Put ALL in Satchel


I can pull off EMPTY SATCHEL, but PUT ALL IN SATCHEL is laughing in my face while it does a little dance and gives me the raspberry.

<command name="putall">
  <pattern>put all in #object#</pattern>
    params = NewDictionary()
    dictionary add (params, "object2", object)
    to_do = ListExclude (ScopeReachableInventory(), object)
    found = false
    foreach (obj, to_do) {
      if (ListContains (ScopeReachable(), obj) and not Contains(object, obj)) {
        OutputTextNoBr(GetDisplayAlias(obj)+": ")
        found = true
        dictionary add (params, "object1", obj)
        do (put, "script", params)
        dictionary remove (params, "object1")
    if (not found) {
      msg ("You have nothing to put in "+GetTheDisplayAlias(object)+".")


Thank you!

I HATE putting one thing at a time into containers!

Here's a thought. In my games, I often give objects an alternate alias like "flower" or "ingredient" representing a generic type. So the player can say "get flower", and it will give a disambiguation menu listing all the visible flowers.

But how about this, so you can say put all flowers in vase or put all food on table?

<command name="putalltype">
  <pattern>put all #text# in #object#</pattern>
    params = NewDictionary()
    mtext = LCase(Trim(text))
    if (EndsWith(text, "es")) {
      mtext = Left (mtext, LengthOf(mtext)-2)
    else {
      if (EndsWith(mtext, "s")) mtext = Left (mtext, LengthOf(mtext)-1)
    dictionary add (params, "object2", object)
    matches = NewObjectList()
    partialmatches = NewObjectList()
    foreach (obj, ListExclude (ScopeReachableInventory(), object)) {
      CompareNames (LCase(GetDisplayName(obj)), mtext, obj, matches, partialmatches)
      if (HasAttribute(obj, "alt")) {
        foreach (name, obj.alt) {
          CompareNames (LCase(name), mtext, obj, matches, partialmatches)
    if (ListCount (matches) = 0) {
      matches = partialmatches
    found = false
    foreach (obj, matches) {
      if (ListContains (ScopeReachable(), obj) and not Contains(object, obj)) {
        OutputTextNoBr(GetDisplayAlias(obj)+": ")
        found = true
        dictionary add (params, "object1", obj)
        do (put, "script", params)
        dictionary remove (params, "object1")
    if (not found) {
      msg ("You have no "+text+" to put in "+GetTheDisplayAlias(object)+".")


<command name="putall">
  <pattern>put all #text#in #object#;put all #text#on #object#</pattern>
    params = NewDictionary()
    mtext = LCase(Trim(text))
    if (EndsWith(text, "es")) {
      mtext = Left (mtext, LengthOf(mtext) - 2)
    else if (EndsWith(mtext, "s")) {
      mtext = Left (mtext, LengthOf(mtext) - 1)
    dictionary add (params, "object2", object)
    if (mtext = "") {
      matches = ListExclude (ScopeReachableInventory(), object)
    else {
      matches = NewObjectList()
      partialmatches = NewObjectList()
      foreach (obj, ListExclude (ScopeReachableInventory(), object)) {
        CompareNames (LCase(GetDisplayName(obj)), mtext, obj, matches, partialmatches)
        if (HasAttribute(obj, "alt")) {
          foreach (name, obj.alt) {
            CompareNames (LCase(name), mtext, obj, matches, partialmatches)
      if (ListCount (matches) = 0) {
        matches = partialmatches
    found = false
    foreach (obj, matches) {
      if (ListContains (ScopeReachable(), obj) and not Contains(object, obj)) {
        OutputTextNoBr(GetDisplayAlias(obj)+": ")
        found = true
        dictionary add (params, "object1", obj)
        do (put, "script", params)
        dictionary remove (params, "object1")
    if (not found) {
      if (mtext = "") {
        msg ("You have nothing to put in "+GetTheDisplayAlias(object)+".")
      else {
        msg ("You have no "+text+" to put in "+GetTheDisplayAlias(object)+".")

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