Altered ShowMenu (


I added this JavaScript function:

function HideOutputSection(name) {
    $("." + name + " a").attr("onclick", "");
    $("." + name + " a").css("color", "black");
    $("." + name + " a").css("cursor", "text");


Now, it just turns the links black, deactivates them, and changes the cursor to a normal 'text' cursor. (The HideOutputSection function drove me crazy.)

Before selecting:

> x s
Please choose which 's' you mean:
1: me
2: sword
3: shield


> x s
Please choose which 's' you mean:
1: me
2: sword
3: shield
Your trusty blade.

Forged from the iron the holistic metallurgist extracted from the blood of your enemies.

It has a red glow emanating from it. (That means there's either a Grue nearby... or a WUMPUS!!!)

Many Thanks. That's exactly what I needed. :)


No problem!

Share, and the world shares with you.

...or is that... laughing?

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