How to stop showing player object in custom object list function

I'm currently displaying a custom list of objects for a room but it's actually displaying the Player object verb in the output which shouldn't happen.

msg (FancyObjectList ("You can see ", GetDirectChildren(Reception), ".", ""))

  <function name="FancyObjectList" parameters="preList, objects, postList, empty, joiner" type="string"><![CDATA[
    if (not IsDefined ("joiner")) {
      joiner = "and"
    if (TypeOf (objects) = "object") {
      objects = GetDirectChildren (objects)
    if (ListCount (objects) = 0) {
      if (IsDefined ("empty")) {
        return (empty)
      else {
        return ("")
    else {
      result = ""
      itemsLeft = ListCount(objects)
      foreach (item, objects) {
        switch (TypeOf(item)) {
          case ("object") {
            if (DoesInherit (item, "defaultexit")) {
              result = result + GetDisplayNameLink(item, "exit")
            else {
              result = result + GetDisplayNameLink(item, "object")
          case ("string") {
            result = result + item
          default {
            result = result + ToString (item)
        itemsLeft = itemsLeft - 1
        if (itemsLeft > 0) {
          if (itemsLeft > 1 or (GetBoolean(game, "oxfordcomma") and not ListCount (objects) = 2)) {
            result = result + ", "
          else {
            result = result + " "
          if (itemsLeft = 1) {
            result = result + joiner + " "
      result = preList + result + postList
      return (Trim (result))

It seems a little weird to be using GetDirectChildren.

However, I would suggest the best fix for this is simply to remove the player from the list. Before:

    if (ListCount (objects) = 0) {

you could add a simple check:

    while (ListContains (objects, game.pov)) {
      list remove (objects, game.pov)

(assuming you never want to use this function to display a list that includes the player - if you do, you'd need to put the list into a temporary variable and remove the player from it before calling the function)

(in case you've not come across it, the attribute game.pov refers to the current player object. Using that rather than referring directly to an object named player is a good habit to get into)

Thanks, looks like that did the trick :)

I want to also hide invisible objects but I'm sure of how to get a list of all direct children that are just visible ones only. I kind of need to make my own version of GetDirectChildren() but I don't know how.

Nevermind, I fixed it with this line after the last one removing the player object pov.

visibleobjectsonly = FilterByAttribute(objects, "visible", true)

Then replaced the use of "objects" going forwards with "visibleobjectsonly".

So the full function is this now:

  <function name="FancyObjectList" parameters="preList, objects, postList, empty, joiner" type="string"><![CDATA[
    if (not IsDefined ("joiner")) {
      joiner = "and"
    if (TypeOf (objects) = "object") {
      objects = GetDirectChildren (objects)
    while (ListContains (objects, game.pov)) {
      // Remove the game player object from the scope of the list
      list remove (objects, game.pov)
	visibleobjectsonly = FilterByAttribute(objects, "visible", true)
    if (ListCount (visibleobjectsonly) = 0) {
      if (IsDefined ("empty")) {
        return (empty)
      else {
        return ("")
    else {
      result = ""
      itemsLeft = ListCount(visibleobjectsonly)
      foreach (item, visibleobjectsonly) {
        switch (TypeOf(item)) {
          case ("object") {
              if (DoesInherit (item, "defaultexit")) {
                result = result + GetDisplayNameLink(item, "exit")
              else {
                result = result + GetDisplayNameLink(item, "object")
          case ("string") {
            result = result + item
          default {
            result = result + ToString (item)
        itemsLeft = itemsLeft - 1
        if (itemsLeft > 0) {
          if (itemsLeft > 1 or (GetBoolean(game, "oxfordcomma") and not ListCount (visibleobjectsonly) = 2)) {
            result = result + ", "
          else {
            result = result + " "
          if (itemsLeft = 1) {
            result = result + joiner + " "
      result = preList + result + postList
      return (Trim (result))

I want to also hide invisible objects but I'm sure of how to get a list of all direct children that are just visible ones only. I kind of need to make my own version of GetDirectChildren() but I don't know how.

You could also use RemoveSceneryObjects if that's useful.

objects = RemoveSceneryObjects (objects)

That removes objects that are scenery, objects that aren't visible, and the player object. It's what the core function FormatObjectList uses.

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