear the bathtub creak. The squeak of flesh rubbing against porcelein. It goes silent. You continue your vigil.\n\nHours pass. Your arms feel stiff. You peel your hands from your face, leaving clamming red marks behind them.\n\n[[T> omorrow|Day 5 D]], maybe. You can only hope.
A short, thick tendril of rose-colored flesh pokes out of the side of the trunk, peering over it, searching, feeling. You recognize a mishapen fingernail at the end. It attaches to her mound like a fin.\n\nShe's larger now, maybe the size of a dog. He body has developed some form to her shapeless mass. You can see bones stretch against her skin like knots. Her hair grows in patches of thick fur.\n\n[[> Hold her hand in yours|Hold her hand]]\n[[> Bring her to the bathtub|Bring her to the bathtub]]
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou peer into her mouth and realize her tongue is dry. Her lips have begun to crack. You try to decide what to give her.\n\n<<if $whiskey eq "1">>[[> Give her whiskey from the kitchen|Give her whiskey]]<<endif>>\n[[> Give her water from the tap|Give her water from the tap]]\n[[> Get fresh filtered water for her|Get fresh filtered water for her]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou crawl out of bed and straight your shirt as you head into the bathroom and flick on the light. Your eyes hover over the shower curtain.\n\nA wide, long shadow waves unsteadily behind the curtain. The thin plastic shivers at its touch and rustles against the tub. The shadow receeds.\n\n[[> Calm your nerves first|Calm your nerves 2]] \n[[> Pull open the shower curtain|Open the shower curtain]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou crawl out of bed and straight your shirt as you head into the bathroom and flick on the light. Your eyes hover over the bathtub.\n\n<<display "day 5 shower description">>
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou crawl out of bed, not bothering to change you clothes.\n\nThe room is dark with the curtains drawn. Sometime in the night you had started to cover the windows with strips of newspaper and tape to keep the violent light out of the room.\n\nYou enter the spare bedroom.\n\n[[> Listen to her in the trunk|Listen to the trunk]]\n[[> Unlock and open the trunk|Open the trunk]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou crawl out of bed, not bothering to change you clothes.\n\nThe room is dark with the curtains drawn. Sometime in the night you had started to cover the windows with strips of newspaper and tape to keep the violent light out of the room.\n\nYou enter the spare bedroom.\n\n[[> Look at her in the trunk|Look at her Day 5]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou walk into the kitchen. Your fingers tremble as they wrap around a large knife.\n\nYou walk back to the bathroom door and look down at the floor. A pair of tendrils, covered in pink flesh and tuffs of fur, snake back and forth under the opening.\n\n[[> Open the door to the bathroom|Open Door 2]]\n<<if $call>>[[> Return the call|Return Call]]<<endif>>
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n<<set $empathy = $empathy + 1>>\nYou smooth out her hair. You wish you had a brush, but the one she left behind was large and heavy - too harsh on such soft flesh.\n\nYour fingers shake.\n\n[[> Touch her skin|Touch her skin]]\n[[> Calm your nerves|Calm your nerves]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou use the lotion on yourself, rubbing it into your hands and up your wrists, like you've done whenever you miss her that much.\n\nYou cover your face in your hands and breathe in deeply. You feel your warm breathe against your hands and face and inhale her scent. It's still not her.\n\nYou drop your hands and look at what is left of her. Her pound of flesh.\n\n[[> Find a way to calm your nerves|Calm your nerves]]\n
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou lean down to her and take her hand gingerly in yours. It's only about a foot long, wide at the base. More like a fin than a hand. There's a single knuckle where an elbow should be.\n\nYou massage the knuckle carefully with your fingers and recall the growing pains you had when you were a teenager. Is that what she's feeling now?\n\n[[> Bring her to the bathtub|Bring her to the bathtub]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou crouch down and start digging through the small trashbin overflowing with tissues. Everything on the top is yours. You toss them on the floor.\n\nYou unfold a tissue with lipstick smeared on it and discard it. It's not enough.\n\nAt the bottom you find another tissue with a dark red sticky stain on it. A used tampon wrapped in toilet paper. You take it. <<set $dna = "tampon">>\n\n[[> Take the vial and tampon into the spare bedroom|storage room]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou pick up the soap from the side of the bathtub and wet it under the water. The lavender scent fills the warm, humid room. It's her scent.\n\nYou lather up the soap and then soothingly rub it into her skin and hair. She has no eyes for the suds to sting. Not yet, anyway. Soon.\n\nYou spray her with the water before shutting it off.\n\n[[> Leave her alone for the rest of the day|Leave her]]\n[[> Dry her off with a towel|Dry her off with a towel 1]]
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“Her Pound of Flesh” was made for Asylum Jam, which tasked developers with making horror games that do not use mental illness or asylums as part of the setting or gameplay mechanics. This game was made in ~48 hours.\n\nContact the author: lizengland07@gmail.com\nAsylum Jam: www.asylumjam.com\n\n<<back>>
!!day eleven <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYour arm is splotchy, with patches of pale pink flesh dotting it all the way to your shoulder in deep contrast to your normal skintone. You run your fingers through a tuft of black hair that has formed over a new lump on your wrist.\n\nYour palm itches. You scratch at it and take a pair of plier to the fingernail growing in there, but you can't get a good grip on it.\n\nYou lift your palm to your face and inhale deeply. You can smell her inside you. You smile. <<set $ending2 = 1>>"I guess [[we'll be together forever."|the end]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou flip the cold water on and wait until it feels warm and soothing on your skin.\n\nYou spray her with the showerhead. You see her fin wriggle as you cover her bulbous flesh with water cascading across her rosy skin and patch of thick, curly hair growing in tufts like weeds.\n\n[[> Clean her with soap|soap]]\n[[> Clean her with bleach|bleach]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou check your voicemail. You immediately recognize the caller. Your instestines knot up as you hold the phone up to your ear.\n\n"Hey hey hey! Today's the day! I thought you might have something you owe me, man. I got a buy here that is VERY excited. Call me back as soon as you can."\n\nYou turn off the phone and place it on the table.\n\n[[> Remove the specimen from your pocket|out of your shoe]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou rub the tears out of your eyes.\n\nShe is not what you wanted, but it's still her. You've brought her back. You need to do right by her. It is time.\n\nYou swing your legs over the side of the bed.\n\n[[> Open the door to the bathroom|Open Door]]
!!day four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou take your thumbs and try to stretch the wrinkle apart, opening it before it's finished forming. You think, you hope... maybe you'll be able to look into her beautiful soft brown eyes again.\n\nShe appears to struggle as you force the wrinkle open. A knot of hair, wet and slimey with mucous comes out along with something hard. A tooth.\n\nYou recoil from her.\n\n[[> Leave her alone the rest of the day|Leave her]]
!!day three <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou enter the spare bedroom. The incubator door is closed. You don't hear anything. You open it, releasing the seal.\n\nHer flesh spills out in a wave of pink dotted with patches of thick, curly brown hair. Her skin is red where it had pressed itself against the door of the incubator.\n\nShe touches the sides of the incubator in all directions pressing and growing into the metal, molded by it.\n\n[[> Do not help her|Avoid her day 4 pt 2]]\n[[> Pull her out of the incubator|Pull her out of the incubator]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\n"Today will be different."<<set $whiskey = 1>>\n\nYou close the door behind you and lock it, sealing yourself inside of your apartment. The blinds stand closed against the sunlight. Clothing, mail, and random artifacts of your life litter every surface. Fruit flies dance around the sink in the kitchen.\n\nYour phone screeches and buzzes in the quiet apartment.\n\n[[> Answer your phone|Answer Phone]]\n[[> Ignore it|Ignore Phone]]
!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nThump.\n\nYou shiver under your blankets, wondering what kind of creature she's become now, and what she'll be tomorrow, or next week, or next month.\n\nYou swing your legs over the side of the bed and stand up.\n\n<<if $call>>[[> Return the call|Return Call]]<<endif>>\n[[> Search for a weapon|get weapon]]\n[[> Open the door to the bathroom|Open Door]]\n
!!day ninety-two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou've tried to put her out of your mind. You stroll the local market and use the vendors hawking new wares to distract you from her memories.\n\nAt least, you used to. Now you go to the market to remember her.\n\nYou pass by the food vendors grilling squash and freshly caught fish and mass-produced imitation beef. You stop before a newer stall with perfectly cubed meats grown at the local labs. The juicy pink flesh sizzles over the hot grill.\n\nYou close your eyes, inhale deeply, and continue walking. You can smell her, hot and heavy in the air.\n\n<<set $ending1 = 1>>[["Just $7.99/lb of flesh,"|the end]] the vendor shouts as you pass.
!!day ninety-two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou try to move your arm but it doesn't react. You watch her shamble towards you. You try to kick, but your foot just lies there.\n\nYour severed vertebrae freezes your body in position, half lying on the floor and half leaning against the bed. Her tendrils grab at your ankle to to help pull her mass closer to you. You watch motionless as her mouth widens to show glistening white teeth and a thick purple tongue.\n\nYou can't move. But you can watch her. \n\nYou can hear your bones crunch between her teeth. \n\nAnd you can feel the tugging, [[one bite at a time|the end]]<<set $ending3 = 1>>.
!!day eleven <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou absentmindedly scratch your arm where you removed the thick, bloodstained gauze. It healed up surprisingly fast. You can still see the marks from her teeth where they pierced the flesh.\n\nThe soft, pale flesh.\n\n[[>Check the wound tomorrow for infection|together 2]]
!!day thirty-one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou wake up to a knock on the front door. You groan and shut out the noise until you're fully awake. The knocking continues. It is the landlord again. You ignore it.\n\nYou roll off the couch and go to the kitchen, grabbing a large pail on your way. You open up the fridge and up-end a pot of noodles into the pail, filling it halfway. You reach in and continue to grab food, condiments, new or old, dumping them into the pail. Your fridge is almost as empty as your bank account.\n\n[[> Deliver the pail of food products to her|deliver food]]
!!day forty-four <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nWhen the train stops, you push your way through the crowded subway and take a lonely staircase. The newstand headlines blare new terrors - "How Will She Lose the Baby Weight?" screams one, "Hunt For Missing Schoolkids Underway" sounds another.\n\nYou head out into the rain, hugging the grocery bags close to you. No one is on this street, not this late at night.\n\nYou walk along the sidewalk, your hood obscuringpart of your face. After about a mile, you stop and look around you to make sure you are alone.\n\n[[> Open the manhole in the alleyway|go into alley]]
!!day one <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou start searching the floor for it. You walk to her side of the bed, get on your knees, and feel under the bed blindly with your hands.\n\nYour fingers wrap around a crumpled up tissue. You try to pull it apart but it tears. In the center lies dried up mucous, yellowed and crusted on the white tissue.\n\nShe always had allergy problems in the morning. <<set $dna = "tissue">>\n\n[[> Take the vial and tissue into the spare bedroom|storage room]]
!!day five <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou go into the kitchen and open the refrigerator. It's full of old leftovers, unidentifiable food stains, and mold growing healthily on the bottom shelf.\n\nYou grab a sealed bottle of water and bring it back to the bathroom.\n\nThe seal crackles as you unscrew the top and start to feed the cool water to her begging mouth. Her mishapen tongue licks the final drops of water from off her lips.\n\n[[> Give her something to eat|Give her something to eat]]
!!day two <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou take another swig of whiskey. And then another. And another.\n\nYou welcome the burning in your throat. You drown out her smell with the harsh taste of alcohol as it numbs your senses.\n\nYou leave her in the spare bedroom, alone, and wander your bleak apartment. <<set $whiskey = 0>>\n\nYou drink like there's no [[tomorrow|Day 4 Hangover]].
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!!day six <<if $debug>><<print $empathy>><<endif>>\n\nYou ignore the phone. You let it ring out without even checking the caller, but you are pretty sure you know who it is.\n\nThump.\n\nIt goes to voicemail.\n\n[[> Check your voicemail|Voicemail 2]]\n[[> Delete the voicemail|Delete Voicemail 2]]